Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Christ, I can’t believe I have to actually explain this in detail.

The poll has been up for about 3 days. Since that time there has been a small increase in the normal daily joiners, accounted for by the in-game advertising of this poll.

Elron, in fact, is actually banned from the discord.

I am not an idiot, or crooked, I understand how discord functions and the poll is as neutral as I can possibly get it. There is no foul play here, please, doff your tin foil hat.

Post #118 by Theodric-arugal

Please keep Shadowstrike open & give Penance the option to transfer here

Post #153 by Sol-shadowstrike-au:

Merging Penance and Shadowstrike into an Oceanic mega-server

Post #195 by Tt-shadowstrike-au

subsuming Penance into Shadowstrike

Post #219 by Healsyou-shadowstrike-au

Merging Penance and Shadowstrike into an Oceanic mega-server

Post #228 by Elron-shadowstrike-au

For me its doing everything possible to build on shadowstrike and make it the oceanic mega server

Post #253 by Moonwing-shadowstrike-au

The only request we had was for Penance to xfer to Shadowstrike

Post #262 by Firenarrow-shadowstrike-au

Just Merge the Shadow Strike and Penance together

Post #264 by Lifehoof-shadowstrike-au

Make Shadowstrike (AU) a destination server for these migrations and allow toons on PvE server to move to it

Post #317 by Moonwing-shadowstrike-au

The only thing that was ever suggested was folding Penance into Shadowstrike.

Post #320 by Elron-shadowstrike-au

Announce Shadowstrike as the oceanic megaserver and open transfers to our server not off it.
Allow penance to transfer here if they want as well.

Post #366 by Haloumi-shadowstrike-au

I hope they just decide to make Shadowstrike the OCE “megaserver”

That’s a lot of shadowstrike-au having a say about what should supposedly happen to Penance.

We just want to go to Wild Growth.

Yall over at Shadowstrike wanted to determine our fate. You wanted Penance here in this thread, well here we are.

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Elron being banned from the server discord yet “speaking on behalf of Shadowstrike” should explain itself lol… guys a dickhead

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I’m advocating for a better solution so we don’t keep having this kind of thing happen and until we all agree that closing down entire regions / servers is the wrong approach and giving us no alternative outside of playing on 240ms as an acceptable solution ?

I will continue to advocate against this.

What I fail to understand is, if this poll is so accurate why are the forums blowing up so much more now that oce has been blocked by this ridiculous cause to try and have oce servers die a slow and death.

If your poll is such a great indication of what players want why is there now so much outrage? It’s almost like you have a terrible demographic voting in your poll or you’ve skewed the numbers because a lot more people are piping up now when the fcm was coming than they were before when it was literally just you and elron and elrons alts.


Yes, and also allow those on SS that want to transfer the same option as us. You seem to be scared that you’ll lose too many people to that despite your false claims that “the majority” on SS want to stay.


It’s yet another reason I am a fan of ignoring forum posts as any kind of “”“evidence”“” of community sentiment, and instead choose to actually attempt to poll the wider community and collect real, measurable data.

thats exactly what hes scared of.

It will be him and his 3 alts left and thats it


Read the post 2 posts that openely suggest to let you transfer to shadowstrike OR wild growth :slight_smile: welcome hope they help your server.

And when that poll shows only a minority wanting to stay, misrepresent it and claim its a majority.


No sorry you don’t get a say on what happens to shadowstrike you are penance stick to your own dead server and cry about that.

Don’t try to advocate killing another server because your bitter about transfers.

You have literally taken a poll from your own discord, who you can pick and choose who you ban from which you just said. Plus now that the poll is starting to go the other way you try invalidate the new votes by saying, oh no the guys who say no are from a different server, that doesn’t count. You’re intentionally changing what you think the outcome of your poll on your own discord means to suit your argument


Then stop claiming a “majority of OCE” wants to stay and I wont have to post here again will I? :grinning:


You’ll notice that a lot of the people here are from Penance, wondering why their fully dead realm hasn’t been FCM’d. This is a blizzard problem, and has nothing to do with the Shadowstrike poll.
To clarify Penance =/= Shadowstrike. Two different realms. Not the same. PvE vs PvP. Separate. etc etc.

As for the ones from Shadowstrike, based on the poll data, there is a minority who want to transfer. Obviously, these people will be annoyed.

It’s been pushed via the community discord, in game and via guild leadership to their members. If you have any other suggestions on how to get a good sample from actual active players, let me know, I will happily try.

literally, how can i possibly do this? jesus christ.

I see a lot of Shadowstrike people also posting wanting transfers reopened. Why aren’t you including them in your claim?


Are on shadowstrike and they are okay with penance having transfers but we do not want that and we do not want character creation locked and we are not okay with the solution they’ve provided.

We are happy with the outcome and hope you can have penance unlocked so you can do as you wish but you have no say on our server nor do you play here.

Round and round we go with your false claims that the “majority” wants to stay - regardless of which server they are from.


You’re right, i have editted my comment.

It’s extremely clear from the way that the trolls haven’t responded to posts about offering an option that essentially say “If a MASSIVE majority are going to stay in this thriving server they won’t mind a minority transferring to greener pastures” they don’t really believe what they say.
If what they were claiming is ‘true’ then the free server transfers could be offered to all customers and this apparent thriving population will stay. They know it’s not true.

I’m convinced at this point it’s just internet trolls who breathe world of warcaft are just seeing how much they can manipulate what happens because it’s hilarious that Blizzard even responded by actively harming their oceanic customers and appeasing the spamming just for the sake of causing harm. They’re never going to stop arguing because the main game activity is trolling other players right now because they’ve been allowed to potentially permanently ruin their gaming experience. There’s no good will for others to be found in their spamming.

Although funny it never should have happened. It will be funny to scroll back through these when the transfers are opened.


I just find it hilarious how you change the narrative after the fcm gets blocked by blizzard and people are actually aware because they don’t want to be on a dying server anymore. “Oh nah, the new votes aren’t valid because of X”.

Plus you get to choose who is apart of your community AS THE DISCORD OWNER. And then you come to the forums and say that people complaining on the forums is invalid. Apparently only your own discords poll, with members that you get to pick and choose, is the only evidence that’s not invalid according to you.

There is clearly a huge amount of people wanting off shadowstrike which is very clearly dying. Regardless of if you think your poll is actually a good source of evidence (it’s not), is irrelevant.

Oce has had this exact same thing happen with tbc BG’s and arena and with som. Each time the exact same outcome became apparent and you’re pushing to try for a 4th and expecting a different outcome? Smooth brain