i would do the same thing over again. we helped solve this problem
The more you know.
The difference between us and the streamers is they have direct contact at blizzard or have contacts in Public Relations/Press Relations. for people who mentioned streamers getting flagged manually.
All this time we were looking to get into the stress test, but the real stress test came from within ourselves. Thank you blizz for this valuable lesson in patience. I will meditate on this.
Hopefully we did.
Was I not flagged correctly or was this email not meant to be sent? Help! I want to play the game I love!
We sacrificed everything, to save the 2ptr folks from not playing stress. At a cost but eh
So all hope is lost than? can a dev or someone come and please put us to rest. kill our hope so i dont have to wonder anymore
LUL so much fun today
8 hours of contantly checking forums today
Can we get a Blue to come down from the heavens and tell us GAME OVER please? The tension is KILLING ME!!!
it was an honor posting you with you gentleman, hopefully we find ourselves in better circumstances the next time around.
Put me out of my misery, Blue.
Tonight we dine in hell!
I already asked, there wont be any answer until devs answer or do something.
They don’t know. Once they hear back from the devs they will know, and I’m sure will let us know in return. CS might not even hear back from them tonight. Devs already busy with the impending stress test in 15 minutes.
Just to be the ones who saved all the lazy. The Backline heroes that paved the way for the masses. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS OF AZEROTH
One more time for humor sake.
well that does make me feel a bit better lol, if we helped atleast like what 200+ people im happy I guess.