Reasons why gnomes are cool?

is it even really a split when all you are really doing is moving out of state but still coming back to visit whenever you feel like

i mean the only rift among high elves is a tiny group of ex farstrider refugees in dalaran with magister types

They’re all subgroups, definitionally.

To refer to Blood Elves as the parent group, citing to the fact that they’re the most prevalent of the groups, ignores chronological reality — it is just as absurd as claiming that the Americans are a parent to the English, Scottish, or Welsh.

It’s hardly a misdirection. The statement made by the Lead Game Designer (and, elsewhere, the Lead Narrative Designer) is provided only a few posts above mine and it didn’t once suggest that Void Elves “used to be High Elves” or that they “find their origins in the High Elves”, it says they “are High Elves”. Period.

That notwithstanding, it’s also hardly relevant to the discussion that was being had — the only points I’ve made in earnest were as follows:

  1. To demonstrate that any rationale suggesting that the group which is least changed, physiologically, ought to be considered as the “most pure” would automatically disqualify the Blood Elves — because the group which is least changed, physiologically, would be the “High Elves” that have always existed, however few, among the Alliance.

    (And, again, I’m not claiming that this is the case. I’m pointing out that her logic doesn’t lead to the conclusion she thinks it does.)

  2. To reiterate that the mere existence of High Elf NPC’s in Telogrus implies that there is, as a matter of fact, at least one settlement of “High Elves” that is aligned with the Alliance somewhere.

    Precisely where they’re coming from, though, who knows?

You’ve not cited one thing apart from the blue-colored blood, and as far as I can tell you’re actively ignoring Ion’s quote (which was provided, verbatim, only a few posts back) on the subject.

Not to mention, that post wasn’t directed at you. :man_shrugging:

That’s fair. The only thing that is certain is that each group of Thalassians that exists today is a derivative of the original group of Thalassians that existed up until the Third War — it’d probably be fair to suggest that the Blood Elves have most faithfully kept to the traditions of this original group of Thalassians, but that hardly has anything to do with why people have always asked for playable High Elves (and why people continue to make requests for things like Void Elf customization options which will allow them to fulfill whatever fantasy they’ve got about said playable High Elves).

I mean, when I lived in Germany I could still visit Australia but I wasn’t living in Australia.

I would say that if we’d spent more time between the high elves leaving the Alliance and the Scourging it’d make a bit more sense not to call it a split, since at that point the ones who’d left were a completely meaningless minority. But since the games have focused more on the time before and after, separatist high elves are still a small minority, but they’re not a completely meaningless minority like they were after the Second War.

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This is actually incorrect. In game it was shown as blue. But in lore they had various eye glow colors, they even had a shade of green even.

Without the need of your curruption excuse (they where not currupted by fel.)

Shadowlands novel/three sisters comic.

No they did not.

Only the ones that lived in dalaran that opposed the horde joined the silver covenent. And the silver covenent is not an entirely high elf group although it is the most common race in it.

There is several lodges with high elves that refused to join one faction or the other.

They are alliance leaning, but they directly serve the korin tor whom is neutral. They cannot act against the horde in the open due to serving the korin tor.

I have created a thread for middle ground on that subject for half elves;

There is also known high elves acting with the horde as well in ratchet.

Your opinion man, and opinions are always refutable.

Are another flavor of high elves =/= high elves.

You even said you’ll take an l on your error…

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I recall them saying they’re another flavour of High Elves, which is true - but not that they are fully and inexcuseably High Elves ‘period’.

I quoted a canon quote regarding the renaming of the Blood Elves from Kael’Thas –

So I have cited more than one thing - Along with like you said, the Wowhead post of the different blood. You on the otherhand tend to mention “So and so said this.” without providing the verbatim quote, or sources yourself. So it kind of feels like the pot calling the kettle black here. :eyes:

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That’s a fair correction, but hardly affects the overall point of that segment.

It’s interesting that you’re able to suggest that the four or five known individuals living in Ratchet could feasibly explain the origins of the High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus and not one person in this thread will bat an eye, but I suggest any one of the fifty or sixty known individuals living in any of the Alliance-friendly Thalassian territories and suddenly I’m just living in a fan-fiction.

