RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Running to a dungeon to summon 3 lazy players does not improve social interaction or experience.

Waiting for tanks or healers to show up on the group browser list for 20 minutes for the dungeon you need to run does not improve social interaction or experience.

Being rejected as a dps when requesting to join group for a dungeon you need because of your class does not improve social interaction or experience.

Hard reserving loot in LFD does not improve social interaction or experience.

Advertising GDKP in LFD does not improve social interaction or experience.

Limiting the amount of players to interact with to only the player’s server does not improve social interaction or experience.

Spending more time creating a group than running a dungeon does not improve social interaction or experience.

Limiting the amount of dungeons you can run to what is available only on the player’s server does not improve social interaction or experience.

Incentives to play as tank or healer because the design of LFD isn’t as efficient for dps class comparatively does not improve social interaction or experience.

Waiting to find a replacement in your partially cleared dungeon does not improve social interaction or experience.

Limiting azeroth levelers to questing because only 5 people at a time on the player’s server in their level range want to do a dungeon does not improve social interaction or experience, and hinders the leveling experience.

Limiting players who are pro-RDF to use LFD while giving a brand new tool from retail to those who are anti-RDF does not improve social interaction or experience.

What is wrong with having both tools? what is wrong with running dungeons with players outside of your server, you already play with them in battlegrounds…?

Fragmenting the classic community by forcing them to only be allowed to play with players from other servers in battlegrounds does not improve social interaction or experience.

So dps will have to wait in a queue to run dungeons with RDF, they already have to wait in LFD to get invited after being rejected trying to join available groups. there’s already a wait.

If you cater to one side of the playerbase while spitting in the face of the other side you are not being faithful to your community, you are being divisive.

Enable both tools, let the players decide in-game how they want to play, I understand the ideology of players having too much of an easy time gearing up when wotlk drops in RDF, the players who abuse LFD to hard reserve their loot will have much easier time gearing up in wotlk in comparison. Don’t let the LFD hard reserve abusers ruin the social interaction and experience for players who just want to gear up or need the one drop that everyone else does.

Players are already more geared than they ever were in original wotlk and many more characters are blasting through wotlk with full swp.

RDF at wotlk launch isn’t going to hurt the gearing experience, it will only benefit those who don’t have time to create/form group for every dungeon they want to run, while hindering those who have more time by limiting how many dungeons they can run to the player’s own server’s supply and demand of tanks/healers.

Stop acting like gearing your character in RDF is going to make players overpowered at 80, it’s not. RDF isn’t LFR stop treating it as such.

If you really want to improve social interaction and experience, let the players decide what tool they want to use in order to achieve that. Both sides can have the tool of their choice, and the dev team will be able to see exactly what tool is more prevalent in doing group content with a side-by-side comparison of player data from each tool.

Limiting players to socially interact how an opposing side wants them to does not improve social interaction or experience, it hinders it.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, LFD GDKP or hard reserved loot LFD or any normal groups or RDF groups are not the places you are going find your future wives, best men at your wedding, the guy who lives up the street from you who needs a real friend, let’s stop acting like these are meant to be the places exclusively where your guild is going to form and recruit people; if players want an improved social interaction or experience they join a guild or socially interact with people in channel. the place for social interactions is not exclusively inside a dungeon.

People play the game to enjoy the content, and yeah there are social experiences within some dungeon groups, it is rare though that the location any player will find or want to find social interactions is within a dungeon.

I don’t have data to support my opinion but i’d like to think that most players who run dungeons don’t run them because they want to find the next social interaction or experience, they want to find the next piece of loot that they need and finish the dungeon in an acceptable amount of time.


Dragon QoL expansion :arrow_right:

Players will always go for the most efficient tool. That doesn’t mean they think it is good for the game. To say that offering the RDF tool as an option would “improve social interaction”… LOL. Nonsense.


Lack of RDF is the anti-social experience


This post nails it.


Literally his first point isn’t solved by joining a guild. Neither are his points about leveling dungeons unless 4 other people just happen to be leveling someone in the same level bracket. I don’t agree writ large with an open ended cross server RDF for all content, but new players not really running dungeons isn’t good for anyone.


well said… TBH I am surprised that the Anti-RFD crowd are not more opposed to the proposed dungeon\gear changes


Dungeons aren’t exclusively meant for social experiences or interactions, they are also meant for clearing content in a group setting and i’d argue that the latter is the more prevalent reason people run dungeons in the first place.

Blizzard Classic team removing RDF because their priority of social interactions and experiences is not a valid reason to remove a feature that promotes group activity and replace it with a tool that promotes abuse of group activity such as hard reserving loot, rejecting players for being the wrong class, gdkp advertisement.


Nah. He would still be posting and reading. Or waiting on people to get the e stone. You’re dense.


You literally just shat upon every single anti-rdf loser on the forums. They’re argument is the same as me going “here is the car you want and here is the clear path to get it.” And then the anti rdfers come at me and go “Nah I want the REAL experience when I buy the car, I’m not even paying a 22.4 percent apr with the method you have laid out?.

Either way dude good stuff, and a good read.


I don’t remember any of the donkeys I do dungeons with


right? if RDF was in, i would be able to run way more dungeons in the time it took me to write up the post, probably not though since it only took 15 minutes of my time while i was waiting for a group who needed a dps show up in group finder.


funny but true story, i could right that in the time it takes to form a group and complete a singular dungeon. i would say sorry, but i don’t believe in that. what is your answer when 3.3. comes around and they still don’t implement LFD feature? play the game how it was when wrath ended? oh wait. thats not possible because blizz is kneecapping that experience.


I mean, if you had read it, you’d know that the OP basically said people who want social interactions will find a guild.


do you know how much social interactions happen in retail basic M dungeons not M+? almost none. and you have to fly to those. or run there on your ground mount.


yes, I’m aware. Not a fan of M+ myself, but done plenty where I’ve signed up, joined, ran to the dungeon, did the key, and left and the only thing said the entire time was “1” for the 3 people who didn’t want to travel themselves, and wanted to be summoned.


They are coming in Phase 2 and the loot will have been obtained with Ulduar loot on the horizon… Why no complaints…

RDF stole away guildies back in the day and the hardcore players will remember that. But that’s also because many guilds started to move/change after wrath too.

wow that’s a new argument… I remember using RDF to fill slots after grouping with friends or guildies.

mostly the anti RDF crowd view RDF as lazy or a quick/easy way to get gear. It is because of this I am surprised more of them dont have a problem with these changes.

just to be clear I like the heroic+ idea and RDF.


They were spamming RDF on countless alts and never saw a raid light again till Cata sometime… Before RDF Alts were a meme…

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I love how the anti-RDF crowd confuse forming a group and running a dungeon.

Forming a group is not a social experience. Running the content isn’t either but it does set a foundation for socializing.

/Global Chat spam and /Whisper “you want to tank/heal” isn’t social.

RDF expedites the group forming process. Now the social experience may begin.


if they didnt like raiding then I am glad they found content they enjoyed doing… it is a game after all. Also if that was all it took to make them stop raiding or hanging out with guildies were they ever actual friends/guildies to begin with