Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

320 out of thousands on SS is not an “overwhelming majority” no matter how you twist the numbers.

We’re posting there too dont worry - but since claims were made by you and others that apparently include Penance then we have a right to post our opinions here too :slight_smile:

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Posting for the first time in a decade to ask for server transfers.

I played Season of Mastery and saw how the server slowly died. I am seeing the same trends in Season of Discovery (lack of consumables on auction house, hard to find groups, etc.).

Please avoid listening to a handful of neckbeards on the forum and follow your own data. It will be obvious on the backend that the server is dying. Rather than leaving us stranded on a dead server please allow us to transfer.

When you capped PvP servers to ~50%/50% in SoD that took some courage but was ultimately the right decision. Please make the right decision here.


but why force it I dont want higher MS like I said I got in a AUS AV and it was literally unplayable rubber banding constantly I dont want that to be a roulette everytime I join a dungeon group.

I’m not worried there’s no transfers we are very happy with the outcome.

I’ll continue to point you to the right thread and tell you to leave oce/shadowstrike out of this you are a minority on a server that died most of you left and went to NA you are biased already.

Good luck with transfers for penance.

It’s discord locked, that would require 50 discord accounts to have been created and joined to the server in the past 48 hours, which I can see absolutely has not happened.

There has been no major change in the regular churn of discord joiners, outside of an influx since this thread started and people have been posting the discord link.
During this time, i have observed some highly intelligent people from penance joining with the same name as the forum here, and voting in favour of shadowstrike merging.

It’s quite literally being cooked in the opposite direction, right now. lol.

They did that’s why they reverted it after the feedback majority do not want the merge and there’s nothing to benefit us and we want a better offer otherwise we want shadowstrike and the oceanic region to continue.

Very simple.

This is the correct thread for this, please stop your attempts to push dissenting opinions out of here.


Oh so you’re saying there’s been an influx since elron started posting the 10+ threads and spending literally an entire day working on trying to get the fcm removed from shadowstrike? What a surprise. It’s almost like elron has been making new discord accounts during the 30+ hours he’s spent bumping his own forum posts and swapping to alts to reply to himself.


Correct thread would be the 1 specifically asking for your server to get transfers.

Good luck friend.

No, there has been an influx in the past 6 hours since the transfers were paused, and people started posting the discord link on these public US forums.

I ain’t going anywhere, I’m staying right here. Sorry if this irks you but that cant be helped.


You gonna post the data on that one or do you only show data that helps your cause? Like the poll that elron has voted on 50+ times from your own discord?


Awesome been here for months when we advocated to stop the transfers.

Glad you were here to see it happen.

Lets settle in.

Do you understand how discord works? You can join it yourself and see exactly who has joined the server (there is a public log channel) and exactly who has voted.

There is no foul play, other than penance players coming over to pollute it now.

Hate to burst your little bubble but it ain’t over yet :slight_smile: Sorry if this inconveniences you.


Oh so penance players are “polluting” the poll but you refuse to believe anything else is polluting it?


Quite the contrary makes me happy so much so that i’ve made a thread asking for exactly what you want which is penance transfers to be opened.

See here :

Cool story. I’ll continue to post here also :slight_smile:

What are you talking about man? The responses in that thread are mixed at best (not to mention the total reply count in the thread is ~60, inclusive of supporters and detractors).

I raided with you in SoM and know you stayed on a server that ultimately died. So interesting to see you advocating for the same outcome but trying to force the rest of OCE along for the journey.


I agree blizzard should open transfers for penance do you ?