Alliance development

Your admiration for Lion’s Rest got old way before the War of the Thorns was even announced.

That’s the dumbest part of Lion’s Rest. They knew they were going to do BfA next and knew they needed to put the Night Elves somewhere, and instead of rebuilding the Park, they wasted that space on “an aesthetically pleasing lion thematic.” Unless you want to argue the pumpkin patch was aesthetically pleasing as well.

I called your attempt out as mediocre once you openly admitted that all your post was was an attempt at mockery in the light of my accusing you of letting my references go over your head.

As a rule, I will make fun of you any time you try to use Lion’s Rest as a reference for what is a good replacement for Night Elf areas such as the Park.

The only one who interpreted being called mediocre as someone saying that not even a handful of other people agree with you was yourself. That was just you projecting your own insecurities. As was this. I called you mediocre in that your post was insufficient and poorly executed as a form of mockery. Which has nothing to do with people agreeing with you or not.

I’m not sure anyone’s called me mediocre on these forums before, so not sure what you’re laughing at.

To be fair, I want this, too, so I can’t fairly make fun of Zerde for that.