Reclaiming Gilneas!

I am so curious because didn’t this whole area where Duskhaven, Grandma Wahl’s house, the Hayward brothers lighthouse, all of that fall into the sea?? I distinctly remeber going up to Genn’s tower and you use the telescope to look and see where it all fell into the sea because of the Cataclysm.


She apparently has a new house. I’m not sure where it is, though, since the current PTR build is pretty much unplayable.

Grandma Wahl’s original house did in fact get destroyed during the Cataclysm, though she and her cat did evacuate along with everyone when Duskhaven sank into the ocean.

The Hayward brothers’ house didn’t get destroyed, and I think they’re actually back at their house on PTR, at least when I last visited that part of the map on PTR.


Blizzard have finally figured out that giving players what they want storywise makes them happy. Crazy. I hope Undead get a restored undercity at some point…


I miss that area so much. Duskhaven and its surroundings were very beautiful and Gilneas was looking even larger with them on the map.

I know we cannot have everything, but I wish there was a way to keep at least Duskhaven. Oh well.

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Yeah, she and her cat relocated to Stormglen.

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I wish the Bronze dragons could do some timey wimey stuff and have it so that Duskhaven was restored in the present hahaha. Would be great.


They don’t even have to give us a reason. Just give us the parts of Gilneas that were lost in the cataclysm and I’d be super happy.


I mean, there’s easy enough excuses. Just say some shamanen and druids did it. With a wizard.

Wizards can do anything.


No one complained when the gianr hole in the park district got turned into a memorial park

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Even a wizard cannot make the night elf fandom happy.


No, this isn’t true, wizards could absolutely do this.

They just do not do it because they need night elf fan tears to conjure the best waters.

Once Gilneas is officially back in alliance hands and I can STAY there and RP and explore, I’ll be a happy little murder puppy bear tank. :heart:

That’s all. Until than, I’ll spend my time in Emerald Dream farming the last three druid forms until they drop :blush:


I will set my hearthstone to Gilneas City and never change it back.

Let’s pray for an AH and trade chat! That would be the dream.


Same here. A AH, trade chat, and a small district/area for some portals to other places and I’ll be content. I wouldn’t care if it’s the same 5 people who are always there, it’ll be ours finally :heart:


Someone from MMO champ forums said that he found a non-interactible SW portal in Gilneas City.

If that’s true, then we’re gonna be one click away to other places since SW has access to so many portals already.


You worgen fans are bringing me such a big smile with how excited you are!!

And so far, it looks like Gilneas will not be giving out any Horde visitation passes!!


I think Genn is going to die in this reclaiming Gilneas scenario. I hope I am wrong, but “The wolf cub will inherit a bloody pack.” this was either about Anduin as the son of the wolf inheriting the Alliance after the death of Varian, or it could mean Genn dies and Tess ascends as Queen of Gilneas. Blizzard does love its double-meaning prophecies.

It doesn’t have to be a tragic death. Genn is like 80 years old. Dying peacefully at home would be a a good way to end his atory.

Thank you! :smile: I believe we deserve it after 13 years :laughing:

Hopefully Quel’Thalas will receive similar or even better treatment in the future!


It still shocks me that it honestly took blizz this long to FINALLY take an official stance on Gilneas. Shows that their teams were dysfunctional for a long long time


To be honest I think apart of it, was that they had no idea on what they wanted to do with Gilneas. Which is kind of shown by how it kept changing hands…

Gilneas’ status is wildly speculative. This is due to the inconsistency and lack of explanation of various elements concerning the region.

In Cataclysm, following the worgen starter zone, Gilneas is contested between the Alliance and the Horde by way of the Forsaken and their orcish reinforcements, and Gilneas and the 7th Legion. This is the case until near the end of the Silverpine Forest questing experience, where Gilneas is left in Crowley and Bloodfang’s hands as they retreat from Silverpine.[17] Their forces are next seen in Hillsbrad Foothills, where Ivar Bloodfang seems to be organizing with the Stormpike clan on Purgation Isle, an island easily accessible from Gilneas. This seems to corroborate with the Battle for Gilneas battleground, which depicts the Forsaken attempting to make another landholding within Gilneas, whilst the Alliance starts on the mainland from the Gilnean Stronghold. To further complicate matters, the Blackhowl, a group of Gilneans being secretly led by a black dragon known as Hiram Creed, seem to occupy Gilneas City with little concern. It is unknown if the Blackhowl had ever left the Alliance, as the Gilneans are said to not know their leader is actually a dragon.

In Mists of Pandaria, Gilneas is not mentioned until the very end of the expansion as an off-hand quote by Varian Wrynn, stating the plague in the region needed to be removed so the Gilneans could rebuild. This is the first mention of the peninsula being heavily blighted, as while the Blight was used against them, all areas that were seen severely blighted in both the stating zone and during the Silverpine experience were also seen readily occupied by Alliance forces. Most noteworthy is Gilneas City, which was blight bombed heavily during the worgen starting experience, but was later occupied by both the 7th Legion and the Blackhowl with little issue; thus raising the first inconsistency with Gilneas’ status. During this time, Loreology and the Ultimate Visual Guides clarified on Twitter that Gilneas had been abandoned by both factions and the city was in ruins. This is not given any explanation, as when the area was last seen, the Alliance held it. This also brings into question whether or not the Battle for Gilneas battleground is still ongoing.

