Received Warning In Game For Chat - What Did I Say?

Alright… I’ll bite, and will agree. I don’t know. But I suspect and a GM will suspect as well.

This is what I meant by following the spirit of the CoC. If you’re going to try to split hairs and play word games. You are going to lose. It’s that simple.


People are trying to help you by explaining how the rules work. You come here asking what you might’ve done, and then when it’s explained, you pretend you don’t understand. So maybe I’m confused what you’re really looking for.


You wont get a blue response at this time of the nite u want morning for that.

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I doubt it was that either, but it is still a factor if it was reported. That alone may not have been enough to suspend you over, but if they check out whatever you were recently reported for, and also see recent reports for masked profanity, it can matter.

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This atmosphere and reporting system are asinine. Been playing 19 years, never once had a warning or a silence or a ban. Nothing. Until this year. Now I’m walking on eggshells under a mountain that could avalanche over the tiniest noise or movement. Ridiculous.

Meh… It’s kept me free of account actions for roughly 18 years. Sounds like it works


See the post immediately above yours.

This isn’t something that GM’s won’t tell you, let alone, something that SFA’s wouldn’t know. But a warning is a warning, and it is just a reminder to be kind and respectful within the chat.

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Again, the problem is that I don’t know what I was saying that was so offensive.

Yep, I read it. My statement still holds true for me. I’ve never felt l had to walk on egg shells.

It’s not hard being polite, respectful, and not use vulgar language.


Nobody here knows. It could’ve been anything. You could’ve also accidently sworn in the chat. Only way to move forward is by keeping a close eye on what you say in chat, making sure it is not going against the In-Game Code of Conduct.

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I’ve been trying to do that.

Then just keep doing that.

Keep in mind also on which channel you use to chat as well, as some warnings could be for using the chat channels for the wrong purpose too.

Nah, LookingForGroup is for chatting. NOBODY uses it for LFG. Trade is 85% chatting about Trump/Kamala and other garbage, and then some actual trading mixed in.

No, not really. It is for looking for groups specifically. This has come up before on the forums…where someone got upset they got reported for not using LFG as actual LFG.

Player made post, but in a thread with Blues who did not correct it. If it was not correct they would have removed it or posted a correction. This was 2022 even, so this is not new.

Adding as I go

And this one is my own post referencing previous Suspensions for “chatting in LFG”. They deleted the thread eventually but the title remains - and makes it clear they were penalizing for chatting in LFG in 2022.

He was actually suspended and made a whole thread about it.

Then decided to just bump lots of threads here about the same thing.

I think he is not aware that they found Silences to not be very effective and now Suspend people for chat infractions.


If that is the case, then that is the reason you recieved a chat warning. Sorry, but you got to use the correct channels for appropiate discussions, and the LFG channel is not one of those channels, nore is the trade channel.


I think were done guys we dont need this going on all nite.

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Just to be clear, Blizzard has acknowledged that Trade chat has evolved into something of a “global” chat channel (at least while in a city/sanctuary), and doesn’t action anyone for using the Trade channel for chatting.

Chatting in Trade is obviously subject to all the Code of Conduct rules, and they have even starting actioning inflammatory politics/religion chat, as well. Topics that are likely to heat up the channel, and bait others into responses have no place in this game. That’s what Discords are for.


It’s assumed that you’re an adult, (or at least a responsible teen) and that you understand where the lines are drawn.
Nobody should need to repeatedly tell you what you’re doing wrong.
Learn from your past.

Instead of “that person said something outrageous, i’m going to join in!”
…the mature response would be report, don’t engage.

If you refuse to report, that’s fine, you don’t have to.
You also don’t have to engage.
It’s a choice you’re making.

If you’re unable to control your urges, it might be best for you to enable parental settings, and disable chat.


Oh have they? Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I didn’t even know.

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