Received Warning In Game For Chat - What Did I Say?

For someone who claims to not have a clue as to what they did wrong, you seem to be pretty certain as to what you were reported for…

Literally, the very next sentence:

Not only is this swearing, but you are trying to censor the swearing. You know, the two things you claim you never do…

Oh please. EVeryone knows what you mean when you censor words. That is masking the profanity.

If you truly meant “fish”, then you wouldn’t have censored it. You would’ve just said “fish”, because it’s easier and faster than thinking of a way to censor it. Just like how I’m saying “fish” multiple times without the need for censoring, because there’s no reason to censor it.

Grow up and stop trying to lie your way out of it.

Good. 19 years of toxicity and you’re finally being held accountable for what you say.

The rules will be the same in any chat channel you join. Another “global” channel doesn’t mean you can be toxic or profane.

If you’re a “free speech advocate”, then you would know that the First Amendment applies to the government censoring you for what you say, not private companies. Blizzard has rules in place, and if you break the rules, you’re going to be actioned.

There’s no “but still”. That’s it right there:

Boom. Done. Follow the rules or don’t play the game.

You don’t get to define what’s acceptable or not acceptable. You don’t get to pick and choose which rules you follow. You don’t get to argue with Blizzard as to what you think the rules should be, or what a punishment should be.

You follow the rules or you will not be playing this game anymore, one way or another. They will permanently ban an account that continues to break the rules over and over again.


Free Speech does not apply to any of Blizzard platforms. Free Speech applies towards the government, Blizzard is not the government.

Anyways, I’m not going to derail this thread, already said my piece, going to move on.


You’re back. That certainly didn’t take long. The only thing I’d like to add to the thread is that penalties grow more or less exponentially. At the rate you seem to be going, it’s not going to be too much longer before you’re at the ‘permanent account closure’ level.

My advice to you is to stop trying to be clever. It just isn’t working, is it?

Then take your schtick over to Twitter/X. I hear their CEO claims to be into that sort of thing.


Oh don’t be coy…

It really doesn’t matter what your intent was.

It’s all about how it’s perceived. In this case, it’s a very common exclamation using profanity when things go wrong.

Well you did post in a player help player forum.

See above.

I get the feeling even if a Blizzard SFA steps in, you’re still try to argue.

It would seem Blizzard disagrees with you already.


To get a response from a Customer Service Representative or GM or whatever they’re called - someone who can actually give me some insight and not just stand with their hands on their hips condescending to me.

Not guaranteed, but good luck!

Not sure how, as already mentioned several times if this was just a behavioural warning that popped up they can not see what triggered it.

If you need the same thing said in blue text, I’m sure they’ll oblige.


Then you are a part of the problem. If you can’t be bothered to do your part in helping to clean up chats, then you cannot point fingers to the other folks breaking ToS like you did re: politics, Moon Guard’s Goldshire and anything else.

It’s not being a snitch, it’s holding other folks accountable to the rules we all agreed to.


Yet, here you are - unable to follow simple rules it seems.

Keep trolling though, it’s your forum posting ability at stake, not mine.


Oh I understand what trolling is.

I’m sure I don’t need to continue pulling quotes from your replies.

But it would seem you don’t fully understand what player help player is.

Yes, the forum moderators can see your account and might be able to shed some light for you IF you receive account action, which currently you have not. Until any account action is applied, they can’t provide any insight further than what has been said in this thread already (maybe going back on your account history if you’ve received previous action).

Go find another game then.

And you wonder why you’re getting actioned?


I have a feeling you don’t know what trolling actually is. Blizzard has it in their Forum Code of Conduct actually on some examples:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

you’ve already been told multiple times that there is nothing to be seen with the warnings.

there’s nothing they can tell you, other than repeat what everyone else has been telling you.

…but in a fancy blue text.


And I’ve already told multiple people that I’m aware and that’s what I want should my account get actioned, and yet I keep getting responses.

I did not do this.

I did not do this.

I did not do this. People are coming at me. Anything I’ve said in here are descriptors, not insults.

I did not do this. It’s constructive in that it may gave me insight if my account is actioned, so I can refrain in the future.

I never do.

I didn’t do this either.

but it didn’t get actioned.

it was a warning.

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So maybe post if that happens?

Keep in mind though, discussing account action on the forums is technically not allowed.

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I realize that, I’ve been reading and responding to the thread. We’re now just waiting to see what happens to my account and this thread.

I don’t want to talk about the action, I want to talk about what I said to warrant it.

It is considered the same thing though.

Doesn’t matter whatever definition you want to choose to help your argument, only Blizzard’s matter. Their game, their forum. They could ban you, me, or any other player for whatever reason they want. We agree to it.

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Any everyone has been telling you: A warning is just a warning. Unless you decide to breach the In-Game Code of Conduct further, nobody can view the warning, as it isn’t an account action, but just a warning.

even here, you continue to show that you can’t abide by the CoC.

I don’t think any amount of explaining is going to help, when you seem to think that you can say whatever you want.


Where do you think I broke the CoC here?

Because I haven’t seen it posted yet: