Received Warning In Game For Chat - What Did I Say?

Can someone just tell me what I said please? This is incredibly frustrating because the warning doesn’t tell you what you’re doing, just that “people didn’t like a thing you said 2 hours ago probably.” I’ve really tried reining my chat in. I’d like to know what the heck I’m doing that’s offending so many people. Thanks.

There no way of telling the message is automated and untrackable.

The GMs can see it. I don’t even care about the report or the suspension or muting or whatever is coming, I just want to know what I said so I have some idea going forward. Thought I was fine, guess I said something offensive.

They cant its been said by the blues its just a warning and there no way to see what triggered it. FYI theres no GMS here.


When you say you received a warning are you referring to a in-game pop up window that basically says

“your in game communication behavior is not in line with how most World of Warcaft players communicate”?

Yes. Every time I see that, I get some kind of punitive action taken against my account like 3 days later. Fine, whatever, I broke the ToS. HOW? WHAT did I say?

I just had a discussion with a Blue here after being silenced for a week and he told me some of the things I said.

Silences are one thing that are trackable warnings are seperate.

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Ah, fair enough. Guess I’ll be back to ask when I’m suspended for 3 days or whatever then. Over nothing.

It will be longer week or more.

Nope toxicity has no place in the game and id report anyone thats being toxic.

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What does this mean?

They can’t actually see the warning. Stuff at that level is just automated to help you try to stop whatever it is getting you reported. Usually spamming but can be something else.

GMs really can’t see that. It has to actually get to a higher stage before they review it and decide if a penalty is needed. They have a Support Article about it.


Alright, yes Darthwraith is correct from our present knowledge that in it self is a automated response to being reported by multiple people in quick succession. In it self it is just a warning to stop what ever it is you are doing. People find what ever you said to be a problem. But in it self it is not an account action against your account.

However, when a GM does receive the reports they can and may action your account.

The reasons can vary,

You could be cussing; obscured or not, you are not allowed to be using curse words.

You could be saying disrespectful things towards people such as questioning their intelligence or play style in a rude sort of way.

You could be getting political in not so nice ways.

Or you could be spamming.

It’s a long list of things that you could be saying or doing, so to keep it real simple.

Don’t spam chat. If you are advertising keep it in the correct channels and keep the messages very far apart with timing, This includes trying to advertise on multiple channels behind each other.

Be nice to others, if what you are saying could be considered rude. Don’t say it, we have control over what we type. It is never a accident when we Type something out and hit enter.

I hope this helps a little.


Ah, okay. I’ll wait until I’m inevitably suspended and ask again.

Huh, seems like you have quite a few threads on your chat penalties, including an answer here on CS from a Blue.

And from that thread

So, stop doing those sorts of things. It also does not help to try to play semantics on the forums pretending to not know the definitions of “toxic” or other terms.


They will. They will.

I don’t swear. I don’t even censor swearing. The closest thing I did was say “What the F” (literally like that). That was hours and hours before the warning.

I’m not speaking politically - Trade Chat goes on hour-long tirades about Trump this and Kamala that. How isn’t the entirety of MoonGuard banned by now? And Goldshire Inn? That’s a cesspit of ToS violations that should be nuked daily.

I’m not spamming.

I’m not being disrespectful to anyone although I do joke around with people and perhaps that doesn’t translate in text very well.

[quote=“Mirasol, post:16, topic:1929542, username:Mirasol-mannoroth”]
So, stop doing those sorts of things.[/quote]

That’s from last time and the only reason I asked what his race was is because he was going on a racially charged tirade claiming his race is going to exterminate white people. All I asked was what race he was. If that’s enough to get someone silenced, then Blizzard needs to pull back a bit.

This is what my problem is. These things are subjective. What one person finds toxic, many others do not. As I said, I’ve really reined my chat back. I avoid swearing, I avoid politics. I’d avoid whatever it is I’ve just been reported for if I knew exactly what it was. When you get arrested, they tell you the charges, and you hear the charges when you’re sentenced for them. Imagine getting arrested and going to court and being sentenced and the judge is like “You know what you did.”

If others break the rules, report them. It does not give anyone else permission to also cross lines. Blizzard does not monitor chat in real time, as I think you were told. They depend on reports.

Your “what the letter” is also not allowed in game in public chats. That is masking swearing. Everyone knows what you mean.


Please understand, I’m not accusing you of anything. I was stating possible situations.

And if you honestly feel like your jokes are being misconstrued then I certainly would tell those types of jokes.

Sadly, all we can do is guess from this side. A blue may give a insightful idea to you in the morning. Assuming they have the time and are inclined to do so.

But I suspect the biggest and best advice anyone can tell you is to read the code of conduct over again and follow the spirit of it. Don’t focus on the exact words but the spirit of it and you won’t have any issues.

Be kind and respectful at all times to your fellow players.

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I meant Frig. Or maybe Fish. Or perhaps Fridge. Maybe Freya. You don’t know.

That means we all have to talk to each other like it’s Sesame Street (or whatever similar show kids watch these days).

You can certainly type that into your next denied appeal if you like

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