Reading the council threads

sure, agreed. Not every situation has winner and a loser sometimes everyone just wrong.

Sucks to be him I guess. But you seem like youā€™re deeply invested in this. So Iā€™ll leave you to it.

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Iā€™m only deeply invested in this because there are still SO MANY people who think itā€™s a bad thing that the dude got kicked off the Council, or that he got kicked off the Council for criticizing Blizzard instead of doing some immensely stupid stuff that would get someone in massive trouble no matter where they ended up doing this sort of stuff for.

Thereā€™s things worth criticizing Blizzard for; this is not one of those things.


you seem to think there is a paycheque involved with the Community council. Its the equivalent of a live TV show asking randoms on the street their opinionā€¦ someoneā€™s gonna say something stupid. No one assumes the pople on the CC represent blizzard, or even the community as a whole, even learning about this guy i dont think everything he says represents even the CC forum as a whole. You need to stop generalizing groups of people and look at individuals as such.


And if itā€™s stupid enough, the showrunners can (and often will) get into an enormous amount of trouble for airing it unedited.

See what Iā€™m getting at?

He was making a very bad joke. And people read it out of context. He kicked the troll out of the discord immediately. I defend him because I know that he didnā€™t mean it the way people think he did

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anyone that punishes someone for something that someone else did on a pre approved live TV show is a moron. They knew the risk when they said ā€œlets put it to the people!ā€

And if he was making a very bad joke, maybe he shouldā€™ve, you knowā€¦ not made said very bad joke in the first place.

Blizzard is not in the wrong for kicking the guy off the Community Council for doing something immensely stupid while openly using his platform to advertise the fact that heā€™s a representative of the Community Council.

Sounds like a lot of drama for a group that is completely useless and unneeded.


Prosident turned out to be a major self-promoter. He told us that he had been chosen because of the opinions he held, and because it would be beneficial for him specifically to be on the council, essentially leading it.

He wasnā€™t the sort of team player they were looking for to carry on low-key dialogue.


A discord isnā€™t a very professional setting. I think his actions prove that heā€™s not a racist and he should be back on the community council. Not like heā€™d want to go back after all the stuff he went through


I think you missed the bigger part of the issue. It was not just ā€œone jokeā€ and he went on Asmons stream and admitted to using racist language - and then there were more screenshots that came out.

I will repost some of the original discussion. That he fully well knew and agreed was not a good idea. Formatting is better if you click the post.

All I knew was the one joke. If thereā€™s more to it than that then I wasnā€™t aware of it

They need to stop the war against casuals players, stop catering to the 1% stop removing rewards for a small group of people who only care about Wow when itā€™s raid night. start figuring out how you make the game fun and character customization even better for everyone. this MMO has been raid centric for so long when an entire genre and style of game play has been ignored by devs who believe you need to bleed and cry to earn the best rewards or go home wiping 900 times on 1 boss is considered a fun game to play to them for some reason.


There is always more to a story.

He did come off as a self promoter, yes. Followed by creating drama then jumping on a large Stream to discuss it. I had not heard he thought he would be a ā€œleaderā€. I can promise that was never going to happen. Nobody on the Council is the ā€œleaderā€.

If he still wanted to post and contribute he most certainly can still create all the threads he wants right here. He is not banned from the forums. He just does not seem interested in engaging with the forums or ā€œpublicā€ without the CC tag. Either that or he wants to avoid further drama? I donā€™t know :woman_shrugging:

Already preordered Violet :heart:

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Literally all of those are addressing issues on Wow.

The things you listed donā€™t matter to everyone.

I could genuinely not care less about every single thing you listed except evergreen content.

As I said in my first post of the thread, everyone considers different things important. Stop telling people what they feel is important isnā€™t. Iā€™m not telling you your interests arenā€™t important, just that I personally donā€™t find them important TO ME.

Whereas you are actually saying my interests are superficial and unimportant in a general sense.

There is a reason they chose people from all walks of the game. If you have an issue with something not being brought up, then you should have applied for the council, or apply for it next time applications are open.

How is this not a relevant issue? One of the biggest issues with WoW right now is that sometimes it takes a while to catch up or to get alts ready, and this IMMEDIATELY fixes one of the biggest issues regarding catching up, playing alts, or playing other Covenants.