Received Stress test email - no access

If only! Things tend to repeat itself.


Got it. Thanks. :slight_smile:

It stands to reason that if the email went out, it assumed that account was flagged, and it wouldnā€™t re-flag accounts. Itā€™s an assumption but itā€™s not illogical.

After all, those accounts which had 2PTR had to be re-flagged manually.

They stated in more than one occasion that Stress Test invites do not affect beta or alpha testing in anyway soā€¦
In fact if you check and reread the invite email you will find this info

They had to be reflagged manually because you are not allowed to have more than 2 PTRs. The system attempted to flag correctly, found 2 PTRs, failed and had to be reflagged.
Again they stated in more than one occasion that Stress testing does not affect your other invites, check your invite email and read it through

like this if you had a PTR removed. Im curious how many of us here there areā€¦


The point he is trying to make is that the ā€œfixā€ still missed our accounts which stands to reason that having our extra PTRs manually deleted caused a new issue and unless they change something to account for this in their script that its clearly going to miss us again. His concern is waranted because evidence shows their script misses us, which means it would miss us for BETA too, the same people who sent stress invite control BETA invite, the only change in the script is the access line, everything else would be the same.

It canā€™t miss us for the beta because Stress testing and beta are two different things. if you have an issue in the former the latter will not be affected.

Is THAT it? TWELVE people? how hard would it be to MANUALLY update those accounts? For the love of all that is holyā€¦

Told them to remove both my ptrs. Now i better be double likelyā€¦ :wink:

I mean lots just gave up

I donā€™t think it would affect future potential beta invites if you asked CS to delete a PTR. You could receive a stress invite, be flagged for it, and then separately be flagged for a beta invite.
My only concern is for future stress tests. If you received an email, the system thinks youā€™re flagged. Then it wouldnā€™t flag you for future stress tests automatically. Itā€™s easily resolved, because blizz could cross reference those accounts that were sent an email but were not flagged. Given thereā€™s 30 minutes now until the stress test, I donā€™t think those of us who deleted the PTR are getting in this particular stress test, though thereā€™s still potential for future tests (since Vrak has made it aware to the devs about those who asked CS to delete the 2nd PTR)

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I had a CSR remove my extra account, still nothing showing up yet.


we did our testing. this forum is proof of that. now we watch one of the many streamers playing classic LOL

Make that 13 I have not gave up yet.

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Welcome aboardā€¦ grab some snacks and a bevie.


Iā€™m fairly sure anyone here who has the issue will probably get invited to another or get beta. Anyone that is this prone to breaking things is basically the perfect people they are looking for to test.


love the name BTW assuming its a KH ref

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I think someone posted earlier, that they worked in CS and no matter how small, if someone makes a mistake, as people tend to do, IT IS MADE RIGHT or IT IS MADE UP. Thatā€™s allā€¦ and now only 24 minutes left to goā€¦ MIKE DROP.

lol ā€œBLIzz i break stuff let me beta testā€ can only hope