Realms offline?

I had no issues with it at all. And as I said, never should have been an issue to begin with and when it was, the fix should have been tested before trying to go live with it

I can only play on the weekends because of the workā€¦
I was expecting Saturday so bad all week long and here we are with no serversā€¦


Careful. Mind your posts donā€™t run afoul of the forum CoC, please.

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itā€™s expected on a Tuesday - when not as many people are trying to play due to school and work. This is a SATURDAY - the only time some people can actually sit and play and get stuff done


I am also not impressed. If something isnā€™t ready, donā€™t release it. Imagine if Toyota released a ā€œnot readyā€ car.


My point exactly. Their QA/QC structure is poorly managed.

it could be argued that they have. LOL! :slight_smile:

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Sometimes unexpected issues come up. It is better they are addressing the issues now than to just ignore it and let the servers have issues.


I did. I mainly play FF now but thought Iā€™d see if this patch actually improved BfA at all.

It really doesnā€™t matter what day it has to happen. If maintenance is required, Iā€™d personally rather it get done as soon as possible, not wait for more issues to crop up because itā€™s delayed.


Like the fuel pump issues in the 2018 and 19 Camrys?


ā€œget done as soon as possibleā€ - as in: test the doggone thing before trying to go live with it and finding out you just made things worse and now extended your playerbaseā€™s unplayable time by threefold So Far

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Eu servers = down 40 minutes for maintenance and already back up, even beating their initial estimate. US servers = 3 hours, till they delay it another hour after that. US education sure is great.

Yah, will change to 11 pst as it closes in on 10

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Or when the accelerators were sticking on the Toyota prius?


Always down on days I can actually grind. FML!

That, unfortunately, is one of the great beasts of a closed environment vs a live environment. They could do all the testing in the world and still not catch everything, as weā€™ve seen in the past couple days.

Take a chill pill and breathe. It will be back when itā€™s back.


I own a Civic. It works fine.

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lol, not really ever been on a software development team before Iā€™m guessing?

Well anyone thatā€™s been playing WoW for any length of time should know by now that the 1st week of new content is always HELL WEEK where crashes & burns on a constant Iā€™m pretty sure they wish it would take off without any issues like we do but its life so we sit and wait avoiding house work :joy: :joy: :joy: