Realms offline?

oh like when their electronic gas pedals malfunctioned causing them to go full throttle causing crashes that cost them 1.2 billion dollars in payouts

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My point exactly.

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i wish they would’ve just waited to release 8.3 instead.

Yes, release 8.3 after Shadowlands, just to be sure.

Bring on the car posts. I’m enjoying it.

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Would be netter if we got payouts. How about game time added for every hour they take with this nonsense.

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Edit: Troll here at your peril, Mechahealbot. First, last and final warning. --Orliya

What is the PTR for? Asking for a friend.

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That is a very good question

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PTR is for Fatboss to make videos on. Not actually test features like a new AH.


I am so disappointed…Was all set to do my dailies and possibly a couple other things…Now I have to do stuff around the house. Wife is happy…I am certainly NOT! :frowning:


How did the EU servers have such a amazingly fast fix and ours is taking 3+ hrs?

i am not a troll, stating facts isn’t trolling

You look like a Tauren to me

lemme change that so that mod can be correct

I am :slight_smile: 10char

A costume maybe?

I was told at 7am PST that we’d be offline for ONE hour. It’s now THREE hours and no end in sight! Why did Blizz feel the need to fix the AH when IT WASN’T BROKEN??? If this keeps up, I’ll be wanting a refund of my subscription!

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fixed lol XD

For some of you who keep trying to justify this as “Okay”. You are wrong. You need to understand there is people who do not get to play much. As i look through some of the comments most of you who are ok with this look like multiple hour everyday players. The complainers are the people who only get to play on weekends. Consider their pain and missing out on enjoying a game they wait to play every week. Blizz should not be doing 3+ hour maintenance on a weekend. Was a terrible Judgement call to do so.