Really? No Flying in next patch?

Really really fast transportation does, just like in every video game ever.

I’m not, that is very much a you issue if you’re not practicing AND also with the brake ability you keep missing your landings.


who told you this?

actually on the ptr is DF regular flying

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I repeat. TINY. PINPRICK. OF. LANDING SPACE. I’m SORRY that not all of us are a damn GOD. Some of us Lowly Mortals are less than absolutely perfect, your Highness.

EDIT: Also, you DID lie. You said, and I quote, that it is “literally not a thing.” That’s a LIE.


Which is it? you moving the goalposts to keep your validity.

It isn’t, you personally flailing and failing miserably does not make me a liar, again since you also didn’t know about the air brake.

you keep making the landing zone smaller to try and make your argument legitimate after the air brake got pointed out to you.

All my characters have at least 1 gathering on them, has never been an issue.

… you okay?

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I agree with your points but you might want to chill out a bit or risk a forum vacation. :person_gesturing_no:

I just got off of one due to someone mass flagging me with alts. I don’t care anymore. So far I’ve done nothing report worthy. As long as no more false flags happen, there’s nothing to worry about.


Raging at someone and calling them illiterate is not a false flag… definitely would be ground for bullying. Better take it down a notch. It’s also hard to have a civil debate with people when it escalates to that point.

There is a button to full stop if you are going too fast AND you can angle yourself upwards to reduce speed. Just 2 super easy methods.

Or do what I do. Aim directly at it and hit the ground as fast as possible and watch the mobs run in circles dazed and critters explode. :laughing:


Dive bombing is fun :3


It’s so good. I waste charges just to hit the ground full force :joy:

I can’t help it lol

  1. You have a very trash defition of “rage”.
  2. You’re definitely an alt of Queen Liar over there.
  3. Quit defending liars.

Little tip before you start throwing out baseless accusations that destroy what little credibility you had left in your rage, if someone’s profile is public you can check their pets/achievements to compare and see if it’s the same account (we really need Btag accounts on here rather than per character).

Also I’m not that witty with names.

Bruh. I’m autistic as hell and even I’m not as cripplingly literal as you. Get some help.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

It’s sad because you had a good post going with:

But you lost credibility when you posted the other stuff above :confused:

That is rage. My achievement points alone show I am not an alt. Quit being defensive and attacking people. I was trying to help :dracthyr_shrug:


Oh joy ableism.

Anywho, changing from platform to “tiny pinprick” are noticeably different.

So…we’re just redefining words now? Calmly calling out a Liar is now “raging”?
Is hot now cold? Is wet now ry? Is being a massive liar now being a perfectly honest saint? Get the hell outta here with that.

Case in point, Freezy and Wild are the same poster, their pet team and names is the same. Sooooo, projecting much?

…What? I am LITERALLY Autistic. I was diagnosed a LONG time ago. An extreme tendency to take things literally is historically something that autistic people struggle with. Take your own advice. Don’t make baseless accusations. You’re awful.

That is not calm :dracthyr_cry_animated:

The only one lying here seems to be you bud :confused:

Now are you done throwing a fit so we can talk civilly or are you just here on the forums to rage and attack people?