Reading the council threads

I read thru the first page of posts and im not getting the feeling that next expansion will be anything different from Shadowlands. Most of the posts are about personal petty things the council peeps want in game.
Ive seen little to nothing that addresses the reasons people claim they bailed on the game.
Stuff like rez sickness,BMAH, tmog stuff and other non issues.

The game has way too many rep farms and other boring chores ya gotta do for end game fun stuff. PVP doesnt look to be getting the overhaul it needs.
There are other major issues but its all been mentioned before adn ignored so yeah. Not lookin like I will be there next expansion. Not that anyone cares and I dont care that you dont care but losing more and more players isnt a good thing.


Of course it won’t. The Council has no say in what Blizz does and it’s the same team working on 10.0 that gave us SL.


I forgot the council existed. Blizz probably did too.


And I don’t see the problem with that. The core content and game loops are all solid / all Blizzard really needs to do is unlock the fun earlier. If I look at 9.0 / 9.0.5, we got our main borrowed power systems very early, and then we could just play the game. Great patch. Prideful was really the only major drawback.

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Apply for the council next time.


thought you were a classic vanilla player, not sure why you care what the council does or do.


Wow what an incredibly rude comment. Why wouldnt they care? I didn’t know you could only play classic or retail and not both.


I mean there is a classic council member

Non issues for you.

Everyone considers different parts of the game important. And it’d be wise to remember that.


true but as a classic player myself, I would never go on retail forums and complain about something I don’t even play. Look at OP’s history, all of his posts have been in classic forums.

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So… see you in 10.0 ? I hope so!

Im surprised the council hasn’t made a post yet asking for more feedback from blizzard.

I feel you’re in the minority of thinking that. Questing is horrible, on-rails with no zone choices is trash. ToF was terrible. Storylines were bad. Most dungeons sucked— but dungeons have sucked since the M+ mentality has turned them into chorefests. Torghast was only enjoyable after it was revamped and even then it’s not interesting evergreen content for an entire expansion. Warfronts in BfA sucked because of how poorly they were implemented, questing was better back then but still lacks choice, dungeons were also just as bad. Timegating of everything sucks. Borrowed power sucks.

The list goes on.



I like all the dungeons except Streets. And Streets only bad because the trash pulls have too much going on - all Blizzard needs to do is a bit of tuning and it’s fine.

I’m sorry you aren’t having fun.


I think that is something Blizzard should be concerned about, but it’s not something a council of current players is likely able to help them understand.

Your opinion. I think these past two expansions— and most of Legion— weren’t good at all. So I have zero hope that 10.0 will be any better. It’ll probably be worse.


I keep forgetting the council is a thing. Haven’t visited that place in weeks.

I respect the discussion there but the minimal Blizzard feedback has turned it into a more constructive/polite general discussion.


Yeah enjoy your echo chamber.
Where are the issues that caused millions to bail out being discussed over there?


Well yeah, the entire idea was a horrible one. Its basically a bunch of people who want internet forum clout to push their opinions on what is good with out any real reason other then it would be good, and ignore actual issues with the game.

Of course it was a bad idea.


So… yeah?