<Red Rising> New Horde normal random BG community

I think it will go about as well as trying to sync queue into solo shuffle. It’s probably just not going to be plausible for many people. But an easy fix would be to place a small deserter debuff if you miss or drop a queue.

Teams are larger, so you have more chances to get into the same game.

I’m sure they’ll test the limits to see how much they can circumvent.

But if things don’t line up perfectly, the entire team will have difficulty sync queueing owing to an inability to queue up immediately after dropping queue. A handful of people might be able to circumvent this, but I don’t see an entire rated team making it through.

I could see an organized Discord where 40+ players around the same MMR queue at the same time.

Everyone who gets the same queue pop goes to a separate channel. Etc.

Guess we’ll see. Just saying I won’t be surprised if premade communities find a way to rig their solo RBGs.

Epic premades seldom want to play random

How did a post about forming a community for non-epic BGs turn into yet another epic BG drama post? Narcissism much?

Deso is an excellent healer who can at least make sure his side doesn’t get totally rolled even if they end up losing, FWIW. With a solid group they would be quite strong.


It will probably only happen towards the top of the ladder and they will often get matched against each other, but that does open up the possibility of intentionally throwing matches to help the “chosen” get ahead. If I was them, I’d try to q-sync the “chosen” mains with other people on a bunch of alts. And then, take turns on who plays their “chosen” mains and who plays the alts that will sacrifice wins for the “chosen.”

It should be harder to pull off efficiently in soloQ BGs, but this is a scheme that has been used since people were pushing for Rank 14 in vanilla and is also done in arena (using alts to manipulate the ladder).

really wish the bg forums weren’t a bunch of mid 40s clickers arguing over who can q sync the best


this from a guy that constantly promotes his own youtube channel

and this from the same guy that thinks epic premaders are bad players

9/10 of them are

He isn’t wrong.

I never said all epic premaders are bad. I actually said that they are usually led (either by leadership or action) by a core of good players, but most of them are not very good players.

In any case, my evaluation of Deso is not based off of epic BGs. It’s based off of regular BGs.

^^ lifetime challenger

Oozo also promotes basically anyone in the BG community who’s posting videos. The dude seems to genuinely just want to contribute to and help grow an active BG community, which is great when most of the content pushed by youtube algorithms tends to be more arena focused. You need people actively pushing each other’s channels if anyone’s going to find fun BG focused videos.

I wish MORE people would post videos.


Fortunately, my general disinterest in rated play since I find it to be boring and unfun has had zero impact in my ability to kill rated players in random BGs.

Besides, if anyone wants to see how bad I am they can just look at the gameplay that I have posted.

It’s unfortunate that I’ve felt the need to make shorts like this when someone snipes at me from anonymity.

Yes, I am actively trying to help generate views for anyone doing BG content.

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ooo ooo check me check me

Or be like ogpapabear and be part of many communities ebg and bg alike. Have the option to sync queue with like minded people but as usual solo queue into bgs more so than as a group. I think I’m one the only more known pvpers that is community based that seeks out bgs with premades in them. Some people might say I’m a masochist if it’s a loss but I like the challenge. And it does feed that ego to know they are going for me when they see me.

you have an impressive record and have proven yourself to be an excellent player. so you have earned the right to an ego lol.

our little youtube promoter on the other hand has done nothing.

Home from work.

Thanks, I try. I’m think I’m alright, nothing special. I don’t see this as a competition or feel that I have anything to prove. I feel that most people I’ve played with were glad to have me with them and that’s enough for me. I expect to lose plenty if it makes people feel better by putting me down.

Community grew from 5 to 28 today. It’s a start. A slow… rise. Quite a few names I recognize from epic communities. A few I don’t. Hopefully in a couple months this can grow to 200+. Perhaps that’s not a realistic goal but I’ll make it one anyways.

No plan to sync queues. That seems silly for normal randoms and needlessly complicated. You need like specific set ups to make that work - no more than 1 healer in a group kind of thing.