It speaks volumes.

There wasn’t any opinion in that comment at all — High Elves, as something separate from either Blood Elves or Void Elves, are confirmed to exist in Telogrus. This is a fact, no matter how much you dislike it.


And I did. :man_shrugging:

It’s something that has been left open for interpretation, but until they actually verbalize that Void Elves aren’t “fully, and inexcusably, High Elves” then they are to be considered as such — particularly when we consider the very high likelihood that a majority of all Void Elves are derived from the “second generation”, who as of yet haven’t had their lack of physiological alteration explained.

I haven’t had to cite much of anything, because most of what I’ve stated is corroborated by simply stepping into Telogrus Rift and opening your eyes — as for the one citation to Ion’s commentary, it was provided by another poster just four posts above mine, verbatim. Would it make you feel better if I copy/pasted it in every post, so you can’t miss it going forward?

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You’ve been sourced several times.

But here since you seem to have a lack of memory;

Ok tl:dr silver covenent while can show support for the alliance, cannot act for alliance, aka they are not an actual member of the alliance.

Ion’s statement that was provided in this thread “Void elves is another flavor of high elves.”

And yet your still demanding sources for the exact thing you’ve been sourced on multiple occasions. This is what is called hypocracy.

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I’m just here to express my affinity for Gnomes.

:robot: :toolbox: :hammer_and_wrench: :clamp: :wrench: :hammer_and_pick: :gear:


What do you think of participating with “gnome ball” my little friend?

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The coolest gnomes live in northrend. prove me wrong.

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Not really, otherwise they wouldn’t be indicated as an Allied race under the guise of ‘Void Elves’ they’d just be ‘High Elves’ with a later cosmetic option like the Darkfallen open to all Thalassian Elves introduced to play upon the questline and receive likeness to Alleria on the Argus questlines.

Such a ‘citation’ of which I addressed you misinterpreted, or changed the wording of -

Now, as for -


Considering you’re demanding ‘SoUrCe’ out to everyone on almost every post. You can’t just say “Someone else said it a few things comments upward. Therefor I sourced” cause no, you didn’t - someone else said / sourced something, and for all you know they could’ve BS’d it.

As Greatbrae stated -

Which is ironic considering in the past I got into a heated debate myself with Greatbrae on the forums with Fenelon, but credit is given where credit is due – They’re right. On the sourcing subject, currently you are the dictionary term of the word: Hypocrite.

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gnomes are mostly tolerable.
whoops, almost wrote troll food instead of tolerable. my bad.

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You can say they are “trollerable”


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I mean, if we’re talking technicalities, the race is Elf. Blood Elves technically aren’t High Elves because they changed their name and it was only ever a name to begin with. The first High Elf was a Night Elf who was a High Elf by the time he landed in Lordaeron. Saying Blood Elves “were” High Elves is as correct as saying Blood Elves were “Night Elves.” Yeah. They’re elves.

I mean, I’m not particularly interested in the fallacious nonsensical argument. But if we’re just talking facts then that’s the real situation. High Elf is just a group/political faction name. So when Blood Elves were like, “We’re Blood Elves now.” they gave that up. It would be like Americans saying they’re British.

Honestly the situation is more like Americans saying that they’re British and that the British aren’t British because Americans are British. That’s where the debate is at currently.

Yeah. I mean, there are High Elf Mages in the Stormwind Mage district. Highvale Elves, etc. The old WoW encyclopedia mentions that High Elves are joining the Alliance.

I mean, there is also Elisande’s in game quote where she seperately addresses Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei.

It’s not just developers talking about it. There’s in game references to the differences.

I’d say this is technically incorrect.

High Elves turned down changing their names to Blood Elves. so technically Blood Elves split from them. That being said, Blood Elves are the majority, obviously.

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Yeah. Some real gas-lighting energy. They’re like, “There is one dude in Mists of Pandaria where they messed up and didn’t change his eyes from Blue and that’s absolutely and totally an indefensible argument for everything.”

but like… are just oblivious to the existence of High Elves.

Yeah. There are High Elf Wayfarers and Blood Elf Wayfarers. They’re not the same people.

