[OCE] Shadowstrike community poll - 72% against merging with US due to high ping/ms reasons

This is a copy-paste of a reply in the bluepost about the upcoming merge of OCE Shadowstrike → US Crusaderstrike

As promised, we have polled the Shadowstrike community discord and collected the following results.
This discord is the only community discord for this realm, it has around 3000 members and is a hub of group activity, guild recruitment and our platform for reporting bad player behaviour. It certainly is a good representation of what the overall majority of active players want.

Please note this not a ‘locked’ or conditional poll, so add a small amount of error margin to answers, but I think you will see the sentiment is very clear.


Q: How do you feel about the upcoming realm merge?
:one: I do want Shadowstrike to be merged into a US mega realm
:two: I do NOT want Shadowstrike to be merged into a US mega realm

~72% vote that they do NOT want Shadowstrike to be merged.

Q: IF you voted that you DO want to be merged, which one of these choices most closely matches your reason
:one: I want to play with a larger group of people, and I don’t care about the large ping/ms increase
:two: I want to play with a larger group of people, and I think the large ping/ms increase is bad, but worth it.

~77% of the players who say they want to merge admit the ping increase is bad for them, but they will accept it for access to a larger group of players.

Q: IF you voted that you DO NOT want to be merged, which one of these choices most closely matches your reason?
:one: I do not want to play the game with a large ping/ms increase
:two: I do not want to have my current OCE based community split up / moved into a US mega-community
:three: I am worried I will lose my character name(s)

As said above, the answers are not locked, so people can choose multiple answers. This question got the most engagement on the ping increase answer, which speaks loudly for itself.

277 responses to question 1 saying they DO NOT want to merge, and 277 responses citing high ping as a reason for this.
In addition, concerns over fragmentation of the community are clear.
Within guilds, some will move and some will not, forcing raid teams to be split up and killed on the Shadowstrike side even if the majority do not move away.

Blizzard, this is showing a clear majority of Shadowstrike do not want this to happen.


its a small poll, but its growing by the day/hour

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cmon blizzard…

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It’s captured the equivalent of 10% of the active raiding characters.
As we both know, a lot of people have more than 1 raiding character, so it’s a good representation of the overall opinion.

In addition, I think people who are active in the community discord (all of the respondents here) are typically more engaged with the game / realm and provide more valuable feedback.

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Overwhelming majority have always supported oceanic being maintained and not destroyed.

We want better solutions and to be treated fairly.

The poll is still active, it’s currently approaching 300 responses directly saying they do NOT want to be forced into playing with higher ping.

A reminder that the OCE region is a lot more than Sydney.
Sydney is the best case, with syd → chicago being 200-220ms
The west coast of aus is 250+
South East Asia, which OCE serves a large part of (including me!!) sees closer to 300ms to Crusaderstrike.

Please don’t ruin this for the 28% of us who want to get off this dead server and actually have other players to play with.

Last time OCE rallied for a change we ended up with dead battlegrounds for months. I really enjoyed those low pings waiting 30min for a BG queue to pop…


There are others to play with on Shadowstrike already? No one asked for this


lol … enjoy leveling on NA and never play on OCE again in future.

There are 3000 active raiding chatacters, even more that don’t raid.
It’s very much a you problem if you are unable to find people to play with.

If you are unable to find a group without being on a server pop of 30k, you are free to create a char over there right now. You can do this without asking for the only low latency option to be deleted for everyone else.


In any social science study 10% of the population would be more than enough to make some generalizations.

Elron Ive seen your posts on the Shadowstrike discord , The fact that you think that you even get an opinion makes me laugh and the fact that your chiming in destroys any credibility this poll may or may not have had. One would think you’d fit right in on a US server especially the ones located in the southern USA …


This… I swear the oce community has got to have some of the worst memory of all time. We asked for oce BG’s, only for our population not to be able to sustain it, we asked for oce only arena in tbc, same thing. Blizz didn’t give us Jom gabbar transfers until our population already died. If we don’t get the transfer option we’re destined for a dead oceanic population. I’d personally rather leave the server and find an oce guild to play with on US before the smooth brains who stay on the sinking ship quit the game altogether because they think 0.2 of a second is a long time.


there’s loads of OCE players on wild growth. i’d wager more than on the OCE realms lol


You aren’t part of the oceanic community your posting on a 25 warlock hiding behind it.

Our server is fine no issue and we don’t want the merge and the only way the merge should happen is if there’s oceanic instance seeding.

Yep, exactly. Even an extreme error margin still leaves it in a clear majority.

I am obviously biased here, but I believe the discord to be a higher quality source than average too.
Most of the active raiding / pvp population is in there, especially guild leadership and representation, the decision makers behind if the guilds will actually move or not.

The community is very clearly saying NO to this.

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Your wrong , the level 60 raiding community does not represent the Shadowstrike community at large , Your forgetting that outside of raiding on this erver content/community is non existent , new players dont kake new charactrers becuase they literally have to beg level 60’s just to get runes unlocked . You cannot base the choice of tran sferring or not purely upon the players at 60 who do nothing but farm and play end content , thats no quality of life for the community its literally Server facism. Stay or dont stay but at least give people a choice.

I will say this , I bet within 1 month of this transfer early life on shadowstrike will be dead , no levelers no low dungeoning just level 60’s raid logging/farming.

If thats what floats your boat im totally supporting your choice , but its not the right choice for the longevity of the community at large.


Post on main or be quiet.

It quite literally does, by definition, at 3k active characters. How many brand new SoD players that are not already raiding do you think there are, joining the game mode, on an OCE realm, this late?

Where are these other 3k players that make up the larger community?

In addition, of the non-raiding population, how many of them do you think care a lot about access to a larger pool of players? They aren’t doing end game group content!

They will, however, definitely care about a significant ping increase, that is a negative change that impacts EVERYONE, even the most hyper casual solo quester.


Bumping because the oceanic community deserves better than to be destroyed and put on NA ping.

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