Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

By SS’s own poll, only 320 people want to stay as opposed to thousands who didnt respond to the poll. Again, more misrepresentation of the numbers.


For the love of god please let me off this dead server (Shadowstrike OCE)!!
Don’t let a vocal minority anchor us to this sinking ship!


Focus on penance mate that’s what you have issue with keep oce / shadowstrike out of your mouth we are happy.

Play the game?
Peak Wednesday night and there’s zero groups in LFG



Try joining the LFG channel plenty of groups going people in MC and everything maybe your chat windows broken.

Again, I did initially but then YOU came along and started claiming that the “majority of OCE” wants to stay - inclusive of Penance in that statement.


Don’t know what server you’re looking at.
ZERO groups in LFG

Let us off, or there will be NO MORE SHRIMPS ON THE BARBIE.

“Hello, my name is Neutron and I don’t understand how statistics works”

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If you’re on Penance why are you wasting so much time on this cross-realm PVP?

Shadowstrike is doing ok - may as well be one OCE realm left. We all hope Blizzard lets you off your actually dead server.

Which they probably will do at some point anyway.

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Let me see you say that you want penance to be able to transfer and you don’t care what happens with shadowstrike.

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Peak Wednesday night and we have multiple raids going in MC despite this freaking fiasco?

Leave Shadowstrike out of your Penance crusade please.

Nobody, N O B O D Y from Shadowstrike thinks Penance players should be doomed to stay on their server or merge with us. We all agree wholeheartedly to let you trot off to Wild Growth.

We simply want to have FCM kept the f away from our server.

Pipe down.


Clearly I understand them better than you :rofl:

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Sure, when you admit that it’s not the “majority of OCE” that wants to stay and that you can’t even prove a majority of SS want to stay. Do that and I’ll happily amend my statements :slight_smile:


It is the majority of oce that want to stay and once again penance is a small minority but even though you are a small minority i’ve still taken time to advocate for allowing you to transfer off penance.

You’re welcome.

I respectfully disagree.

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I don’t care if you disagree overwhelming majority voted/voiced and had the decision changed and we are happy.

Here’s the post for your minority on a dead server hope you get the transfers to shadowstrike or wild growth.

Let the transfers happen. Put out a real poll if you want actual numbers. The majority want it, don’t leave us to be held hostage by the vocal few.


Clearly not, when you are claiming that inactive, non-participants are statistically significant and a ~20% sample size of active players is not.

I suggest you take 5 minutes away from circle-posting here and do some googling, there is even a handy sample size calculator here you can play around with.


Posting a poll that you have probably voted 50+ times on is hilarious.

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