Realm and Login Issues [9/8]

I was finally able to connect by connecting to a different network. Had a friend use their 4G LTE instead of my own, and now i’m able to connect! Sadly this obviously doesn’t solve the problem for most of you folks, now to sit in a 4k queue on Herod…

EDIT: Except I just DCed from the queue :frowning:

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I died and now I cant not log into my Main Classic character, he is dead as well. It just says “World server is down” but I can log into my alts and server seems to be up and fine. Help please

I logged off Battlenet and then went in and cleared my Battlenet Entertainment folder, and then I was able to log in and play.

plaguedoctor on incendius

you have been disconnected from the server
Arugal - (WOW51900319)

still cant connect, Beautato - fairbanks - classic,

WOW51900328 error

i cant connect on retail or classic, any realms, reset router, modem, updated firmware on router, set IPv6 on PC, in the network tab in wow, and setup my router to ensure it was IPV6,

Nothing has worked and honestly, i am a little upset, what an unpleasant experience thus far

Here is something constructive for ya

Next time dont merge my thread with a thread that is for something else.

My thread was about not having enough room to type why I was cancelling my account in the box you provide on the cancel subscription page. Not about trying to figure what is going on and help solve the issue!

“My original post was a thread a made because i couldnt fit my reason for cancelling in your box you gave me to type it in. You merged it here.”

“I made the post because I was having trouble fitting it into the box where you type in why you are cancelling. I wasnt asking for help in the post. Hope you have a better understanding now :slight_smile:

Can I have you try again?


That is constructive, and I apologize if your original post got caught up in my sweep. Feel free to recreate it if you need to!


Please help Its not a connection problem for me I can log into other Characters on the same server. When I log into this Character it says world server down, Can you please just reset me to the graveyard?

I finally made it into my servers queue. Last network hardware reset was about 1 hour ago, last computer restart was about 45 minutes ago, so it seems unlikely those were related.

A traceroute to the server still times-out after a few hops, so probably just luck and I’ll be curious to see if I actually make it in.

well boys second internet 1 hour later now Im in the game it’s a isp issue and they need to reset the servers to fix it.

ty but no still dont work cant pass the server selection menu and says wowerror 51900328

Alright, thanks for confirming with me

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I make it to realm select then it hangs on logging into game server and I get

You have been disconnected. (WOW51900328)

I already reset all my network devices a couple times. Tried multiple servers on Classic WOW. Tried Retail with same error.

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Thank you, was able to finally get on with PC shutdown and a modem reset.

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modem put in microwave 10 sec and its workin fine just kiddin power reset modem and got a queue now

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I just kept trying to log into game server, and it finally got me a queue. I look forward to finding my character dead, and having to walk to my corpse.

On Heartseeker realm, I can access any character besides one in Durotar, otherwise it is the “World Server is down” error message.

This applies to any character, including new ones, so Troll/Orc creation results in above error and sends back to character select screen.

Tried rebooting the networking equipment, along with my own PC. still running into issues getting connected to Old Blanchy.

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