Received Warning In Game For Chat - What Did I Say?

I talked about the warning in the chat. No one else said they were also warned. But fair enough, it is an assumption.

Sure. Trolling is a form of fun. But it only started in the last couple posts maybe. The rest was legit.

The CS forum is an Information Desk to help folks navigate the Support system. People can get info on how to navigate the Support ticket system, what things Support can help with, explanations of policies, explanations of services, etc. It is primarily other player volunteers who provide those info desk answers. Blues, when around, will make sure the answers given are accurate and may provide more insight or explanation than we can do as players. They are not GMs of course, so the forums really don’t replace a ticket - if a ticket is needed.

In your case, all that can be done here is explain the Warning system and that nobody can tell you what you were warned for. They can also explain policy as a whole, but it is not a place to debate what you THINK policy should be vs what Blizzard thinks. This forum only deals with explaining how the system currently works.

You are free to use the in-game suggestion feature if you wish to suggest to the Devs that they Blizzard wide policy on language should change. I doubt that they will consider it though.


Okay, thanks for the info.

It’ll only get worse, not better.

1 Like

Okay thank you.

The policy has been essentially the same since 2004. The only change really - is that it is easier to report now with right click. Penalties have changed from Suspensions, to Silences, back to Suspensions as they try methods to help curb unwanted behavior.

Something does not have to be “offensive” to be inappropriate for the game. Nobody is melting down (to use a social media term) over what someone says. They just realize it does not belong in the game. It belongs in your personal space with your friends who want to hear it.

2004 TOS

B. Rules Related to “Chat” and Interaction With Other Users.

Communicating with other Users and Blizzard Entertainment representatives is an integral part of World of Warcraft and is referred to in this document as “Chat.” Your Chats may be subject to review, modification, and deletion without notice by Blizzard Entertainment. Additionally, you hereby acknowledge that Blizzard Entertainment is under no obligation to monitor Chat and you engage in Chat at your own risk. When engaging in Chat in World of Warcraft, or otherwise utilizing World of Warcraft, you may not:

  • (i) Transmit or post sexually explicit images or other content or language which in the sole discretion of Blizzard Entertainment is deemed to be offensive; nor shall you transmit any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content or language, nor may you use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the content and language restrictions listed above;
  • (ii) Carry out any action with a disruptive effect, such as cause the Chat screen to “scroll” faster than other users are able to type to it, including setting up macros with large amounts of text that, when used, can have a disruptive effect on the normal flow of Chat;
  • (iii) Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue in Chat or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users, individuals or entities, including, but not limited to, posting “Spam” messages on World of Warcraft (“Spam” messages as used in this document include, but are not limited to, any effort to use a computer or other electronic device to post an unauthorized and/or unsolicited advertisement to World of Warcraft);
  • (iv) “Spam” by posting or sending more than one unsolicited message or piece of mail to a single address or in a chat area;
  • (v) Communicate or post any user’s personal information in or on the World of Warcraft, or websites or forums related to World of Warcraft;
  • (vi) Use bots or other automated techniques to collect information or communicate or post any user’s personal information in or on World of Warcraft, or websites or forums related to World of Warcraft or Blizzard Entertainment
  • (vii) Harass, threaten, stalk, embarrass or cause distress, unwanted attention or discomfort to another user of World of Warcraft or other person or entity; or
  • (viii) Cheat during game play, including but not limited to modification of the game program files.
  • (ix) Participate in any action that, in the opinion of Blizzard Entertainment results in an authorized user of World of Warcraft being "scammed " or ‘defrauded’ out of gold, weapons, armor, or any other items that he/she has earned through authorized game play in World of Warcraft.

Edit for source links:

Original User Manual from 2004 - which has the EULA at the end. It points to the requirements for accepting Terms of Use with the website for it. I selected the first archived Wayback Machine TOU for WoW from 2004.


multiple assumptions.

from what we’ve been told, these warnings aren’t instant.
nor are they specific to any version of the game.
you can say something in classic, and get a warning while you’re in retail.


For someone who doesn’t know what they are doing wrong and NEVER masks their profanity, you sure have a lot of ideas as to what you did wrong and you mask your profanity in nearly every post.

It’s not. It’s Blizzard’s game, and their rules. Either follow the rules or play a different game. Keep going the way you’re going and you’re going to find yourself with permanent forum and in-game bans, so playing another game will be your only option.

Oh, so you’re…masking your profanity? But you said you don’t do that, Mr. Free Speech Advocate…

So is driving at 120 MPH while drunk, and then robbing a bank to buy illicit drugs. Lots of fun. Some people might say it’s the most fun you can have on this planet.

Still against the rules, and you will be going to jail if you do them.

But thank you for admitting to breaking the Forum CoC, which you vehemently denied above. Amazing how when someone just keeps talking, their entire character is exposed…


So is reporting CoC violations.


So, you’ve decided to tank your forum posting privileges alongside your game access?

Bold strategy.


Well I don’t care about the forums.

With this many posts, you certainly seem to care, Sarethon.

Others have given you very accurate and timely advice. Should you choose not to heed it, that is all on you.

As has been stated even WE cannot see what a warning is about until it becomes a possible action via a ticket.

Now, the one 16 days ago I can certainly see. F bombs that were in no way masked and rampant political opinions. If I were a betting mammal, I’d say good chance it’s in that vein.

Profanity isn’t allowed in our games be it explicit, masked, abbreviated or misspelled. Never has been. The only question is if it gets reported.

There are three topics that I was taught just weren’t polite in mixed company, especially around strangers. Politics, religion and sex. Indulge in any of those someone is likely to object and report. If such chat crosses the line, then it is verified and becomes a ticket. If the chat (and could be from several reports) is indeed against our code of conduct - that becomes an account penalty. Accumulate enough of those, that’s when you start getting suspensions, and eventually a ban.

Hope that clears this up for you.