Gilneas goes unmentioned in Warlords of Draenor and Legion, though the Gilneas Brigade is formed with many members of the Gilneas Liberation Front as leaders within it. What this means for the Liberation front is entirely unknown. Dave Kosak once more refers to the Blight as having plagued the entire zone, despite it having only been weaponized in the northern areas of Gilneas and never having made it to the southern areas as the Forsaken ships there were destroyed by the Cataclysm. Kosak stated that there are “pockets of safety for careful travelers” when speaking on the level of blighting that affects Gilneas. It is unknown whether this means that the Blight has not reached certain areas of the peninsula if there are forces in the area keeping it at bay, or what regions are unblighted.[18]

Gilneas is finally mentioned again in the book Before the Storm, in which it is inconsistently referred to as being “home to the Forsaken” by Genn Greymane, while also being claimed to be entirely empty and abandoned. Once more, it is referred to as plagued, which is inconsistent to the idea that it is home to the Forsaken, as the undead are still susceptible to the Blight. Its status as being un-reclaimed is re-affirmed within Elegy and A Good War, where Gilneas is mentioned as still having not been reclaimed or restored and Sylvanas Windrunner is relying on Genn Greymane to push for Gilneas over Teldrassil to be reclaimed as the former was lost first. This does not explain whether or not the region is abandoned or occupied by the Forsaken, leaving its fate once more ambiguous.

In Battle for Azeroth, Gilneas is once more inconsistently referred to. By the beginning of the expansion, it is referred to by Displaced Gilnean Refugees as something the Alliance should be focusing on, over the Ruins of Lordaeron.[19] The Battle for Azeroth Features Trailer visibly shows the Alliance militarily spreading its influence over most of the Eastern Kingdoms, including over the Gilnean peninsula, but Gilneas has yet to be updated in-game.[20] The mission table quests later in the expansion refer to several Gilnean leaders in the north attacking the Forsaken, with the Bloodfang Pack claiming Fenris Isle and Darius Crowley invading the Sludge Fields within Hillsbrad as well as the Forsaken occupying Shadowfang Keep. There, it is stated that the Forsaken are readying a blight to be used against Gilneas, inferring that the region is once again in the kingdom’s hands. In addition, the Q&A section for the Warfront panel at BlizzCon 2018 stated that Stromgarde’s warfront was a necessity to the Horde so they could use it as a launching point to invade Gilneas. This infers that the mission tables are canon and the Alliance holds Gilneas, but does not explain how the Forsaken lost control of Gilneas if they ever had it to begin with, the status of the Blight, which poses a risk to both factions, nor what the state of potential Alliance occupation is.

In addition, during their confrontation, King Rastakhan mockingly calls Genn a “an exile without a homeland”, implying that during the Fourth War, Gilneas is still largely unreclaimed, or at least unsettled, perhaps due to Genn diverting the bulk of his kingdom’s forces to aid their kaldorei allies in the Battle for Darkshore, something he vowed to Anduin that he would do were he forced to choose between his kingdom and the night elves.[21] While the Alliance managed to successfully reclaim Stromgarde in the conflict’s aftermath,[22] and occupied most of Lordaeron at least throughout the war,[23] Genn Greymane has apparently remained focused on the plight of the missing Alliance leaders in the Shadowlands rather than on his homeland.

Although Gilneas’s current status remains unclear, Baradin’s Wardens retain a tenuous hold over the neighboring island of Tol Barad. The Bloodfang pack has also successfully reclaimed Fenris Isle and Shadowfang Keep from the Forsaken, strengthening the worgen’s control over Silverpine Forest considerably. The Alliance has also reclaimed Southshore from the Forsaken, implying some territories in the Hillsbrad Foothills have been returned to Alliance control as well, essentially securing parts of all four immediate neighboring regions of Gilneas - Tol Barad to its west, Silverpine and Hillsbrad to its north, and Arathi to its east. Turalyon, as the new regent of Stormwind in Anduin’s absence, makes mention of other holdings of the old Alliance in the continent that could be reclaimed,[24] presumably referring to Gilneas and other lost territories in the north.

Gilneas’ status was once again referred to at the end of the [Return to Lordaeron] questline. After the creation of a new Desolate Council, the newly appointed Calia Menethil sent a letter to Genn Greymane explaining that one of her first proposals would be withdrawing the Forsaken troops from Gilneas.[25] This does not elaborate if the Forsaken occupied all of Gilneas, or simply had troops there that will be withdrawing. During the turn in dialogue of A [60] Report to Greymane, Genn phrases the ‘return of Gilneas’, though this does not elaborate if they are ‘returning’ Gilneas or if they would not stop the ‘return of’ the Gilnean people to their homeland. Calia refers to the idea as the withdrawal from Gilnean lands; thus leaving the actual level of occupation or what parts of Gilneas the Forsaken were in completely speculatory.