RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

according to a dev, the LFG tool is not a tool to find a dungeon, it’s a tool to find friends. literal quote. So, they are not going to do anything to make dungeon runs better.

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I’ve always been satisfied with a small tight knit guild. I don’t need to know the whole server.

That’s fair, you do you. We can have different preferences.

Sarcasm only works when what you’re saying isn’t true.

Just friendship in general. Maybe then you can find ag roup to run and get past 23 lmfao

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Unfortunately, the discussion that you put yourself in isn’t about ‘feelings’ or opinions.

As the foundation of an MMO relies on an abundance of players playing together, RDF improves that by opening up or broadening the chance to group with people.


Skill issue? Please take your trolling elsewhere.

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And by damaging player interactions and sense of community. These are opinions and preferences , and we have a different perspective on that. You can’t force me to think like you. These are not facts, they are expectations towards an mmorpg.

Sarcasm? I bear my soul in my desperate lonely hour of extreme need and you say I’m being sarcastic. Now I need to cry even more. Why do you hurt me after all we’ve been through?

Don’t worry, I’ll still make it work.

Look at his name man, that was your first clue


That’s such a bad solution. People may have invested hundreds perhaps thousands of hours into the character. They shouldn’t need to abandon the character because Blizzard is withholding a solution.

Yes. Objectively it does this and this is not a thing that can be argued. And no one being honest would argue against this.

But its funny how you omit how bland and stale it makes the game. Might as well play mobile games at that point lmao. Not to mention open world content becomes so irrelevant as a result lol.

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Dont abandon the character, transfer it. You won’t loose your character.

lol if that were true you wouldnt be here crying. Quit lying already. That’s step one.

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100% agree. You say it clearer than I could.

Is step two being your friend? I need to be your friend so much it hurts.

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Do you not feel the same for cross-realm BGs?


People are out here really losing their marbles over a tool that helps people get into dungeons. What is wrong with you people?


THIS is a matter of opinion.

The fact IS is that an MMO relies on a certain number of players playing together - this criteria doesn’t require active communication. Heck, it doesn’t even mean you have to group together.

However, RDF improves this aspect because it allows for people to group with MORE people.

If you’re on a dead server, with just you and one other person, your experience isn’t an MMO - it’s a dead game. If you have RDF, though, it becomes an accessible MMO.


being cringe on purpose doesn’t make you less cringe. It’s okay that you got stomped here though lmfao. It was expected.

But yes. If you make an alliance toon I will hold your hand for you. I do it for plenty of people, why should you be any different just because your a lil slow and stubborn.

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Quality is determined by the player attitudes, not the system by which a group is formed.