<Red Rising> New Horde normal random BG community

Yeah, it’s harder to do in a regular random and just not necessary.

A five man premade in a random achieves the same effect as 3-4 sync’d parties in an epic. No need to try and get more than five in there.

OP is a good player for sure. Makes me wish i was more into regular BGs.

Not quite sure I’d agree. Felt harder to compensate for weak pugs in normal BGs. I was 8-3 today but the games I did lose felt hopeless (like they have double your damage). As part of a 15-20 group against pugs in epics I’m not worried.

I’m not super into regular BGs, but I wish you luck and hope to play with you in epics! :slight_smile:

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I’ll apply in game once i finish reinstalling.

pretty much every random bg is winnable with a good enough 5 man imo

There are players in the game that will eat a deserter buff at the last minute of a loss to preserve their Reflex Data W/L Ratio. I am not saying that you do this but screen shots like this carry 0 weight.

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we haven’t left a single game with my evoker, have every game recorded

can scroll through every game if you want to check timestamps, deserter buff would leave a chunk in between lol

Why would I want to take the time to do that?

i mean, they do

winning 100% of random bgs is completely possible with a decent enough 5 man is the point i’m trying to say

there are very few actually unwinnable games in the world of randoms

Ok well we are a ragtag crew at this point with our 40ish members of whoever applied. It’s far from a stacked team and I’m not expecting 100% win rate. Is your evoker even on the Horde?

yea we merc every game because 1 minute q’s vs the 5-10+ on alliance

Should almost always be a win for a solid five man in a ten man map unless matched against a comparable premade. Fifteen man maps should be a bit more dependent on PUGs since a five man premade can’t be everywhere at once, although premades can often lock down EOTS fairly effectively.

Most of the wins in Grar’s screenshot are just going to be easy wins, but it also means that his group is beating other premades when they run across them.

In a situation like that how much does comp matter? i’d be curious what an optimal one would be

yup, pretty accurate

we normally just sit 3 bases on deepwind/arathi and i float wherever needs help. no point going for 4 when 3 wins easily

pres/ret/blood/mm/x is what we usually run and its pretty disgustingly strong

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Yeah, but you are going to be a solid foundation to build from. Get some good DPS and another healer and it is GTG.


Some more evidence.

Evidence of what? When I say that I’m not that familiar with them (which means that I know some of the names, but not all of the names), I am talking about the leadership structures and who plays with which communities. I’ve done enough epic BGs to know that most of the followers are not very good players.

What is your obsession with me, anyway? Did I hurt your feelings somewhere? Are you one of the epic BG followers being referred to here? I’m sorry if I did. Truly.

well well…

This should be good. Where is the “gotcha” here, exactly?