Reasons why gnomes are cool?

The most recent lore explanation are that high elves and blood elves are physiologically identical.


How can you ask for a source of them bleeding different color when legit they bleed blue. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Game director also said that if you want an actual High Elf then play on Horde side but people like you didn’t like that because I still see you all bringing it up in threads so please pick your lane and stick with it.


Exactly, so Naut’s soft insinuation that only the Horde-aligned Thalassians are physiologically High Elven is a falsehood.

You can’t see blood effects when attacked, in-game, which is why I’m asking for a citation for your comment — if it’s as obviously true as you’re incredulity suggests it is, shouldn’t be overly difficult to simply prove it. :man_shrugging:

Those statements were made prior to the introduction of Void Elves and are, therefore, not valid citations from a purely logical perspective.

It’s certainly interesting that rather than respond to the points I made that directly refute your logic, by using it against you in a near-verbatim form, you instead chose to respond to the ancillary points (in the most pedantic way imaginable). It says a lot about your integrity as a poster. :man_shrugging:

What are you talking about?

I’m sure Naughtymoon knows about the 6 High Elves Alliance side just like Mag does or I do or anyone else does.

If you’re trying to claim neutral groups as Alliance that’s another thing entirely and I’m not entirely sure is applicable since the implications since Lanesh would be that they’re returning home to take up the Blood Elf name or part of neutral groups like the SC.

Also didn’t you used to be a NB/NE?


How? The Horde Thalassians ARE physiologically High Elven - because they’re physiologically identical, in every shape and form.

The one and only difference between them is they changed their name to honour the fallen, they’re the same race of High Elves - the only difference via namesake is political, whereas Void Elves had a cosmic change that dubbed them as new race & form of people.

So in conclusion —
Blood Elves are High Elves, they’re simply dubbed ‘Blood Elves’ to honour their fallen people against Arthas.

A lot of people that claim Blood Elves are namesaked due to the fel, or blood magic or some other silly means, are generally those that have a thing against Blood Elves - and have a hard nonstop erection out for ‘ALLIANCE ONLY ELVES!’ – They ignore the FACT that there’s absolutely no difference physically, culturally or biologically between High Elves and Blood Elves whatsoever - they’re the one and the same people.

The lore of their namesake began with a speech from their prince - despite his … misdirection of loyalties — The people of Quel’Thalas acknowledged and respected the speech that was given; upholding the new name of their people, in honour of the fallen.

"In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!” - Kael’Thas Sunstrider


You asked me yesterday about the types of people that I interact with or block you happen to be someone that I will more than likely block because you can’t seem to have a civilized conversation and instead are pretending like you don’t know what happens in the game during gameplay.

Oh but they are, the High Elves are the Blood Elves, we are the ones that don’t sound weird, look weird, bleed blue, glow during combat and sometimes even out of combat and it’s all of our lore so accept it or not but I’m not going to keep on droning with you when you can’t accept simple facts that the real pure High Elves are Blood Elves and that corrupted Blood Elves twice removed from High Elves are the Void Elves.

They’re named that because the Thalassian royalty was referred to as being “children of the blood”. After the Scourging they decreed that all high elves were children of the blood to honour their sacrifice


Yes, but the prime statement that decreed that was the quote from Kael’Thas I put in my comment. :slight_smile:


I’d argue that the Silver Covenant isn’t neutral, but it’s an argument for another time because they’re not who I was referring to.

There are a few notable groupings of Alliance-aligned Thalassians outside of the Silver Covenant, but to specifically state that any of them are currently active and working in tandem with the Alliance would be speculation — it is absolutely not speculation, however, to state that there must be some Alliance-aligned Thalassians somewhere that are opting to visit Telogrus and adjoin themselves to the Void Elves.

This isn’t refutable, and is implicitly suggested in-game and explicitly confirmed out-of-game by the developers.

Yep, both.

You’ve fundamentally misunderstood what she wrote, I wrote, or both.

The insinuation that was made, by her, was that the Horde-aligned Thalassians were the only group that qualify, physiologically, to be considered as High Elves because they hadn’t been corrupted by any particular magic — I countered that the handful of Alliance-aligned Thalassians, who aren’t suffused by the Void, would qualify as High Elves using that exact same criteria.

That sounds an awful lot like, “I don’t have a source, and their bleeding blue is my personal headcanon.”

I’m completely happy to be proven wrong, here, especially since whether they do or don’t bleed blue has no bearing, at all, on anything I’ve asserted above. But, hey, if providing evidence that the things you’re asserting are true isn’t really your style… that’s entirely your prerogative. It’s not a good look, though. :man_shrugging:

I’d argue that it’s plenty weird to post openly about your refusal to interact with people who you disagree with, actively ignore logically sound criticisms of your positions, and speak as if you’re an expert on the matter while demonstrating with each sentence a woeful misunderstanding of virtually every aspect of the subject matter.

