Either blizzard are going to take steps to help the oceanic region to grow shadowstrike through various suggestions i made in previous posts.
Or they are going to have to acknowledge we are paying customers and an entire region and look for a solution that they are able to implement since they claim they cannot do oce seeded instances (which is a lie and not true because bg’s literally crossplay regions).
This also prevents them from making the same mistake with oceanic for a 3rd time in the future they should of learned from SOM and had methods ready if this kind of thing happened.
At least now they are aware and can work towards some kind of solution for all of us and if it can’t be implemented now in sod it will be in future iterations of wow.
Also if after various steps have been taken to try to address shadowstrike and help the server grow through various actions down the track in AQ or Naxx they at least have time to find an alternative since they now know the majority are against being forced onto NA east coast 240ms ping and having there entire server destroyed.
Are you seriously claiming shadowstrike is growing? God dam these guys are delusional… If your server is so healthy and you have such a strong majority of players that don’t want to transfer why don’t you just stay on your uber growth mega oce pop realm and allow the small minority of us to leave? Why do you have to force us to stay on a server with you?
Or Blizz could just realise they listened to a minority and reenable the FCM’s for both Pen and SS and, according to the “poll”, nobody will transfer off SS so it won’t be an issue for them
Your suggestions are:
-To bring penance (a pve server that doesn’t want to move to PvP and has all of about 100 players left on it). - terrible idea which will have no impact on shadowstrike because none of them will move here.
-Open transfers to shadowstrike from US - noone is moving from a populated US realm to a very clearly dying oceanic realm.
Both awful ideas. The only good suggestion was the oce seeded instances, which they have said they will not do. So essentially you have given 2 terrible ideas that will not increase the population of shadowstrike at all. Or you may get lucky and gain a whopping 5-10 players across both of your suggested routes.
Im happy with the pause. Blizz were going to create conditions for our realm to ensure it’s death and this happening right before BWL/ZG is unacceptable.
Happy for Blizz to have some time to think about something better for Shadowstrike.
Penance should be allowed to access FCM however
You take everything i say out of context and twist it you aren’t genuine and do not argue in good faith you are irrelevent and just bitter that you can’t transfer.
They did learn… The opened the transfers early, which is exactly the reason why the oceanic community died on som, because they left the Jom transfers too late, which is what you’re actively trying to ruin.
My entire guild on Penance has said, with one voice, that it will be a cold day in hell before we transfer to Shadowstrike. We don’t need or want to put up with their childish crap and getting ganked every 5 minutes.
I tell them how they are. How many players do you estimate will come flocking to shadowstrike if you open US transfers to shadowstrike and allow penance players to move here too? Give me a figure of how many you realistically believe will come to shadowstrike.
You said that allowing penance to transfer to shadowstrike will help save shadowstrike. Now you’re saying I’m twisting your words because I told them what your suggestion was?
Tell me realistically how many players you estimate will come to shadowstrike from the US realms and penance if they open transfers? That was your suggestion (even if it was a terrible idea id love to know exactly how stupid you are with what estimate you give lol)
I can’t wait until this gets reversed and watch the outcry from the people who wanted to lock everyone’s chrs in and throw away the key for their own benefit.
How does this help move forward a conversation? Open up Reddit and go neuropost on there instead. Elron’s ideas aren’t always bangers but a lot of people are happy Shadowstrike is paused for now. Sorry about Penance again