NA Random BG Content Creator List

Ya I don’t know how you fix this, because what seems to always end up happening is PvE because the best way to gear. Idk maybe the gap between honor gear and conquest shoot be made less? The other thing is is PvE’ers can’t expect to jump right into rated content either. Honor gear (which is honestly super easy to get) should be the starting point for them. Just like PvP’ers can’t just jump into top end PvE content without some work either.

The Legion templates was a start, but there needs to be a way to customize your stats. Not sure how you do that without gear. I have never played GW2 so no idea how that works.

In WoW terms, you would have several options to choose from. The amount of stats would just be determined by item level. I thought the 10 item levels for 1% stat gain worked well in Legion.

One with evenly split stats between crit/haste/mastery
One more heavily weighted between haste/mastery
One with high mastery and low crit/haste

And on and on… GW2 probably had at least 20 basic stat loadouts you could choose from. That is how they take care of the gear issue for what they call structured pvp, which is basically battlegrounds in WoW. The problem with Legion is that there were no options.

All would have versatility.

Oh, I was hoping it was in a Youtube video or somethin :l

But I agree with your earlier statement that it’s nice to get to know each other. The only good thing about retail having a dwindling playerbase is that it strengthens a sense of community. It’s fun to recognize people in BGs instead of everyone always being a stranger.

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He was streaming. I often skip through the streams to see who they are fighting rather than for watching the streamer themselves. You nuke him towards the start of the BG. Also, good job getting away from the 3v1 in the tunnel.

That makes me miss the days of battlegroups when you really did see a lot of the same people. And then after the match came the smack talk on the battlegroup forums, lol.

Like Zylrax said though, the population queueing is so small at the moment that you will very frequently see the same people multiple times in a queue session or when I watch other people’s content I see the same people I’ve fought with and against playing with and against them as well. It’s just interesting to me to see people I recognize fighting each other and seeing how they do.

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Sometimes I’ll sit there and queue randoms and epics at the same time and still see some of the same people across all modes.

I’m not sure how active he is anymore, but I used to like watching this guy:

Thiji - YouTube

I used to play epics with him and his videos were fun to watch because he roleplays his characters and also uses a controller, lol.

Looks like he is doing classic hardcore and a bunch of other games at the moment.

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lots of people care. prolly more than rated.


Moving it up. Share links to your favorite channels or your own channel if you want.

Added link. Not much content there (2 recent videos) but a lot of work has been put into them with editing and humor commentary. World pvp, BGs.

Added a channel. There isn’t a lot of recent content, but some. Fury warrior and shadow priest.

hmmmmm, I think Mesostealthy (he runs with Inemia’s premade/crew) is a decent channel for “bite-sized” epic BG videos. Was just now looking him up on Youtube to see what he’s been up to lately

He doesn’t stream, but instead records his gameplay and then makes commentary/reaction videos after. He’s sort of like “a Horde version of Alecthegreat”, except he’s a bit more crass/blunt (…while Alecthegreat tends to be more mellow/more polite-sounding) and he’s not shy about trash-talking specific enemy players in his videos :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

For entertainment purposes his channel is good stuff, although he doesn’t really discuss or “narrate” the BG strategies the same way Alecthegreat does

Personally I enjoy the videos where he gets paired up against RUIN and trash-talks the fat dude that runs it (Archaos-something) :face_with_hand_over_mouth::popcorn:

I don’t want to include epic BGs here, though… just mainly because I really don’t like epic BGs that much personally and I’m not that familiar with those communities or the people in them. But, someone can do a similar thing for epic BGs. :slight_smile:

It looks like Freakuency is posting some new content now, so up they go! Death wish fury warrior, BGs, montages.

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oh hello… :smiley:

Nothing to add for now, but moving it up.

if bg blitz is fun i might try to start regularly streaming holy paladin bg gameplay :dracthyr_yay_animated: we’ll see in the next few days if it’s worth the hype or not

Added Ezgame’s channel since it will be relevant to rated solo queue BGs.