Hello everyone, thank you for bearing with us there while we solidified our plans around these moves.
For the US region, all PvE realms will have FCMs open to Wild Growth, all PvP realms will have FCMs open to Crusader Strike. At the same time, first character creation will be disabled on all other realms. These Free Character Moves will open at 6pm PDT Tuesday 17th September.
In preparation for this, we have disabled character creation entirely on Crusader Strike and Wild Growth, this block will remain in effect until 10am Thursday 19th September, at which time creation will be re-enabled.
Our reasoning for these decisions are as follows -
- Wild Growth and Crusader Strike have consistantly remained the most populous and active realms in Season of Discovery US.
- We are announcing this now ahead of time to give guilds time to discuss when they wish to move, how to handle moving guild bank and large volumes of gold etc.
- Disabling character creation on the destination realms temporarily is to prevent a land grab of names by people intentionally trying to claim names othwerwise available to incomming transfers.
As part of this process we are also utilizing our Name Reclamation feature, this feature will automatically allow people to take names that are otherwise on an inactive account. We have set the date for inactivity to the begining of Season of Discovery Phase 4, so any account that has not once logged into Vanilla World of Warcraft since July 11th will be eligible to lose any character names it has reserved if those names are requested by an incomming FCM or new character creation. Please note Customer Service will not assist with gametime requests or exceptions to this process.
We hope that this will give as many people as possible a chance to maintain names that they have grown attached to, but appreciate not everyone will be lucky but ultimately we believe this consolidation will lead to the best possible experience for Season of Discovery players.
no PvP → PvE or vice versa options available this time around or?
Forget to clarify about players that have both factions between different PVP realms?
Quelle surprise.
please let me off of crusader strike this server sucks BAD
thats what it looks like, 
Blizzard, PLEASE, please reconsider letting pvp transfer to pve (and vice versa). I wasn’t able to get my old main off of lone wolf pvp last open transfer (because it was handled so poorly). Please!
Should be the same as previous transfers, you get to have both factions on the same server. That’s how it went with Chaos Bolt → Crusader Strike.
where the pvp>pve options and vice versa?
I love forced realm changes because who wants to keep their name that they have had for years.
Not just creating a fresh server is a huge L. I really want my names or at least a chance at them.
wowhead really dropped the ball when they posted that it would be all new realms. Blizzard’s original post never mentioned all new realms in it at all, but wowhead gave everyone false expectations.
Not surprised it wound up being Wild Growth and Crusader Strike in the end. They were already the mega-servers, made no sense to make new mega-servers.
Kind of ironic given how back at the start of SoD, my guild chose Crusader Strike because we didn’t want to wind up on a dead realm. That choice was between CS or Chaos Bolt, but now it seems that our choice was even more meaningful than we ever could have imagined.
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So what happens if we have an opposite faction character on the PvP realm?
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is there somewhere we can see details about rules and limitations on the transfers? like how much gold you can have on a character or minimum level and stuff like that.
You get to be both factions, based on precedent set by the Chaos Bolt closure.
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Welcome new PvE friends to Wild Growth!
Also, EXTREMELY unpopular opinion but - I am glad that there is no PvP–>PvE transfer. People who willingly rolled on PvP servers AGAIN after seeing phase 2 of Classic are nothing short of psychotic (or are friends with adamant psychos that forced them to roll there).
Wild Growth has been the super chill dad server since SoD started and I hope this decision lets those vibes to stick around <3
So you are forcing everyone to play on a mega PVP server even tho we never agreed to this? I don’t want to play on a streamer server, please let me go to PVE instead.
This was never mentioned at all and I’m sure I’m not the only one not liking this outcome.
Let Crusader Strike players move to Wild Growth or vise versa. You knew 1000% people wanted it.