Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

one time do something thats not a complete total failure sh!t show. just once. gd

A lot of people are also pissed that they are now trapped on a dying server. Elrons ideas are awful. You think allowing US to transfer to shadowstrike will do anything? Do you seriously think anyone is transferring to a clearly dying realm? How many people do you think in total will move to shadowstrike if elrons suggestions get put in place? More than 10?

Honestly though, ganking doesn’t actually happen that often. I’m not sure why you think that. yes it’s a PvP realm but majority of players don’t open world PvP.

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Even if its 50 new players (extremely conservative) that is great and there is no reason to not make it possible if people decide they wish to do it just because you don’t like the idea and want to kill our server your level 25 you’ve been level 25 for weeks you are not playing on our server so you should not worry about it.

I never said you should xfer to us from Penance, since Penance is PvE. I have only been suggesting Penance be allowed access to FCM as planned.
Relax, please

That isn’t even conservative. Gaining 50 players out of your suggestions, would do absolutely nothing for the server. I’d also vouch that gaining 50 players from your terrible suggestions is a huge stretch.

So instead your solution is to stay locked on shadowstrike and watch the playerbase continue to dwindle until we can’t even get 5 man’s together in peak time, which is already difficult to do
 Brilliant idea champ. You’ve solved the crisis

It’s more fun creating funny moments with the other faction. Horde on our server are pretty good sports too. Most people aren’t griefing, only one or two alliance guilds stoop that low.

It would be funner being on a server with other players on it to do all those things with.

If you need a group feel free to whisper me otherwise stop repeating yourself. All these people crying about a group can’t tell me what they actually need a group for
 It takes 5 minutes to get a group if you use LFG. Hell, you can even try ask your guild.
Wait until ZG/BWL comes out and the server will feel nicer - it’s a game design problem. Everyone has done everything by this stage.

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And what about 3-4 weeks into the next phase? When the population dips even further than it has now? What’s your solution then? We just keep waiting for the next phase and watch the population get worse and worse each time?

Maybe some new items on the Real vendor could encourage gameplay loop. What you are describing in 3-4 weeks will be the same on every server.

P.S you didn’t say what you need a “group” for

Yeah, every server will have a lower population now than it currently does. And 3-4 weeks after that it’ll be even worse. And shadowstrike is already starting to struggle hard and the worst is yet to come. So why are you people so against us moving to a place with 10x the players so even when it quietens down we can still actually play the game? Rather than forcing us to all stay with you and not get to enjoy playing when we want to just because you don’t think we should be allowed to make our own decisions and you should make them for us?

I highly doubt a few new items on a vendor is going to save a dying server.

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I’m making a tongue in cheek suggestion as this problem is due to Blizzards’ game design. People don’t have a reason to log in outside of raid.

And @craz - just stop typing and touch grass

Reconsidered allowing Penance players the option to transfer onto Wild Growth.

I don’t think that Penance and Shadowstrike are in similar categories. We have a lot more in common with Wild Growth being a PvE server than we do SS which I assume is why you weren’t opening transfers to SS for Penance originally.

A majority on Penance want to leave. Many of the major guilds after the announcement had decided to transfer to WG. You could argue it was them just accepting the inevitable desertion of the server and so getting ahead of it. But given the quality-of-life difference between Penance and WG and the fact that we have already been sitting stagnant on this server for months with a dwindling population. It is far more likely that the majority were happy with the option to leave.

It’s understandable that SS players may not want to transfer given the PvP disadvantage of being on a US server. For Penance players however, not being able to find a group to even play the game is a much larger issue. GarnetHound already summed this up perfectly ‘The Oceanic PvE realm no longer sustains actual group play’.

I have had many anecdotal examples of not being able to find groups (for anything - let alone what I wanted to run) for the past several weeks/months on Penance. The numbers say a lot more about the state of the server.

At 9:00pm AEST tonight there were 83 level 60’s on total on Penance with over 50 of them in active MC runs. At the same time there were 215 level 60’s on WG. Similarly, there were over 250 level 1-59 players on WG and only 40! 1-59 players on Penance at that time. Not even being WG peak time, there was far more activity there than on Penance.

If it wasn’t for the great guild I found, I personally would have quit playing altogether after rank 10 purely for the fact that it’s so unreliable to get a group.

Perhaps Penance plays could be given the option to transfer to either WG or SS? But I personal would prefer if you reconsidered quickly and gave Penance players the option to transfer onto WG.

I can’t speak for the people of Penance, but I would reroll on WG before I would ever transfer a PvP server like SS. The Penance community has been great, and it would/will be sad to lose that moving to WG. But I personally would think it a net positive to the alternatives of the status quo, or moving to SS.


Ah yes, sounds like I caught you out with that one. You realise I’m right about the server being screwed a month or 2 from now and you just tell me to shut up instead of responding. Good work champ.

Meh. We plan to stay on Shadowstrike through Naxx.
You have been posting in here for 12 hours straight. Repeating yourself.
Summarise what you need to say in a few dot points and move on.
Someone needs to call you out.

Why haven’t you said this to elron? He’s been repeating himself for days?


Transfers From Living Flame to Crusader Strike are not working
all last night me and other guildies have not be able to make the move and are extremely upset we keep getting error messages and lua errors. now this morning it says “the selected realm is not accepting character transfers at this time”. what is the deal blizzard our guild is split apart and we literally cannot play the game until we are all on the same server together.