[Oceanic] Open transfers to Shadowstrike (Help penance go to wildgrowth or shadowstrike)

First i want to say thank you for listening to the oceanic communities feedback it is appreciated and there are a lot of happy players along with some disgruntled loud minorities insulting me currently.

I want to see steps taken to promote growth on shadowstrike as a priority.

  • Open transfers to Shadowstrike from All NA / OCE servers.

  • Unban GDKP’s which will bring many needed players back to OCE and to NA.

  • Allow players to have horde and alliance characters on shadowstrike together.

  • Actively take steps to tailor solutions for shadowstrike that make our region optimal and promote further growth of the playerbase.

For Penance AU there server is already dead i concede this do not hold them hostage there open transfers to allow them to wild growth or to shadowstrike and let them make the decision.

My suggestions for oceanic are for shadowstrike as this is now the only viable oceanic mega server.

Please comment with any further suggestions that could help promote growth on shadowstrike or ideas that would allow OCE to remain on oceanic ping while going to NA.

If we work together we can make the entire oceanic region happy but we must hold our ground and demand more from blizzard as paying customers.


Truly love how you lead off with the whole thing beiing about you , Typical Elron style , the loudest mouth the biggest chip and now the voice of reason , The only thing you should have ended with Make Shadowstrike Great Again. Your Narcicisisim is staggering .


The arsonist tips out a cup of water on the burning house and seeks praise for being a hero.
Free Penance Now - Open transfers to Wild Growth and let the people choose


yup, make shadowstrike great again


Elrond does not speak for our realms. Please listen to the player base and give us the choice to chose our future. Population numbers will not revive on shadowstrike. Allow us to chose to leave it we want.


Q_Q nooo, I’m Elron and I’m getting hated on because I am “saving” the OCE community. Enjoy your dead server once they re-open xfers.


starting to think there is like 2 people on these forums today changing the toons they are posting on to bump threads. so many posters with only 1 posts posting… seems very suss

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Free Pennance, allow us to make our own choice and transfer off as BLIZZARD promised its players. People made plans and took time out of their lives around this stupid change. If you promise something to a playerbase, follow through!!! WHY Are you making big decisions regarding realms/transfers last minute??
What a joke


Open transfers and let the players decide.

This is the one chance to get our max-level characters on to a server we would continue playing on.

As a Penance (AU) player I will transfer to Wild Growth to become part of the larget PvE server. If there was a choice between Shadowstrike PvP and Wild Growth PvE, I will still choose Wild Growth PvE.

The reason this is such an issue is due to the decision to cancel transfers being communicated at the same time the transfers were scheduled to be opening. If we knew this decision had been made earlier we would have engaged with it.

We were waiting to transfer as orignally intended in the blue post.


Say no to GDKPs


as much as i dislike gdkps, it was obvious that the was ‘Part’ of the problem that killed the player base. the other part was the content drought

SoM died earlier with gdkps allowed, did gdkps kill SoM?

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Didn’t they pull the same server transfer bull**** to the OCE and every one quit within two weeks?

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is this the solution that the like, was it 70% of people poled in favor for (wherever that poll was held)?

IIRC this is to avoid forced merging of the Shadowstrike OCE realm to NA becuase of ping right?

Because it died faster that SoD. With GDKPS allowed. So your argument would mean gdkps killed SoM

so its purely coincidence that banning gdkps, lack of content and serving merging killed servers?

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I don’t know Elron until now. And I despise him. He does not speak for me. Let me make my own choice.

Elron is a stupid name too.

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Free pennance, thank you for including to let Pennance move to WG in your title.

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Or the vast majority don’t live on these forums and rack up posts. Irrelevant really, they’re here now and should be heard. Maybe they can make up some ground on Elrons 700 plus posts

I want to see everyone get an outcome they want but not at the expense of the entire region / server.

There are solutions that can be provided where everyone can be happy but its up to us as a community to ask for them.

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