Really? No Flying in next patch?

It’s kinda wild that the more advanced/evolved form of flying was easily accessible right from the start…yet they want to gatekeep the antiquated method that very few will likely use.


Because it’s all about the hubris. They must maintain their staunch we’re right and you will play and enjoy the way we say you do.

Purely from an accessibility perspective it doesn’t make sense to double down on activities that aren’t enjoyable just to get the functionality that will allow you to enjoy those activities.

I’m a fan of dragon riding but for crying out loud - let people have their old flight if they need it.


I think it’s mainly about the differences in what they each allow you to do.

DR takes some practice to get fully used to, and you don’t tend to have the time to choose a specific spot to land, that helps a bit with the issue they have with not wanting people to dart in to an exact spot for a quest and get out without much contact with the stuff in the area. Basically while DR has a lot of improvements, it does not have the precision and total control that they feel it’s harder to design around.

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I think that if both flying methods were available from the start, things might have turned out differently. People would be using both for different reasons.

What Blizz did was actually very “smart” from a development standpoint. You were basically forced to use dragonriding whether you wanted to or not. And we got used to it.

Now by the time old flying comes back (to DF), how many people are really going to care anymore?

It’s kinda like how in Zereth Mortis there were a bunch of jumping puzzles in there, so you had something that if you were good at something you could get earlier, and if you weren’t or decided to play tauren which are a bit trickier to judge when you’ll fall off something, you waited until flying came out. And DR has things like the glyphs and the banners that give rep where some of them are really tricky to land on (I will admit some of them I just ate the damage and clicked on when I could and saw the joyous vision of the little cutscene with your character gracefully arcing through the air to their death) So little challenges like those wouldn’t be as effective if you could pinpoint your landing with total control.

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What you see as intelligence I see as a lack of confidence in their work. It’s the same “we think you will learn to love (if you are forced)…” mentality they had in WoD when they thought we’d learn to love not flying at all.


That is a good point, which is why I put “smart” in quotations. They knew exactly what they were doing.

I can imagine being on my old mount and NOT in war mode watching desperate griefers helplessly trying to dismount me and failing.



Me too. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Once 10.2 comes out and people unlock old mounts and frankly if they use them or not. I don’t care. It doesn’t effect me one way or the other. I find it totally amazing that in this topic alone how many people are like really misinformed or out of touch. Or so opinionated you could say the sky is blue and they will lose their mind and call you every name in the book before telling you the sky is pink.

I mean its great to have opinions on something. But wow some people really put some stretch into their reasoning behind their dislike for something. When in not much longer of time everyone gets what they want and its no longer an issue of such magnitude. Just relax and enjoy.


Actually you wouldn’t, because we don’t play in fail “warmode off” mode. We don’t even know you exist.

That’s probably for the best.

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Yep i agree… they suck, i wont even bother. They do it to put a chore, a boring chore… so there is a reason to do something in this void game

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Perhaps that means the problem is you.

For someone who claims to not care, you’ve been blathering for a week in various threads on the topic.


I already care tbh

Basically “abandoned” my main temporarily and swapped to a throwaway Human alt (for the +10% reputation buff) JUST so I can grind out these sloggy renowns slightly faster

Haven’t played my main in like a week I’ve been busy going back and grinding out old quests/campaigns/side-quests/mini-side questsetc for every small morsel of reputation that I can get - it’s not fun, it’s boring :weary::-1:

As soon as I ding renown 15 on all factions, I’m never touching a side-quest or “reputation” WQ again lol


You wouldn’t see each other.

I’m referring to other folks not in war mode who might be hoping the dismount trick would still work.

It reminds me of when DF was new, and you could go to the forums and see multiple complaint threads about dragonriding and the UI changes. A lot of the commentary was from the same people, over and over again.

The vitriol that came out of people against change and evolution was unreal.


2023 update: I still don’t like the “new” UI :crazy_face:

The old UI was BiS imo, they should’ve at least provided a “toggle” option where you can choose to use either the new UI or the old/legacy UI


I think the new UI is garbage but at least it doesn’t affect me since I’ve never used anything default except Raid Frames.