<Red Rising> New Horde normal random BG community

This will be a long post. If you are not looking to join a Horde community focused on normal random BGs I suggest you save yourself the read.

I decided to take things into my own hands. About a year ago I was looking for a community to do normal bgs with. I stumbled upon the epic community DJL (Davey Jones Locker) here. When I was no longer welcome there, I moved on to SAS (Savage Alliance Slayers, also epic community). I might remain with SAS but their reform seems a good motivation to finally start the community I had been looking for. To at least give it a shot.

My experience is the community finder is full of dead husks of communities with hundreds of inactive players in each. Most their players are still level 60 and their chat goes days without a single message. Why these are not being managed and why the owners selfishly decided to repost every 30 days I simply do not understand. Either way it is a frustrating effort sifting through them.

What I initial sought was simply a community for Horde to meet up to do normal random bgs. What I found was mostly scraps. Killer Instinct was the best community I found for this. It seemed great at first but about 1/4 of the players are now Alliance and I often saw the leadership playing Alliance. Activity feels a bit low for their 800 members. It’s only about 5% level 60s but the level 70 participation seems to have dropped notably. Many members are from other communities and seem to rarely participate. It was still the best I found, and I see that they are open to public application again, so shout out to Killer Instinct - feel free to apply there.

Red Rising is starting from the ground up (so keep your expectations LOW) as a Horde PvP community with the purpose of doing normal random bgs. Simple. Not epics, not wpvp, and not rated pvp. You can look for people for other content but understand that is not the primary intent on the community. It will remain Horde only. Only level 70s. I really do think there is a demand to fill here. Alliance are currently in power and many have swapped from Horde to Alliance to follow that meta shift. Alliance premade normal BGs more than Horde currently. Perhaps it’s time for more Horde to rise up and give them a fight. A fresh community can be a good opportunity to meet new players and it’s generally when activity is the highest ^_~

Please do not join if you are not at least honor geared. Do not join if you cannot carry your own weight in pvp. You are not required to have exceptional skill (for random bgs lol) of course, but this is not a community intended to learn pvp, gear up for pvp, or get carried in. As a fresh community, Red Rising will remain open to public application for the foreseeable future. ATM you can join immediately without pending application approval. You can find it in the community finder. While I don’t care what other communities you are in, if you join, I’d appreciate if you put in an effort to participate on occasion.

I expect to be endlessly reminded that this shares initials with Ruthless Renegades. I’m not renaming it so you can type it out or use RedR, idc. It is based off the book series with the same name, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Decent chance this goes nowhere but I’m going to wait to see how much interest there actually is. Worst case it’s just me and some people I know from elsewhere. Even if I cannot benefit much from this, I’d be happy knowing that other Horde players could.

Short of inactivity or joining to troll, you’ll be hard pressed to get kicked out by me, so don’t stress that if you get a bit angry/competitive/toxic, but don’t take that as liberty to go crazy. Try not to be too nasty to each other but this is pvp so keep your skin thick (I’m not going to play nanny). It should be mostly self-sufficient to start; forming groups for normal BGs is NOT complicated stuff.

My second shift job has me playing WoW quite late so I won’t be around that often during the week until it’s 10pm+ EST, 7pm+ PST. If you don’t see me around often that is probably the reason why. I have slapped together a discord. Link is in RedR (wow I’m already doing this huh?) community chat. It was my first time making a discord so it’s far from perfect. I’m open to suggestions.

If I find that I can no longer commit to managing the community I will hand it off or disband it. I will not let it be one of those awful husks of communities floating around with hundreds of inactive players that community leads inexplicably keep reposting every 30 days. I will be advertising more in the future, preferably when things are more established and if this seems like it actually has traction.

If you read this whole thing despite having no interest in it, I commend your forum dwelling prowess.


Sure i will join your community . I will log on in evening and reapply to SAS and any other splinter groups .


SAS didn’t have what you were looking for?

Maybe they’re hoping to find active members again.

I’m unfamiliar with that one.




I thought these communities were about friendship and helping each other out?

Uh oh. I didn’t even think about that.

Yeah, that’s gonna be confusing.


RSS queues are really, really long.


Part of SAS has split off to join Alteric Valley Maniacs, lead by Meso, and some of them don’t plan to return to SAS. Best of luck to them - I don’t have issues with anyone over what went down. There will be people that play in both SAS and AVM. Same as with DJL and SAS before this.

Me making this community is not about a falling out I’m having with the epic communities I’m in or the current events surrounding them (I still feel welcomed in SAS and BSG). It really is something I have wanted to do for a while.


Ya I plan to do the same , I join any community that will have me . I don’t care about the politics

Always … see the constant drama you are missing by not being in a premade community ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It sounds like premades are eating each other alive….goooood

Nah. They are literally half full of level 60s still. They are not managing those communities and any excuses they have are hollow to me.


It can be for all of those things. As I said, be able to carry your weight in pvp. Skill level in pvp varies just as wildly as it does everywhere else but if you don’t think you are capable on the battlefield then don’t apply. I’d prefer people come in with the confidence they can perform and who will put in the effort to win. That said, it’s open to everyone atm so come one come all. Haha.

If you are going to press whether I’ll kick someone just because they seem bad at pvp - probably not. They had better at least be geared and putting in an effort or I’ll consider it. This is not intended for learning the basics of pvp, playing your character, or getting carried by others. I believe I have seen some dead communities in the community finder with that kind of intention in mind but that is not this.

Best of luck to your community!

Are you trying to leave me again?

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On the contrary , there will be even more premades queuing . This is really not good news for pugs

Nope i am not.

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You promised!




It seems all that talk of ‘friends’ and such was all nonsense in hindsight because said ‘friends’ ghosted their other friends at the slightest wind of resistance :man_shrugging:

I guess they really did just want ez wins

That may or may not be true . But a prolification of premade groups can only mean that it’s going to be almost impossible to dodge them during prime time for pugs.

He’s not wrong. BSG is unstoppable on Alliance during primetime but they can’t be in every game. The more premades on both sides the more pugs face them. And the more games start short from requeue/dodge. I think the Horde queue time has improved somewhat the last couple weeks thanks to the efforts of BSG and Field Army :slight_smile:

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So the worse the game mode as a whole gets. Mhm nice

More premades trying desperately to dodge each other

And everybody else getting caught in the crossfire that comes from breaking the matchmaking system to do it

Exactly . Pugs are going to get slaughtered. Time to join a premade as well Charming !!

Resistance is futile !!

It does seem to be in a poor state right now. I kind of look forward to doing some normals for a while and not have to worry about long epic queues, split pop/requeue, games starting short, imbalanced healers, HEAVILY lopsided games, intercommunity drama, fighting former teammates, stupid IoC hangar positioning, losing WGO, and dealing with tanks in Ashran.

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