At best, it’s pedantic; at worst, it’s malicious. :man_shrugging:

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Good luck with that one if you choose to reply to him more dearie, I refuse to interact with him further, he can’t even accept that the High Elves are the Blood Elves and that Void Elves bleed blue not red when it’s all common knowledge.

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No, the way it was worded came off as a statement of misdirection.

Currently as it stands, in-game she’d be correct.
Lorewise however on the mass scale, not quite so much. As there are sects who refuse to honour the fallen via dubbing the name ‘Blood Elf’ and stick by the name ‘High Elf’ or are that of the Silver Covenant community. So yeah, if you were pointing out that criteria that would be correct.

However I would like to point out -

Allow me to provide such source –

When you’re struck as a void elf, bleeding purple occurs when you’re hit. Insinuating, that undertaking the Void cosmically to your being - turns your blood purple.

That being all stated - High Elves ARE Blood Elves, lorewise their kind is already an extreme few and there’s only an extremer few out of that populace that refused to honour the namesake. Really, one could call those that refused to change the namesake extremists … As for Void Elves they’re an extreme few too, but have more of a cause for a different name, being now different beings & all via cosmically changed by the void. :slight_smile:


Ion: “High Elves? Honestly, spoilers guys, Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves. Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves.”

Ion’s use of the words “also” and “another” directly imply that he was using the word “flavor” to describe both Blood Elves and Void Elves as both High Elves. If you agree that Blood Elves are High Elves, through this source you must also believe that Void Elves are High Elves too.

Ion is saying Blood Elves and Void Elves are both equally High Elves.

End of debate.


Gnomes Gnibble Gnee-caps.
Punt us as far as you like, but remember, we’ll be back for those nobblies!

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Ok, so if you got what you wanted, why are you still complaining?


I think it’s mostly their unique position between a beach ball and a football in bouncing characteristics.

I absolutely accept that the Horde-aligned subgroup of Thalassians, who refer to themselves as Blood Elves, are High Elves; I also absolutely accept that the Alliance-aligned subgroups of Thalassians, who refer to themselves as Void Elves or High Elves, are High Elves.

This understanding is parroted by virtually every developer that has weighed in on it, and in particular the Lead Game Designer and the Lead Narrative Designer. Are you suggesting that you, Naughtymoon of Proudmoore, know more about the affairs of Thalassians than either of those two title-holders? A bold claim.

If the only subgroupings were Void Elves and Blood Elves, we’d agree — but the very existence of Alliance-aligned Thalassians who aren’t inundated by the Void (“High Elves”), which we know exist because of what we’ve seen in Telogrus and from what we’ve been told by Danuser himself, refutes her assertion.

The insinuation she made was, effectively, that the group with the least amount of physiological change is most deserving of being recognized as “pure” High Elves; but that measure alone doesn’t really work because when you include all Thalassians you find that the Horde-aligned Thalassians underwent more change than the Alliance-aligned Thalassians (that aren’t Void-riddled, of course).

(To be clear, here, it isn’t my intention to counter-claim that the “High Elves” are the most pure variety of Thalassian — but merely to point out that her logic is completely flawed, and could lead only to the conclusion that “High Elves” are the most pure variety of Thalassian.

I prefer not to consider any group of Thalassian on the basis of their being more/less “pure”, physiologically; it’s more appropriate to consider said groups on the basis of their being more/less divergent from their original culture/tradition — which would most likely result in BE’s being considered as the “least divergent” and the HE’s being considered as the “most divergent”. VE’s somewhere in the middle.)

Interesting. It doesn’t really detract from what I wrote, as I was speaking to “High Elves”, but I’ll take the L on that. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

At least a few of these folks have been slipping into these threads for a decade, I doubt something as unimportant as facts are going to derail the “debate”. :laughing:

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Blood Elves isn’t a subgroup. If anyone’s a subgroup now it would be Void Elves and those who remain from the Thalassian populace that still refer themselves only as ‘High Elves’. *

Again, another misdirection – Lead developers stated their origins were from High Elves, who had chosen to undertake the new name of Blood Elves, who later also undertook the void and became Void Elves - A new race.

I’m not suggesting, I’m telling factual information that I’ve sourced or directly quoted.

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I feel like they aren’t a racial subgroup, but they are a political subgroup even if they are I would say the first in precedence over high elves since it was high elves who split from blood elves, not blood elves who split from high elves.

I mean, they’re the majority of the populace, so the subgroup who deferred to the motion would be those that could be referred as the a subdivision of the majority group. Although, yeah it’s a rather grey area – Really up for how one decides to take it.

I mean, yeah, it really depends on whether you view it as a split between the two groups or as high elves breaking off from Quel’thalas.

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