Reading the council threads

When I looked through the council posts, it looked to me like the best threads that addressed the bigger issues were all made by a guy named Prosident.

Blizzard removed him from the council, so he can’t post there anymore. I don’t know if the other council people are all afraid to engage those threads or what, but they’re all at the bottom.

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That happened the last time and the time before that and the one before that as well. Blizzard trying to “improve” communications is a lie they tell every other expac or so.

Well if thats true then just scrap the whole thing right now.

And they removed him for a damn good reason. The guy did some immensely stupid stuff (i.e. making a Discord server where people could ask the Council members stuff and advertising it in the Community Council forums) and literally everybody else on the Council told him it was an immensely stupid idea from the very beginning. They knew it was a bad idea, basically anyone outside the Community Council looking at those forums knew it was a bad idea, yet somehow Prosident didn’t get the memo that it would be a bad idea.

Blizzard can get into some actual trouble for stuff like that going unmoderated; the fact that folks made him out to be some sort of martyr because of how this whole fiasco went is, frankly, a testament to how moronic a good chunk of this game’s community is. Prosident brought up some valid points, but you people need to stop pretending that he got kicked off the Community Council for criticizing Blizzard. He didn’t; he got kicked off the Community Council for doing something that easily could’ve made a fool out of Blizzard and the entire Community Council if something went wrong (and, of course, something did go wrong).

Prosident. Is. Not. A. Martyr.


No amount of community input is going to get ActBlizz to change the minds of its daily engagement/quarterly profit corporate overloads and put quality and fun first like it did before Activision ruined everything.

Actually, if you ask people what they don’t like about the game, they come up with a long list of things, many of which are entirely specific to Shadowlands.

“You never liked the game, even though you’ve been playing for years and never complained before about having to spend a million gold on legendaries or PvP gearing. Because nothing whatever has changed in the history of the game. I can read your mind so I know exactly what you are thinking.”

Nah. People like you are the reason so many people have left the game, because the expansion is designed around the concept that “most of these people should never have been playing the game, and if only we could push them out the door, tens of millions of the sort of hardcore elite players devs deserve as a playerbase will flock to a game which has been purged of everybody you don’t like”.

The way responsible businesses find out why their paying customers are no longer their customers is to ask them. It’s called marketing research.


We know what kinda fan you are. Blizz can do no wrong type.

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I criticize Blizzard when it’s worth criticizing them.

Them kicking Prosident off was not worth criticizing. Literally ANY company with some sort of a Community Council would’ve kicked someone off for what he did.

Moreover, there literally is no one reason why a person quits WoW. I hated Shards of Domination to the point where I was about to quit; I hated Legion legendaries to the point where I DID quit for about a year. But not everyone quits because of Shards or Legion legendaries.

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What did he do? Other than make a discord to talk to the playerbase? Something Blizzard should be doing more of…

Ah yes, he tried to get more opinions than just the ones the PR team decided were suitable. What a bad dude. totally working against the interests of the community.


Danuser: I am altering the deal, pray I do not alter it any further…

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Uh, he said racist stuff in that discord. He was removed because of being blatantly racist not because he made a discord to talk to people.

I have a pretty big bias against world PvP. It’s not that I dislike players that partake in it, it’s just that when people say they want world PvP, what that means is we aren’t getting flying.

The maw was designed as a world PvP zone and it’s the only zone we can’t fly in. Coincidence?? I think not

He complained that there were too many black people in Stormwind

Do you have ANY IDEA how bad of an idea it is for someone who doesn’t work for or represent a company’s PR department to do something that’s basically the equivalent of him pretending to represent a company’s PR department?

Criticize Blizzard all you want for not directly engaging with the playerbase, even though there’s a million and one ways this can and will go wrong if they make a Discord server that exists solely for that purpose. But Prosident could’ve gotten Blizzard into some serious trouble if anything questionable happened in that Discord and they didn’t do anything about it, especially since his moderation was clearly extremely lax considering the racist stuff posted in there.

Literally everyone (except Prosident himself, somehow) knew that whole idea would go horribly wrong in an instant.


ah yes, how represented the color pink is on gear.
truly having more gear of a specific color will save wow and bring back millions.

I do agree that people prioritize different things in the game, but to pretend there aren’t threads that offer nothing to the improvement of the game is silly.

the council is just GD but yellow.

While I do pick on your pink thread in this post, I do actually agree with it. I’d love to see more pink! but that’s a want, not really an issue with the game.


Didn’t know. Why wouldn’t the other poster lead with that and not “Made a discord to talk to others”?

ok so the guy was trainwreck of a human, i aint looking to have his kids, but giving more people the ability to provide feedback isnt a bad thing.

Sure. But if a guy is being openly racist in chat and on discord and on his channel maybe he shouldn’t be a community council member?

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Try doing that for a company whose PR department you’re at the absolute bottom of, and then proceed to complain within this publicly-accessible platform about something relevant to said company in lieu of “there are too many black people in Stormwind,” and then count the number of minutes, if not seconds, it takes for you to get fired.