RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Dead servers are another issue that has many other solutions. RDF is not the solution to dead servers. It would transform your dead server experience into a lobby based queuing experience like COD or LoL.

Moving to a healthy and populated server will allow you to play an mmorpg.

Yes. But I feel (dont know for sure though) that Iā€™m an outlier in that one. I miss the old days of creating server rivalries that you could cultivate and expand in battlegrounds and out in the actual world.

Those days are gone and I lament for them. Now BGs are still exciting enough because unlike dungeons/raids each time you enter it itā€™s different. Buuuuuutā€¦it doesnt have any soul anymore.

Trust me, when you get into an AV turtle thereā€™s plenty of soul and complaints. :rofl:

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So generous. I might make it through this dark crying time because of you. Iā€™m so lucky to have found you.

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You are right. History showed us that RDF had a massive negative impact on the quality of player interactions. I canā€™t see the future and canā€™t know for sure if history would repeat itself, but Iā€™m not so willing to find outā€¦

Iā€™m not saying it is or it isnā€™t. What Iā€™m saying is that RDF would afford players on those servers the opportunity to experience more of an MMO-friendly game.

Regardless, it would still allow players to experience a more open-MMO.

This is debatable - mainly because of queues. Theyā€™ve been getting better, but we all know with launch, theyā€™re going to get MUCH worse, which means we wonā€™t even be able to login to the MMO GAME, let alone actually experience the MMO, on those servers.


Where is this proof?


No proof, just based on experienceā€¦

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So, it showed YOU.


Its all good. Youā€™re genuinely sad and it shows. Youā€™ll be alright.

While I appreciate a good debate, I think we are turning a bit in circle you and I. We most likely are not looking for the same type of experience when playing an mmorpg, and that difference if what we are looking for translate into different preferences when it comes to how the game is played.

Citation needed for this one. This is entirely a subjective point.
If a player views interaction in an RDF group as ā€œless thanā€ that of the traditional way that is a player mindset issue not an issue with RDF.
There are enough anecdotal stories for both sides to claim their preference increased/decreased their own interactions with no real counter point to say otherwise.


The problem here is that if you were debating, youā€™d lose, because youā€™re basing your replies on personal preference, rather than actual fact.

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You are doing the same, you just think they are facts. But they are not.

This is true.

However, Iā€™d rather have more player interaction than less. RDF, heck even cross-realm and not RDF, opens up the opportunity to meet new folks.

Sure, youā€™re going to get that hunter who always needs every green because heā€™s from a different server.

Iā€™ve also seen instances where people have held the run hostage.

I donā€™t think folks are saying RDF is perfect, far from it, but itā€™s a solution to a problem people are facing.


I stated the definition of what an MMO is; RDF would add to that very definition.


Not a scientifically proven fact, it was a statement made based on my experience in the game.

In your opinion.

No facts. Only opinions here. We have no say cause blizzard doesnā€™t value feedback. I learned a long time ago that nobodyā€™s mind is being changed because of anything said in the wow forums.


RDF means more players to group withā€¦

That in turn means that the playerbase the average player will see increases.

Which IN TURN means that the definition of the MMO will be improved upon.