Realm Consolidation Update - Oceanic Realms

thankyou very much!!!

hurray! finally!

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Good decision, even if it took too long to reach. Every W deserves credit though regardless.

I disagree with you that this is a technical issue, it’s a community one.

They’ve provided servers, infrastructure and updates which have for the most part been reliable.
The one thing Blizzard are unable to supply themselves is players which is the core issue with Oceanic. We’re a small population which is further divided among other WoW versions, other games and natural attrition.

Be mindful of the door on the way out.


hey mate as another WA player if you want to reroll on WG hit us up we will happily help you level and gear up quickly for BWL. We started here a few months back when Penance became unviable and have been providing Aussie care packages to refugees since.


No way for Shadowstrike to transfer to Wild Growth? Don’t understand why we can’t move to a server physically located closer to us, and allowing for less lag/delay. Faction balance is equal on shadowstrike at the moment, and it has no impact on a PvE realm either.


Amen +1, no reason for us to not have the option to go to the server with lower MS, since they don’t want to spend any resources or infrastructure on having a system in place which could be used in future content to allow far-away-regions to play more comfortably on “mega servers”.


Thank you :heart::heart::heart:

Cheers Bliz.

Sorry to the people who wanted everyone to stay. This wasn’t a situation where everyone could win. Hopefully you join us on CS and the ping isnt as bad as you imagine.

To anyone quitting, feel free to send me your gold.

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Blizz let us SS players be able to transfer to WG since it gives us less latancy compaired to CS. As a SEA who need to use a 3rd party sofware to help with my latency, this option would help my fellow SEA players and our Assuie friends greatly. If this is not a option, its better for me to just play retail and discontinue my SOD journey with some of the most amazing people i have played with so far. Please give us the option to transfer to WG.


Sir I appreciate that you have a tough job. The Western Australia players in my raid group are at least willing to give Crusader Strike a go. But please, for the love of all that is holy provide a US West option some how some way.


You said “I personally will be on shadowstrike until its not viable and will quit” and thats great good luck to you but you know what ? You get to choose!!. Which is exactly what you tried to take away from the rest of us. I dont think many will be crying to see you go.

Thanks for that i have always pushed to have oceanic as a region even before we had oceanic servers at all.

I held the same stance in SOM as i have in SOD and still standby what i’ve said that blizzard have neglected our region for far too long.

All i hope for at the very least from all of this is they invest time and resources in the future whether that’s during sod or another iteration of wow in the future so that we do not see this same problem happen for a 3rd time with a response from blizzard that they can’t do anything about it.

Best of luck on NA for everyone leaving.

I’m uncertain as to why people are happy for this, there’s always been an option to make a character on a higher populated US server, or pay.

How this actually reads to OCE players;

"Hello, if you want to raid on good ping and continue to be “competitive in parsing/ clear time” we would like to announce a two week discount of free movement to a higher populated US server. During this time, alot of people will feel the effects “fear of missing out” and resort to making this transfer to this realm. Whilst theres no plans for instanced ping, we will keep the server alive but merge it with the sister realm, many of which detest PvP realms and roll on that server as for that reasoning.

Going forward as the the server seems dead, most new players will be detered from creating characters and feel forced again play on a US server. Returning players or players from other versions of the game will be torn as they play on good ping on the classic and main game(retail) versions of the game alike.

Now im fair, but there sure is alot of sarcastic comments of this being a “win” for us. I personally haven’t really worried about the population on Shadowstrike i’ve been use to this for all phases. I’ve achieved all of my out of raid content, so theres no need for me to do much out of raid content. This issue isnt so much as a problem with population as it is lack of content / timing of delivery of sod phases. They dont allign well and this is classic, its normal for it to be a little more quiet as theres less things to do, yes this region is smaller but Shadowstrike felt okay for the most part.

So at the end of the day, some players who dont care about population who are in guilds with enough players to raid each week with good ping are now forced into the position where if they dont, eventually when people do get tired of playing SoD through burnout, you name it, will find it challenging to fill our guilds with new (and if in a casual raiding guild) difficult to recruit a semi okay player to come along.

I’ve played on NA servers way back when before the time of OCE servers on main game. Before our region servers had regional ping.

Without sarcasm, the thing that I find i’ll detest the most is mounting. I’ll be soo use to “3.0” second cast times and have to go back and deal with what will feel like “3.5” Some days Ill mostly get it on 3.3 but its not perfect latency to halfway around the world, somedays it will just be 3.4, and now you through a NA player tapping you into the mix. you get it on 3.3seconds but it will be a false mount and you will be put in combat not mounted. I’m not good at articulating what im trying to say but those who know, know too well.

I dont know if im going enjoy sod more or the same with higher ping, game-play is sort of the meat , if you are disadvanted (especially by alot of NA players playing at propper ping) and every single action you do feels sluggish after spending nearly a year playing this game mode, I feel it will turn some players off eventually, mostly americans talking politcs, opposite times, some language/accent barriers, you name it.

Cross realm would have been a much better idea or just actually poll us before dropping this to us.
Advertising free character moves to servers is one thing

Announcing a mega server and your server will die enjoy higher ping more players is another.

Im around on shadowstrike for our last day together, we will be hosting a small party, you know where


The next time you try to suggest “improvements”, do it in a way that doesn’t hold the region hostage.

Yet again, you aren’t the OCE spokesperson, and we all deserve to make our own choices.

If Blizzard chooses not to modernise the infrastructure of a 20 year old game. Tough luck. You can deal with that.

Announcing a mega server and your server will die

Except that the server will only die if all players decide to leave, as is the case with Penance. If all players decide to leave Shadowstrike, two things:

1 - that is their prerogative, and how democracy works
2 - There clearly is a much larger endemic problem with the community on the server if all players decide to run away despite the higher ping.

Why would all players rather run away from Shadowstrike? is it because it is not a healthy community?

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As i’ve stated, people would decide to leave due to fear of misssing out.

If it was just announced as free xfers no one would bat an eye

I dont know the state of penance, this may be different for you to imagine.

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So, pure conjecture?

That’s no reason to deny any player their freedom to choose.

And this has probably been said already too, theres no reason why the devs couldnt just open up free xfers one way to OCE realms to populate them more and make them flourish.

I feel asthough theres more of a reason for forcing this decision and rejecting the feedback given, knowing how this will stifle raiding, the main core and part of SoD.

I do not wish to feed trolls or new players that do not quiet understand, my time has already been wasted on talking about this topic that looks to be no longer preventable.


Thank you! this option was outstanding compromise if thigs work nice we can just stay on Crusader strike and if the lag is intollerable we can Xferback but i think it will be fine

Classic World of Warcraft was designed for a world where dial-up was the norm and still performs well in surprisingly high latency.

i started playing back in the day 2004 on a 56k modem with 450+ ping it did not stop me then 200+ wont stop me now.