Reading the council threads

Council is just a publicity stunt.

If they haven’t bothered to read GD before why would they read CC now?


It is. Just look at the posts of those on it…
I will still hope the next expansion is good but I am having doubts based solely on the council threads.

One thing I’ve never seen in guild chat. “Taking a break, will be back when there’s more customizations.”

It’s usually oriented around a lack of content. So I think the forums in general and the CC Specifically can really be missing the mark on the big issues.

Good, because the next xpac is probably mostly finished and the most I could see Blizz doing is tweaking things and not complete overhauls. Look for your changes in 11.0 or 12.0

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Blizzard plans out expansions years in advance. By the time the current one is released, there is a team working on the next one already. Things like story, world concepts, art, etc are all underway way in advance. Systems are already in place as well. I have no idea what input you think any of the Council, or even the internet famous influencers, would have on anything. Maybe in Alpha with tweaks?

Op,to be honest ,I haven’t even look at what they were saying because most of it is meaningless .They’ll do what they want the game to be regardless of anyone else’s input .

Ok,i’m reading it now.and they don’t know what a flux is and want it to tapper off even though you need alot of it .oh gess.

So the CC is there to have no effect on this expansion, the next expansion, or the expansion after that.

It’s good to know that it’s not just the latest in a long line of failed PR stunts or anything silly like that…

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If you thought a group of random players was going to be in the position to actually direct the game on lore, story, etc… I have a bridge to sell you.

Sure, we can give all kinds of feedback and hope that it somehow influences what they do. I mean, we did just get perma Mage tower which was something asked for by players. So players, CC or not, had some say.

Just don’t be unrealistic and expect a miracle, esp from the forums and some volunteers.

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at what part do they attempt to stop the hemoragging of subscribers though and actually design around players rather than their own ego.

How many people do you personally know who left over res sickness? I’ve heard many many reasons for people leaving and res sickness seems to be a made up excuse…

Not once in my post about res sickness did I say people have left over it.

Strawman much?

Shockingly, suggesting quality of life improvements is also important.

The original poster did…

Ive seen little to nothing that addresses the reasons people claim they bailed on the game.
Stuff like rez sickness,BMAH, tmog stuff and other non issues.

Because we don’t know why they left. That’s just it. You can speculate all you want, but people leave for a variety of reasons.

One of my friends literally left because Blizzard burned Teldrassil. That was it. That was the straw that broke their back as an Alliance player. He logged back in during Shadowlands (in, asked if the Horde or Sylvanas had been held accountable in the story, I told him no, and I haven’t seen him since.

All we can suggest are things to make the game more manageable for the people still here. Quality of Life changes.

For instance, not in the CC forums, but in GD, I suggested quite a few times that they make the Mage Tower permanent, because it would be a quality of life change that would go a long way to remove the FOMO and add new content we can work towards and not have to plan around.

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Read what the rest of the quote it says people left because of res sickness

Ive seen little to nothing that addresses the reasons people claim they bailed on the game.
Stuff like rez sickness,BMAH, tmog stuff and other non issues.

Can you definitively list the reasons millions of people have left WoW, MMORPGs, gaming, etc.?

Do you have any sources. If you can list the reasons in a solid and factual way that can be addressed by CC members and Blizzard that might be helpful.

The only group who has this info is Blizzard - via exit surveys, timing of engagement drops vs content available, etc. Blizz has not shared any of that.

Reality is none of us have that information. That is why nobody is going to make a post claiming to speak for the millions who are gone - when we don’t have documentation on WHY they left.

There are as many reasons as there are people. I am not arrogant enough to think I speak for all of them, or even many of them - esp without talking to them.

The group that has the info is Blizzard via exit surveys, timing of when engagement drops vs content, etc. They are not sharing that info.

it won’t be anything different but you’ll pay for it anyway.

I mean, I wager probably 90% of the people on these forums will buy the next expansion even if it’s “The jailer reactivates and drags the heroes back into the Shadowlands” lol.


the size of the smile that would be on my face announcement day when they say “shadowlands part 2 begins 2023” … you have no idea…

OMG you don’t even grasp the point I made. I have NEVER on this board, Icy Veins, MMO champion, in any other game seen or heard of someone who left WoW because of res sickness.
And I questioned who ever wrote it which is my right. Reality is you are trying to make an issue out of nothing…It was a simple question that has a simple answer.

I misunderstood you at first as well.

You didn’t use quotes or quote the OP, so it sounded like you were saying the thing about people leaving yourself, not just quoting the OP. :stuck_out_tongue: