Received Warning In Game For Chat - What Did I Say?

Good morning friends! 90 posts?? Sweet love…

If you stop breaking the rules, there’s nothing to report. Until then, learn that there are consequences to what you type and learn to moderate yourself before pressing enter.

If you choose to continue breaking the rules, then it’s on YOU, not the people who report such behaviours.

You need to make better choices, not play stupid and pretend your own actions are someone else’s fault.


No, it really isn’t.

Not stolen because you can’t follow simple rules.

Thing is - you AGREE to the potential penalties when you click “I AGREE”.

It’s obvious you are trying to push the boundaries:

Good thing Blizzard disagrees with you - it’s their decision to apply account action, not those who report you.


It has nothing to do with offending anyone, and more of respecting everyone. If you can’t understand that, then you’re in the wrong place.

Well, here, have a report then, because you are trolling, and I enjoy doing the right thing in helping keep the community clean.

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My god, you truly do have issues.


Perhaps it’s like pretending that masked profanity is baby talk to “grief” other people into reporting you?


I’m not trolling! That’s just what I believe. There’s nothing “unclean” about my message there.


If those words are setting people’s alarms off, I don’t think I’m the one with issues.

100% yes. You get to own what you type out in-game and when it’s inappropriate, pretending you’re a baby (which is weird) won’t save you from account actions.


Well good thing there is no free speech in companies, their games and forums.

If you don’t like - you’re welcome to not agree to the terms of use and go find another avenue for your immaturity.

Grow up.


Great. If you are aware that nobody can tell you what you got a Warning for, and are not chasing it, despite your comments - This thread can be closed and honestly, everything after my link to the Warning article could be binned.

Good Grief!

Coffee for all and to all a good morning. Esp the Mods.

:coffee: :teapot: :strawberry: :dracthyr_tea:


Uh what? Are you trolling now? I’m not “pretending I’m a baby.” I’m saying those words are the childish/baby-level replacement words for actual, offensive swear words. The stuff you say in front of kids and that kids can get away with. Kind of like saying “Oh shoot!” or “Ah fiddlesticks!”

Not sure we’re here because I’m the one that needs to grow up, if I really need to be lectured about frickin’ and heckin’ and fiddlesticks.

replacing words, is … masking.


Seriously, stop! What maybe alright in your home or country of origin, does not mean it is alright everywhere else!

People don’t need to explain this to you, nor people should have to explain to you.

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Just like an adult choosing the mask the profanity.

Blizzard isn’t fooled.

Says the one with chat account actions against them.

Funny thing about typed text - it’s so easy to censor yourself before you press the enter key for most people anyway.


I think it is best to let the Centaur or the Panda deal with the thread. Trying to explain things to them isn’t even getting anywhere when they ignore the real facts.


At least you are accepting now that you are masking your profanity :slight_smile:

I think 100 posts is about 98 too many for something so simple and for this not being your first time at this rodeo.

Best of luck with your in-game chat.


Masking is putting a “mask” over the profanity, not replacing it. Like $ % & * symbols. That is the equivalent of the BEEP over curse words on TV. Heckin’ and flippin’ etc are safe words, not masks.

You are either being deliberately obtuse or just absolutely clueless about what you said that could get you a warning or a possible action against your account. In either case we as players can not help you.

We have offered possibilities of situations that could cause the issue. Pointed you towards the CoC and helped explain ways not to get actions against your account. Including mentioning that you as an adult have control over what and how you type in public chats.

However from your perspective you are innocent have had said or done nothing wrong at all and the blame solely lies in the hands of the people reporting you. Apparently they are too sensitive.

I honestly believe that if you reflected on the moments just before you received the warning you would have your answer. But either way, there is nothing that we can offer you to help beyond this point. Mainly because you are not interested in actually improving your behavior in the game.

The blues may or may not be able to help you with the information you are seeking. That doesn’t mean they will do so. Considering this is not the first time that they would of informed you of your wrong doing. This forum isn’t intended to be a gateway for blue responses.

This Forum is designed for Players assisting Players, And we have given you every piece of advice possible.

At this point all we are doing is talking in circles and nothing is being accomplished. I agree its time for this topic to be shut down.

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The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


Fair enough

You simply don’t know that for a fact. It’s an assumption you’ve made.


Read the stickies. Then maybe brush up on the EULA and Code of Conduct.