Reclaiming Gilneas!

Been complaining about it for four years.

I am happy about Gilneas. Not just because the more damages that Garrosh and Sylvanas caused during their reigns being overturned in the game the better, but because I like the Worgen and their stories.


Let me revise it to “most people didn’t complain about it and consider it superior to the hole we had for 4+ years”.

Making any statement about “most people” is a fool’s errand.


Not really, I’m pretty certain if I were to make a poll of “which do you want, a Giant hole in Stormwind or Lion’s Rest” I’m reasonably certain people will pick Lion’s Rest.

I still stand by the notion that blizz should have rebuilt the park. But what is done is done.

It would be kind of cool if a few Kaldorei took up residence in Tal’doren and reclaimed the place and built up as a druid enclave where worgen and kaldorei druids can learn together


More important poll would be “Would you rather have had a new version of the Park district rebuilt over the Old Barracks or Lion’s Rest?”

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I would like it if they established a portal between Tal’doren and Bel’ameth.


Me too. I want both the Kaldorei and the Gilneans/Worgen to further strengthen their bones of friendship. Hard to imagine no cultural exchanges happened after helping one another for long as both groups have.

The worgen were even willing to lay down their lives to retake Darkshore. I can’t imagine that something that’s easily forgotten


They should for sure add some Gilnean Visitor NPCs that come and go like they have for the various elven regions.


But in both the Park and Teldrassil’s case we were not getting them back. They are long gone and all we can do is move on and build something new.

And as what is being built anew is Gilneas Blizzard has all the opportunity to come up with an excuse for why land would be able to be pulled up out of the water.


And the difference is in purpose. Gilneas is being rebuilt to give people hope and a new home. Lion’s Rest was created to honor the sacrifices of people, especially their king, against a nigh unstoppable menace.

Honestly, after the we reclaim Gilneas, you guys can have the dump known as Stormwind. I hate that place and I’ll be glad to never have to see it outside taking a portal to one of the expansion areas I wanna visit

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Not talking about that. You made a random response to people discussing pulling the greater Duskhaven area out of the water with no one complaining about the hole where the Park was. People want damages done to Gilneas by the Cataclysm undone, and rather than making a tangential comment about other damages done during the Catalcysm like your post, I support restoring Daskhaven.


I was mostly talking about the fact that we literally “magic” reclaiming the entire area and having it be usuable again when it was literally just a giant hole when Deathwing was done with it.

And you think I don’t? My entire comment is about how I don’t think people will care that the damage done to the area is effectively being washed away with little to no reason aside from rule of cool it looks better this way then and it was as a drown mess in Cata.

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Ah, I see now. I completely misread the tone of your post. Thank you for the clarification of what you meant with your post.

Amendment to my response to your response then: No, no one complained about land magically being created to fill the hole left by Deathwing, nor did anyone even seem to ask by what magic or means that was done, no.


Since Zerde’s comment came in response to my light-hearted “wizard could do it” comment, allow me to offer a possible explanation why these wizards did not just recreate the park for night elves!!

They know night elves hate wizards (well, used to hate wizards, but wizards are very busy doing things and cannot keep up-to-date with the latest gossip over who hates them). But Varian they knew was okay with wizards.

They chose vengeance over renewal.

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Have you ever checked the park out? It’s got some wonky water effects. The waterfall should have been run dry by now and the park flooded with all the water

But you know, magic and nobody seemed to notice it but me

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Good! I would be extremely dissapointed if Horde could just hang out in Gilneas like they seem to be able to do in Bel’ameth…


I’d be a cranky lil murder puppy if they could. Glad blizz didn’t make the same mistake twice

And it also looks like the worgen/gilnean are taking the city with no outside help to. Which I hope is the case and stays that way :stuck_out_tongue: