Realms offline?

It will always be prime time for some players, no matter which time you put it at. When it comes to that, they have to do things during the hours that they’re at work.


I think that the most depressing thing about this is that everyone was able to play just fine, and nobody was getting ahead by exploiting something. The fact that there was a delay between the selling of an auction and receiving the money is very minor and could have waited until regular maintenance to be taken care of.


A delay? We have a very long post from yesterday you might want to skim through.


who cares about the ah, I’m only a consumer anyways. This is so annoying, I only have a few hours to play a week.

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Quite a few people, if you want to go read the thread Orlyia referenced just before you posted.

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And you picked the week end to fix it … good thing I do not run the patches and fixes of my clients the way cause I would be out of business !! lol but keep up the good work, your game is fun to play !

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Because I’m watching people’s posts go up and then immediately disappear. Moderating all posts because why?

Because that is part of my job, Eocene.


Pu - please stop. --Orlyia

Customer Support has the heaviest moderation across the entire board of forums. Breaking CoC and trying to pass misinformation as fact are two large contributors to getting actioned.


what is taking so longgggggggggggg

The amount of people complaining is funny. Yeah it sucks, buy stuff happens

Computers are a pain in the butt. Servers are really, really complex computers.

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You’ll want to ask @WarcraftDevs over at Twitter. CS has no involvement with maintenance or game development at all.

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I am sorry, but I have not seen that post, however, what your own launcher in the breaking news section is saying ( it is still there as we speak ) is:

“…some players are experiencing a long delay in receiving in game mails, no data is being lost…”

I don’t wanna hear it

You’re welcome to indulge yourself while they’re still working on maintenance. The information that is present now was not available during this time.

there is a difference in being removed for breaking rules or passing false info on versus just saying something the mod/blizzard/activision doesn’t like. Most of Pu’s comments didn’t need removal and just looks personal at this point. sorry.


9:40 pst and no increase in maintenance time. Here’s hoping.

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I ran 5 red lights, hit 4 heroine addicts on the street, rushing home to play and this game is offline again, lol, weird how the game is never offline when they want payment every month