I argue about this all the time. Like, only on these forums in conversations with this single group of people is there any confusion of what a WoW High Elf is.

The definition has been set in stone since Vanilla WoW. In Vanilla WoW there were High Elves and there were Blood Elves and they were obviously different groups of people… and in Burning Crusade and forever afterwards that distinction still exists. The WoW encyclopedia lists them as two different groups of people.

Elisande talks about the Quel’dorei and the Sin’dorei and the developers know that the players will know what they’re talking about.

and then you come over here and it’s gaslight city.

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There isn’t any indication in Three Sisters that the sclera of Thalassians ever glowed, keyword, anything other than blue prior to the Sacking of Quel’thalas — you’re almost certainly thinking of the iris of an eye, which is something entirely different.

That’s spectacular, here’s one for you:

It doesn’t really matter where the High Elf Wayfarers are coming from, specifically — what matters is that they must come from somewhere, generally.

If Blizzard imagines that somewhere is Dalaran and the Silver Covenant, cool.
If Blizzard prefers that somewhere to be the Hinterlands, cool.
If Blizzard decides that somewhere is Alternate Azeroth from 400-years ago, cool.

I don’t see how this has any relevance to whether or not High Elves had sclera that glowed in colors other than blue. :man_shrugging:

I asked, once, for someone to cite a source for Void Elves having blue blood — and when that source was provided, I accepted it as fact.

I asked, once, for someone to cite a source for High Elves having glowing sclera in colors other than blue in the era before the Sacking of Quel’thalas — as of yet, you’ve cited nothing that demonstrates that to be the truth. :man_shrugging:

There isn’t a single thing in that entire paragraph that relates, at all, to whether or not Blizzard actually considers Void Elves to be biological High Elves — as of this time they haven’t weighed in on the subject any more than that original statement, which calls them a “flavor of High Elf”.

That phrasing is entirely open to interpretation, whether you accept it or not.

I didn’t change any wording, which is why quotations were utilized — Ion’s statement wouldn’t support the statement that Void Elves are “inexcusably High Elves”, but Ion’s statement also wouldn’t support the supposition that Void Elves are not “inexcusably High Elves”, either.

Ergo, open to interpretation.

You asked for a source, and I posited that it was already provided four or five posts above mine — that’s called a secondary citation. If scrolling up a half-wheel offends your delicate sensibilities, that’s something you’re going to have to work on. :man_shrugging:


I quite enjoy discussing the subject with people with such obvious blinders on, because each and every interaction allows them the opportunity to demonstrate a woeful lack of social intelligence — I’ve been contacted, in-game, on numerous occasions by people saying that they were basically dumbfounded by how incapable the folks arguing against the very existence of High Elves are at accepting reality.

It certainly seems as if Blizzard has come to view the pro-High Elf crowd as being more reasonable than the anti-High Elf crowd, particularly considering their recent willingness to introduce customization options for Void Elves. Conversely, they’ve actively denied most of the things that the anti-High Elf crowd lobbies for (i.e. “kill all High Elves off”, “force them all back into the Quel’thalas”, etc.). :man_shrugging:

I say let the debate continue for another decade. The folks that are hellbent on denying objective truths, truths which are observable by anybody that plays the game, are the MVP’s of getting Void Elves more stuff.

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The High Gnomes have spoken.

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Well it does, you just fail to see it.

One could say it’s ‘Entirely open to interpretation, whether you accept it or not’. :eyes:

Not really. You’re pushing your own headcanon agenda that they are inexcusably High Elves, nothing more or less - but that’s not the case. Their peoples origins came from High Elves who were later renamed Blood Elves before they were remade into the now Void Elves – No one’s disputing that. But what you’re trying to ship it forward as is something else.

I haven’t seen a subject of this type of nuance since someone on the forums tried to push that Eredar weren’t demons and still Draenie therefor should still have the customisation options to be one if they want.

Okay well, I’ve seen other people regard sources and a few comments later when the subject is relayed - you’ve still pitched your “Source?” or waved them aside as not being valid to push your own agenda & headcanoning :man_shrugging:


Gnomes are the Hep Cool Cats of wow