Mass Reporting

Mass reporting is being addressed through automation which leads to unfair actions against a player’s account. I just received a behavior warning for making a few comments in LFG despite my comments not being in violation of TOS. Is this how you treat your valued customers?

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If you received a warning, then enough unique players in that match disagree that what you were saying was okay.


Geez, the only automated penalty is a squelch which can be overturned upon GM review. Otherwise, any actions against an account is done by a live person


A warning is just that… notification that people are reporting you for one reason or another. It’s an opportunity to modify behavior before the reports escalate to the level of a squelch and/or a GM review of the logs.


Technically, the warning that has been going out prior to the squelch is also automated, but I agree that it’s not an actual account action. Just a warning that what they were reported by enough unique accounts to trigger the system and to reconsider the content of their chat.


To touch on this part, since others have pretty much covered the rest. LFG channel is not for chatting, banter or anything else that isn’t explicitly trying to put a group together. It is not a global variant of Trade/Barrens chat. People have absolutely been silenced and even suspended for misusing the channel. You can be sure that if you’re getting warnings for nattering on, others are too, so just because you think you’re being unfairly chastised and no one else is? You’re so very wrong. “Everyone else is doing it!!” Yeah, and they’ll likely be rolling in here to rage in a few days once things catch up with them.


Which leads to ‘Mob rule’ and any group/guild/discord group of ppl can mute you on a whim of air.

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And in all the times we’ve seen reports here where people swear they were mass-reported for “no reason at all”, I’ve only ever seen ONE thread where it was true…out of literally hundreds.

All the other threads where a Blue was able to shed some light, confirmed that the reports were 100% valid. Turns out that in the majority of cases, the “mob” seems to be correctly using the system.

In my own opinion, this system (which has been around longer than the silence system) has been working well and as intended.


The squelch has been in the game for many years as a way to combat spam from gold sellers and really bad chat. If it is being abused in the way you’re describing, those doing the reporting can find themselves with an account action.


Save for an automated squelch (read: squelch, a temporary silence. Not being full-on silenced after a GM reviews a report and agrees that the person was in violation of the rules), people can report you all the day long for any reason at all.

The thing to remember that outside of being potentially squelched, absolutely nothing will happen to the person being reported unless that person was breaking the rules. I could sit on the cathedral steps in Stormwind and report every single person who meandered by, but none of those people would be sanctioned unless they were actually doing something wrong. Now me? They may eventually slap me back for a pattern of weaponized reports, but the people I was reporting wouldn’t have any inkling of me doing it…unless they really were breaking the rules and a GM sees that.


I’m not going to be purposing a better solution. Having seen it once justifies that the situation occurs. We are now assuming these mutes make it to the forums. In my experience only the loudest voices get any attention. I’ve been muted before and didn’t posted on the forums I just resorted to forming groups through discord for a day. My situation was in-response of someone else in my guild saying something in private chats to someone and their group lashing out to the one forming the raid.

I’m just not going to champion this blanket solution, i’m pointing out if any wanted they could run down the LFG channel an get everyone muted cause they wanted too, based on that alone it can be used to target someone when communicating would be important based on the timing of the mute. This alone is my complaint about the system.

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I would completely disagree with that it makes it an issue.

Huh? You might be, but in-game actions do not carry to the forums. That’s a fact.

No, they really can’t. Not unless they have many unique accounts (not WoW accounts, accounts) and even then Blizz would be able to see the reports all coming from the same place.

Simply put, this is not something that actually happens as much as people who wish to believe that it does.

This actually isn’t a feedback forum though. If you have suggestions on how to make the system better, you’ll need to use a discussion forum like the General forums instead.


This entire thread is literally a feedback thread... What are you talking about?????

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Perl was saying if you have suggestions on how the system might be improved, to post it in one of the General Discussion forums. The devs do not visit the CS forum for feedback or suggestions, so posting in the General forums would allow your feedback/suggestions to be seen by people who can make changes.


I really haven’t. I said that in the many years this has been an active system, that only one time have I ever seen a case on the forums where a player said they were innocent and a Blue agreed. Every other case I’ve seen here, the player has been proven to be lying or grossly misremembering the actual text they typed.

First off, mutes is not a term Blizzard uses. Either a Squelch or a Silence (different things) can happen from reports and Blizzard interaction. Neither of which in-game cause your account to be silenced on the forums. They’re separate systems.

I haven’t. You believe that this is something that happens on a regular basis and I’m telling you that it really doesn’t despite what people in the General forums would like you to believe.

Edit: And of course because of the way Logic replied to me, now it looks like I’m talking to myself. /sigh


No “mutes” in-game “make it” to the forums. No account action in-game makes it to the forums.

Correlation does not imply causation, anywhere in life.

If you saw someone get actioned, then came over here to the forums to find that same person actioned (and if it was the same person), then the person received account action in-game, and also received separate account action on the forums… for two different violations.

If you buy an ice-cream and immediately stub your toe afterwards, does that mean that buying ice-cream makes people stub their toe? No? Well, why not? You saw it happen… shoot, it happened to you! People around you saw it happen.

Why not? Because it’s not good logic, science or smarts. One thing happening after or concurrently with another doesn’t mean the two are even related.

Parents used to say, “don’t believe everything you see on TV,” and that was when there were three to five production companies making the entire world of TV. Now we ‘everyday’ humans make ‘what’s on TV’ (read: the Internet, social media, especially Reddit, etc.), yet we don’t make an effort to second-guess anything people “on TV” say anymore.

/shrug … and /sigh


I never implied a situation where a mute transferred to the forums. I said people created threads (which you said, not me) about being muted in game. Using this as a source as the event occurring, outside of my own experience of which I’ve had but never posted on the forums. (when I explained I was apart of this group of ppl, I chose not to us my event but the one you were familiar with cause my situation is not record an could be fabricated from your pov)

My only point here was the that the blanket solution is flawed. Which it is cause anyone “Can” use this to their advantage in situation where time is sensitive (which they have).

You have countered with stating that because it doesn’t affect the larger community in this way (based on forum threads/reports) so systems is good enough to over look these wildcards.

I don’t think this conversation is going to be productive going forward cause i’m not going to build you a better solution. I’m just agreeing with the person that created this thread. That the current solution could be improved.

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At first I typed out an apology, for having misunderstood your intent to say that the situation, or the discussion, carries over to the forums – not the actual penalty.

But, then:

So, I dunno. That statement there communicates the idea that “we” (inclusive of you?) believe mutes “make it to the forums”.

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I was referring to the reports of being muted. Not the actual mute account action. Just the person reporting it in a thread.

(cause I didn’t reach out to forums in my case, it looked to be assumed that all mutes made it to threads.)

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I don’t need a better solution though as I’m happy with the current one as a fellow player.

As to the rest of your post, I guess when you said:

I read that to mean that you thought that “mutes” made it over to the forums. Sorry if that’s not what you meant. Not sure what you meant by that then.

As such, the feedback on how it could be improved would be best suited for the General forums.