Realms offline?

to be fair, the AH WAS broken for a lot of people

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This forum post is working as intended, entertaining us while servers are down. I am impressed by Blizzard’s performance.


This is true, I am more entertained than watching the Blizznet cinematic over and over

I’ve got the popcorn ready for cries for game time.

You are right that this is not ok but Blizzard had to, to fix Auction house issues that are pretty large. Why this was not fixed in ptr
<please quit regurgitating inaccurate information, thank you>

The AH was “broken” because they tried to replace the old AH system. What was wrong with the old system? Someone at Blizz didn’t like it! That’s all there was to it! Return it to the way it used to be and quit trying to “fix” what isn’t broken!

careful my post got removed for stating that just a few min ago

Then why have ptr

Seriously, you know very well the AH was terrible system. It absolutely 100% needing to be fixed.

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This is true

Former QA tester for another game here. There are bugs that won’t pop up until the game goes live, simply because the live environment is different from the test or even public test environment. That doesn’t mean that it’s “not ready”.



Maybe PTR really means - Preliminary Trash Review? LOL!!! Well
Out to deal with my trash and chores now

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ptr is not going to be good at testing auction house since any gold making testing would be very inaccurate compared to live.


I agree with everyone. I work all week and can really play on the weekends and it is depressing that I cant play but let blizzard do their maintenance and who knows maybe there wont be any maintenance till Tuesday lol.

What are you talking about? If they did this 4am to 7am pacific it would have impacted far fewer customers. That is a fact.

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this is primetime for me. This is absolute bs.

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Sorry to hear the world for you stops at PST 
 We here at EST are in our prime time 

They don’t work those hours.

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this is ridiculous!!!