Realm Consolidation Update - Oceanic Realms

You’re welcome :kissing_heart:

I’m sure SS will survive without you.

Players that want to move may move, and players that want to stay may stay.

All players deserve their own choice. We all pay to play equally.

Except only Americans are allowed to have a proper low latency experience. Everyone else get to pay the same fee but get a 400% latency increase.


As an West Coast player who has played on Shadowstrike since P1, I’ve heard a lot of Aussies complain about ping on CS and often thought it was a bit silly. I play daily on SS with 160-200 ping, so what’s the big deal?

After chatting with many of my guildies and others on the server, one of the things that I’ve noticed that hasn’t been specified or maybe articulated well to the developers is the nuances of WHY high ping is such a big deal to the AU. I’ve learned that in many places , especially more rural areas of the AU the the effects of low ping are exacerbated by poor infrastructure.

It seems that something as simple as the 50ms difference between WG and CS would go a long way in satisfying many of the players on SS.

My suggestion? Leave the Transfers from SS → CS and CS → SS open for the two weeks as planned. After that, close the transfers, and open up FCT from SS → WG.

Anyone that stays on SS after the CS transfers ends is only really staying because of latency issues. Giving the AU a better option to address the core problem (Ping) would really go a long way in making the AU community feel heard and respected. I know this ruins the precedent of the PVP realms not being able to transfer to PVE, but I think most of SS would find this suitable compromise.


shoulda picked option 2

+1 for this

You have the choice to remain on SS.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

We do eat kangaroos, though.

Ya I’d rather go wgrowth to reduce my ping imo, no Ty tonNA server


Stop paying your fee then, chief.

Thanks for this decision, Blizz :slight_smile:

thanks for the decision, since players will be pouring into Wild Growth, and plans to expand the server? position in queue is annoying

This is just to try to make you look like you actually care when you’ve already said if you open transfers shadowstrike will die.

If blizzard actually cared they would of taken note from the exact same situation that occured in som with swamp of sorrows au and had some kind of plan on what they can do coming into SOD.

You’ve provided absolutely nothing in terms of helping the oceanic community outside of actually stopping the transfers.

I hope blizzard has taken note of this for the 2nd time killing oceanic with no good solution outside of forcing players to transfer onto high ping servers or quit entirely.

You lost a large portion of your oceanic players in som and this will be no different.

From a design perspective for the next iteration of wow wether it be a seasonal mode or classic+ i truly hope you invest more money and time into having features prepared that can be used to avoid this problem for a 3rd time without giving the cop out excuse of technical limitations and coding.

Extremely disappointing on blizzards end and the entire oceanic community has lost even if they haven’t realized it yet.

I personally will be on shadowstrike until its not viable and will quit.


“You think you do, but you don’t.”

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This isn’t classic WoW though. Classic WoW had spell batching. And in classic WoW no class could take another class from 100% health to 0% health in just 4 to 6 actions / spells. And in classic WoW the US players we were mixing with often had lousy lag too because they had dial up through crappy exchanges and the servers were potatoes compared to today.

Blizzard, you’ve handled everything about this in about the worst way possible. As a Western Australian who has played since vanilla launch day I’m used to OCE being treated as an inconvenient afterthought but this time just takes the cake. It is not reasonable that the destination server you want us to go to is US east coast. The barest minimum solution would be to let players go from Shadowstrike(AU) to Wild Growth. I only rolled PvP because it was clear early on that Penance(AU) wasn’t going to have sustainable population. Having no choice now but horrible latency on a PvP server means players like me will just be constant gank bait. With the slightest consideration 2 weeks ago you could have helped Shadowstrike(AU) remain viable. I sincerely hope you lose a lot of subs over this. Mine will definitely be one of them.


The real majority have spoken, and Blizzard have given us what we wanted.

Feel free to stay on Shadowstrike like you said. The rest of us will enjoy the game as we want.

I’m glad that the entire OCE region is no longer held captive.

This is a very big win for OCE, and everybody that was on Penance will be enjoying their new found home on WG.

I pray that you can find happiness outside of this videogame.


Fantastic news thank you Blizzard.

That being said, I believe something needs to be done about Elron and his quote/unquote “contribution” to these OCE threads in the last 48 hours. His toxic, selfish and shortsighted opinions on this topic and the frequency with which he continued to post them is quite alarming. Hundreds of posts, all of them antagonizing and insulting, on one forum thread is far beyond a joke. How could one person be allowed to post so much to one topic thread without saying ‘enough is enough’. New users are limited to three replies per post, but others can post hundreds?

He has insulted, gaslit and bullied hundreds of people at this point. His attitude is barely above that of a troll. This is clear and obvious, and yet nothing was done to stop him. I firmly believe personally that Blizzard should ban him from these forums for the way he has acted and the vitriol he continues to spout. It was clear 24 hours ago that he was upsetting a lot of people and by the end there it was out of control.


great reply !!!


And throw in the fact that Blizzard seemingly took his spam into consideration in their decision to halt the transfers (at the eleventh hour!), as if sheer volume from one person indicates sentiment from the wider community.

This whole fiasco has been a circus, but Blizzard has finally made the right choice and has allowed players to decide for themselves how they wish to play.

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Thank You … :o)