Really? No Flying in next patch?

shrugs don’t say ableist crap, being autistic yourself as you claim doesn’t give you a pass, especially when you’re not in a friend group who knows you. We’re all strangers.


I think we found the one using alts.


This escalated quickly. :rofl:


Answered that question as well.

Now if you really want to know. I have the tism, nerve damage, heart condition, ocd, add, and a bunch of other medical stuff. Also work full time on my feet and all the normal adulting things… And I don’t use any of it as an excuse to bully people.

Now I WILL walk around like an old person because mah back hurts, but that’s besides the point xD


sends gentle hugs



You do realize they are releasing normal flying in about a month or so right?
And who was lying? I gave you tips on how to land. :sob:

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Never seen two people try so hard for a forum vacation. :person_facepalming: :rofl:


:point_up: Looks like a case of the truths for me!

And: “Dragon Isles Pathfinder Coming With Patch 10.2 - Regular Flying in the Dragon Isles” - I’d post the link… But I no has perms… yet tehe.


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Thank you :pray:
I’m definitely jelly.

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I have them bookmarked for occasions like this.


Oooooof… just with ^^^^ this one-liner Dragonriding fanboys/cultists are on the ropes

Absolutely brutal :flushed:


Not really, what other games with high speeds on transportation don’t require practice?

Racing games require practice.

Platformers require practice.

It doesn’t seem like that odd of a statement.

Edit: Also I wouldn’t really throw around insults like that at given the meltdown that just occurred from someone was very much NOT a fanboy.

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Normal people get to fly from day one, us gross disableds have to wait and then jump through hoops before blizzard deighns to give us the ability to fly like everyone else.

Making disabled people wait a year to fly is pretty disgusting, so it’s right in line with new blizzard.


I’m not an accessibility/disabled type myself, just bumping your comment though out of solidarity :+1:


While I can see why the held off (encouraging people to actually use the new system, observation, screwing with bots, etc), the sooner they release both forms of flying so people can use the system they prefer the better.

That said pathfinder has been the rubric for nearly a decade, it wasn’t something just introduced to screw over disabled people, DF was the exception in letting the playerbase fly early. That said it can go to, I won’t miss it. Unless the alternative is it costing stupid amounts of gold to fly >_>

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They let players dragonglide at supersonic speed since the start of this silly expansion, and now want to gate a much slower way of flying lol. I’m not surprised. Just toss it on the heap of the other stupid crud(since Mop anyways) they have come up with over the last several years. And they wonder why folks don’t hang around. :rofl:


Don’t forget that you also had to buy said flying abilities on every toon as mounts were not account wide originally. So that gold sink was very large to some.


Pathfinder has been a thing for nearly 10 years now. It’s definitely not surprising. This time around, it’s also the easiest to get.
It’s literally rep, campaign, exploration. No treasures or collectables. No kill x amount of rares.
If you play the game, you’ll get it essentially. No real going out of your way for the most part. (Loaam rep can suck a fart doe)