Received Stress test email - no access

Yeah this I agree on it might be an issue for future stresss tests, but honestly they are not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Had these been a beta testing flag that failed, I would somewhat understand the frustration.

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I was told by cs over a live chat that my ptr account had no affect on my invite status and removing it wouldn’t do anything.

Now my 2nd ptr account has been removed automatically.

I guess I’m just wondering where I stand?

Will I be able to get in to this or any other beta / stress test?

That moment when we realize that this was all apart of the stress test, and we are but peasants and refugees trying to get in the gates of Stormwind… The streamers are flourishing within the garden of Eden we call “Classic”… and we are cast out to starve!

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Well we know they can manually flag accounts (because every streamer has BETA) maybe blue can put a good word in for us who were silly and had PTRs deleted in an attempt to help solve the problem and gain stress test access. I wouldn’t complain if i never get into stress test but my account magically gets BETA access.

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Absolutely is, you are first ever to get that reference and ask me about it. You are now one of my favorite people even if you are a Horde Toon

Hotholin - I was told the same thing. I was told to wait and they would update us on here. I have seen 0 solution and there has been no success on my end on the Beta/Stress Test acount on my launcher

CS was unaware of the issue. It’s been confirmed the 2nd PTR did affect your beta invite. If your 2nd PTR account was removed automatically, you should have access to the stress test. Restart your bnet client and look again.

LUL for sure

Nothing. Restarted it like 10 times throughout the day

20 Minutes. That’s a wrap folks.


It was nice living hell with you guys today


I really wish I didn’t contact CS…It’s our own fault tbh

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The throws of life…and World of Warcraft.

If you’re signed up for the actual PTR (1 of them), in your account management page (the website), do you see 2 PTRs listed or still only 1?

just a fyi, I don’t think blizz will Mend Fences so to say. gl guys

Remember next time kids, Dont solve the problem LUL


There are now 0 PTR in my Acct Management

Same to you, we should bring refreshments next time like “Hell & Brimstone Lava Cakes” (if that isn’t a thing someone make for the next HellCon.

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At this point I really just would like an apology. I don’t have hopes that they’re going to resolve the situation for those of us who were assertive in trying to fix the issue.

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Me, I would solve the problem again. No regrets. This is why I wanted to test, I like reporting bugs and solving problems…