Received Stress test email - no access

Not trying to belittle your panic disorder, but maybe you shouldn’t be doing a stress test if stuff like this affects it? Because things are going to break. That’s the whole point of a stress test.


@Dokta Thank you :slight_smile:

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if you waited 5+ years for something, would you ignore it?


You waited 5+ years for a stress test?

what does the stress test lead to… do I need to hold your hands??

This is what happened to me only now realizing after reading the posts here. Really ridiculous we cannot remove them ourselves.

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Dokta - you were able to get it to download?

Stress? :wink:

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Man…this is legit lame my guys. Not a troll being completely honest here. I’ve been suffering with depression for a while now and haven’t been able to feel anything about anything for a long time. When I got that e-mail I felt happy and excited for the first time in Lord knows how long and to be tricked into that feeling by Blizzard hurts a lot. I get that it was a mistake or whatever, but it still hurts. Thanks for the momentary feeling of being normal and happy again I guess. Shame on you guys though.

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Not yet, but based on the various posts from Blue’s and otherwise, I’m comfortable with the idea that most of us in this this thread did not see the download due to double PTR’s.

Once they re-push the Stress Test, we should see it, since we got the emails.


leads to the full launch of classic… shortsighted?

It’ll get fixed. They’re working on it. They know what the problem is now, so they know what to fix.

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I realize that.

But stress tests are, by design, going to have problems and break things. This isn’t beta, this is two hours of us going in and trying to overload the servers. And break things.

That’s good to know and I know it’s probably stupid of me to get so worked up over a game, but ouch man. You know?


@Vinnynukem Dont fret. And chin up…ive been where you are now, and IT WILL GET BETTER.

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but the stress test shows the game is on the way, for many of us. we thought it you think you do, but you don’t aka not gonna happen

Oh, I definitely get it. And I hope we all get in to see today.

Hope things look better for you soon, depression sucks. <3

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I want to make it clear that the person you are responding to has been profoundly negative in this entire thread. I am not sure rationalizing or explaining is going to help you. . .

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Noted. I skipped over a lot of the middle of the thread. :laughing:

Thank you Vrakthris for keeping us informed about what is going on, your doing great props to you. Im also one of those people that have 2 PTR’s made on accident will be waiting patiently in hopes that it pops up in my client! Cheers Thanks again.