Realm and Login Issues [9/8]

Any character in Durator on Heartseeker can not login, you cannot login with a newly created ORC or Troll.

You have been disconnected.
(WOW51900328) Grobbulus - Classic
Flushed dns, release and renew ip, resets on pc and modem.
Same issue

Was able to get connected, however, now I’m getting transfer aborted, instance not found. I was kicked off my flight and put at the entrance of Thousand Needles.

Exodyce - Kromkrush

A character with name already exists: Issue has been occurring for about 3 - 4 hours when large amounts of DCs were going out. Whereas other people were able to log bakc in, my character remains locked out due to likely being link-dead for some reason. I’ve tried restarting and logging into other characters (all work except Exodyce).

deer lord , I have been home 5 hours now and still trying to get in, I have been playing and paying for this game for over 15 years now and this is the longest i think it has taken blizz to fix something, what is wrong with people trying to mess up a good thing, you DDOssers go home and play with your doll babies are you mad because you got cheating in WOW and got banned, grow up , I just wanna play please

VPN worked for me after i tried everything else.

VPN fixed it for me.

Between stupid que times and DDOS it is completely impossible to play this game :sob:

VPN man it will work

I feel ya’ bro and this DDoS is going on it’s 6th hour soon.

Grobbulus just went down

Finally get queue and then get through queue to fin character selection screen is blacked out. Dope

Yay, can’t get in to my server yet again.

gotta love how these blue posts are always tagged “attacks against SERVICE PROVIDERS” and to reboot the router.

No. Your world servers are down. Faerlina’s been DC’ing all day, and is now down completely for an hour straight. Don’t tell me this is a Rogers Internet problem.


Gotta shift the blame dude.

what do you mean VPN

Virtual Private Network.

It makes it look like you’re connecting from somewhere other than your current location, and comes with risks.

Different error code this time around (WOW51900319)

I really hope Blizz offers some sort of compensation for this mess. We pay to play the game and have been unable to for a large chunk of the weekend.

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ok so how do i do eeet i just wanna play
please help