Received Stress test email - no access

note: how many years have we asked for classic and was completely ignored? bare this in mind thank you

I think this was our actual STRESS-test, sure stressed the frick outta me!


It did help btw. Been negative because I havenā€™t been in a good mood. At least you said something nice.


I know what itā€™s like.

FWIW, Iā€™ve been beta testing games for about 20 years now, so I just grin and expect everything to fail horribly at this point. :wink:


Nah stress test might end up being a mess today but classic is still going to be huge at launch either way. Probably going to end up being even bigger than OSRS honestly.


I also had two PTR accounts but it looks like one has disappeared in the last few min. Im hoping the other will as well. (or whatever is needed to get the Stress Test server to populate.


Mine disappeared too! One of my PTR accounts. I did not need to restart the Launcher, it just disappeared.

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I have had my ptr accounts removed but still no Stress Test listed.

Hi, Vrakthris!

How do I flag my account for removal of a 2nd PTR? I received an email for stress test access but I donā€™t have it in the dropdown menu.


is the stress test in 3 hours or 4?

I got my removed my making a ticket

Itā€™s 4 pm pacific time, which would make it just shy of 3.5 hours from now.

thank you.

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I hope they fix it soon because I got the email, and had both my PTRs removed earlier today. I hope that didnā€™t screw me!

same I asked them 2 remove the clutter they did but still no test relm

yeah i think the only thing we can do is wait now. keep checking back to see if any PTR bois get the client

My extra PTR account got removed too. Progress!


The question is that those individuals who had all their PTR accounts removed will those still be flagged? Because that would be unfair to those who got the email not to flag them for simply trying to be proactive about the issue.

sweet just saw one of my ptrā€™s was removedā€¦ now just waiting for stress test to show up in the drop down menuā€¦ Pogey

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Yes, thats been addressed.