I’m not sure the warcraft logs thing means much of anything. The only characters I have on there are my two raiding characters. None of my other actives I use for other things show up there.
I was hoping it was going to be a “new server” everyone got moved to. Sure I might lose the few names I was able to get after the last forced move. On the other hand I might get back the ones I was forced to change already. Plus since where I play SoD is one of the destination realms… it’s not just accounts that were already there. It’s all the ones that were forced to move there already and take names. Original guild lost most of the players we had left due to lost names. Yet they all took new names so…
Oviously a lot of people don’t play anymore and the two “destination” servers have a big taken name pool.
Why are server clusters not an option? Like you did with Classic Era servers? Seems like it would eliminate all of the issues around name changes/reclaims
The demographic of players that decided to roll on crusader strike (streamers and their cronies) made crusader strike a regular pvp server. So, unfortunately, you don’t have to worry about the “RP” in RPPvP
that’s so funny that you think they enforce RP naming rules. This server hasn’t been an RPPvp server since asmongold claimed it is “the” streamer server.
Amid their big retail event having a cheating scandal with major names in the scene who they didn’t actually punish because those currently suspended players are still streaming themselves playing the game, there are huge layoffs at the new parent, and this sort of brain dead move?
Is it required one be a complete moron to receive an MBA?
It doesn’t seem right that people on Crusader Strike get to keep their character names and everyone else doesn’t. I, like many others who spammed their refresh buttons to try and get in early on launch, have basic and/or meaningful character names. Now, just because Crusader Strike has all the streamers, literally everyone else NOT on that server has to lose names they’ve had since launch. Not cool.
Not to mention the headache of transferring bank alts. Especially librams.
The only way this merge would be just is if Blizzard automatically put every character currently on a PvP realm on one realm, and every character on PvE realms on another.
Regardless of any of this, do these people have any clue that a large portion of the audience specifically picks servers to avoid toxic streamers and their antics?
Meanwhile, they never actually stopped devs from posting game news on their personal twitter accounts. Surely someone at Blizzard, Activision, or Microsoft is bright enough to realize a major corporation shouldn’t be using a white supremacist website to post official things. They may as well be asking us to go to stormfront to look for blue posts.
Is a fully realized thought possible to exist at Blizzard? I honestly don’t think so, anymore.
Huge L for those of us hoping for a new server at least, but thanks for providing enough time in advance to plan, and thanks for enacting the name reclamation feature.
Streamers is the whole reason my guild and me decided to go for Lone Wolf instead and not only that but pvp doesn’t exist anymore, it’s just pure griefing at this point so if they don’t give us an option to transfer from pvp to pve, then Blizz is part of the griefers as well.
Looking through some common questions, FCMs ignore some common Paid transfer restrictions such as level restrictions, gold restrictions. But you will have to no longer be a Guild Master.
Also, yes, these transfers ignore Faction restrictions, you will still be able to get all your characters on one realm. This has always been a ‘dirty secret’ of these free character moves when offered from PvP to PvP. We’re discussing if we want to remove this PvP faction restriction entirely on these realms post-merge. Regardless, intentionally disruptive gameplay such as cross-faction griefing will still be against the Terms of Service.
Oceanic servers are currently planned to be included in this FCM offering, but we are open to feedback on this. The Oceanic PvE realm no longer sustains actual group play, and the PvP realm is looking worse for ware, we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times but we are open to feedback and opinions on this.
While these answers are appreciated for clarity, speaking at all on the very very obvious community desire for PvP to PvE transfers would have been nice. Even something like “We see the outcry for this and are considering it as a team”…
Edit: Deleted because I thought I replied to the wrong comment but nope, GM name just doesn’t line up lol.
Please consider utilizing the Name Reclamation feature for the Hardcore realms as well. Because these are technically also megaservers, and because most active players of both retail and classic have at least made a few characters here, the names of active players are becoming incomprehensible gibberish. Every sane conceivable English phoneme combination imaginable has been taken forever by someone who played for a few hours and died at level 13 and then never played again. Thanks for considering this request.