Received Warning In Game For Chat - What Did I Say?

Yes, yes, I know.

Good for you. You (and others) don’t get to say whatever you like in this game or on the forums. There is no free speech here. This is private property. Blizzard’s house, Blizzard’s rules.


Okay cool, that’s fine, can they at least tell me what I said when a warning is issued, or an action is taken?

Very unlikely. If it’s not something that a GM can see, the SFA’s that post here probably can’t see specifics. And, frankly, you’re showing all the signs of a rule lawyer, so even if they could, they’d probably avoid giving specifics because it would lead to more of… this.

If you receive some type of account action, they can see specifics of a great number of things. Sometimes they give general hints as to what caused the account action; other times they just give an ominous “you’re extremely aware of what caused this”, remind people that posting about account actions is against the forum rules, and lock the thread.


As said multiple times already, no. They can not see what generated the automatic warning.


Yes, why can’t the warning message show the reported message?

Yeah, I know that now. I wish they would just give a general idea with an example message or two. And no, I don’t know. Could be anything. Sometimes the warnings pop up and I’m like “Wh- why? What? What did I do!? Come onnnnnnnnnnn!!” So… no, Blizzard.

I mean Blizzard, via the warning message, at the time it is issued. We can stop repeating this. It’s not what I am asking. And it’s rhetorical, I’m just complaining now.

You’d have to ask the devs. They make the decisions.

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Which part of the CoC needs explaining?
We can help with that.

Do you not understand what is meant by “masked profanity”?


I’m just going to assume OP is engaging in the same sort of behavior they were two weeks ago when they posted an incredibly similar topic. I’m going to further assume that OP isn’t half as clever or witty as they believe, and is racing headlong toward the ‘find out’ phase of their EULA/CoC education.


Insert general warning that the following comments are supposition on my part…

Because the automated warning that people get doesn’t always mean the reported message is against the rules. It’s literally just a warning that people are reporting you for something. It’s nothing that was verified as against the rules by a Blizzard representative.

It’s within the realm of possibilities that someone misclicked on your name to report something and didn’t realize it. There would be no benefit in giving you a copy of that comment.

Quite literally, if you are someone who doesn’t break the rules surrounding chat, you can safely delete the warning and go about your day without ever giving it another thought. If you know that you are skirting the rules (or flat out breaking them), take the warning to heart and clean up your chatting habits.

Lastly, if you want to recommend to the Devs that they DO include the reported chat, I’d suggest using the in-game suggestion feature. Maybe it will be something they implement, maybe not, but it’s up to them.


that is one example.

when you read your post at number 66, are you unable to determine why people flagged it?


Given the frequency you find yourself having to ask these questions, I’d say that’s going to be a near certainty.


Hence the repeat question about what I’m saying in multiple threads now, and in tickets. Not a single other person complained about being reported in the chat when I brought up the warning. I seem to have been the only one. We were all talking about the same subject(s) and there were people saying things that were much more egregious and vulgar than anything I could have possibly said to warrant a report.

  • As I said at the start. NOBODY can tell you what your warning was for. That is not something GMs or Blues can see. I gave you the Support article backing that. This whole thread is chasing something that does not exist.
  • You have gotten that before from a Blue for one of your past infractions. They can’t quote the actual words used. If it was not appropriate for the game, it is not appropriate for the forums. They will give you enough info to jog your memory, which it did at the time.
  • Nobody cares what you might “actually” mean. If the average person would take it as masked profanity, then that is what Blizzard will side with. Not appropriate for the game. They don’t let people “argue” their case on that. The game is not the place for coy takes on terms.
  • It is not YOUR account. The account, every character, every item, every achievement, - all of it - belongs to Blizzard. You buy a license to access that game work providing you read, agree to, and follow the game policies. Policies that Blizzard makes and Blizzard upholds. They are the only judges on it. Others have covered the “free speech” part. You can personally do whatever you want with your own home, property, or social media platform you own (within the laws of your country). You don’t get to dictate what other entities do with their personal private property. Blizzard is not the Government nor do they agree with your “free speech absolutist” stance. They don’t want their game to be 4-chan or worse.

Means nothing really. Not a reliable measure for anything.


Or maybe just the only one lacking in the capacity for introspection and self-reflection.

I was going to say something completely irrelevant to the topic and relevant to this line, but, I actually better not.

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i’m guessing so… both of those words are considered “cuss words” in most of the english speaking world.

Well if you read up to this point, you’d see that I am aware of that and I am not chasing it, but people keep responding to tell me that or otherwise. I am aware. They CAN see it when an action is taken, because I’ve had a GM reveal it to me once the first time I was suspended, and a Blue another time. They absolutely refuse to ever since. I’ve never repeated the mistake from the first suspension, so I’m doing something else.

He didn’t give me any details, he just said that I said some bad stuff in Trade, and that asking for someone’s race is sketchy at best or whatever. The guy I was asking about was on a racially-charged tirade, talking about how his race was going to wipe out all white people in America. I just wanted to know what his race was.

That’s really a bit much.

Yep, that’s what I meant. The money I spent stolen because people are going NUTS with reporting over the slightest things.

Well they’d better send someone in and just purge Moon Guard for a week, because that server’s chat channels and Goldshire are filled with the most egregious content you can imagine.

No, they’re not. They’re replacement words for babies. That’s baby talk. It’s like saying flippin’ or heckin’ or dalgarn/doggone.

For the 1st word, while it isn’t masked language here in Australia (and some other English speaking countries), it is masked language in other countries. And to give everyone respect of the doubt regardless of country, Blizzard also considers it as mask language.

And the second word is just another fancy way to bypass the language filter, since it does have direct meaning to that word too when used in the same way.