RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Social interaction in this game is found more in the idle moments.

I get both sides.

RDF makes the raid / group organization automated and streamlined. You don’t really advertise or send tells anymore. The waiting around period is shorter and easier for the increasingly pressed-for-time lives we all live.

The social part of groups comes into play much less when you’re locked in on completing the content.

In my experience, most strangers that became guild mates or pals of mine after a group… it wasn’t during the actual clearing process of the dungeon - but more so on the way to the dungeon, or during the CR process after a dumb wipe, or BSing in a group when someone left and we’re waiting around for a replacement, or when there’s downtime.

There are exceptions. If people have had bad experiences with healers or tanks all day long and they suddenly get a good one, that can create a bond just by nature of how bad their day has been. But that can happen in both RDF and non-RDF contexts.

I’d just say that the less idle time you have, the less social the game becomes. If you’re artificially removing time consuming processes, you’re also removing the potential for manual social interaction. That’s not some revelation, it’s just simple math. That’s where the two crowds are split. Quality of life usually translates to less time wasted (less idle time in game) and that’s where the vast majority of social interaction comes from in MMOs.

So while some processes are maddening for one crowd, like making groups, another crowd sort of relishes its capacity for social interaction. Obviously it depends on the type of person you are. I’ve been in straight to business, no chit-chat, no BS groups, and I’ve also been in ones with very gregarious, overly chatty Kathy’s - and everything in between.


The point is you trolls tell people to do is MOVE servers for everything and that when the best solution was to have RDF instead of people moving from server to server to server like you’ve all been doing for years. These recent transfers have been a complete s show and all they had to do was add RDF and probably even cross server so people don’t need to keep doing this.


It actually ISN’T - it actually improves the basis of MMO games because it allows you to group with MORE players.

Gosh, are trolls even trying anymore?


So you’re saying that they tried and failed? They aren’t my type then. But they’re better than most here. They did try and deserve credit and acknowledgement that it didn’t work out.

Which can happen. It’s not like everyones gonna be perfect in every endeavor.

Its funny watching you act like you’re being bullied by a big bad

Only if you try. but something tells me that isnt your forte.

My guild used to sit in TeamSpeak to shoot the s**t all the time and would do things together. It was pretty active throughout the day.

At any rate, there are three components to RDF as originally implemented that I see:

  1. Auto group forming
  2. X-server play
  3. Teleportation

While I don’t think any of these features are needed, I wouldn’t get terribly upset if an RDF just stuck with auto forming groups.

You are both right in your own way. It’s a matter of opinion and preferences

Oh my! I’ll try so hard. So, so hard. I’ll be trying so HARD for you.

#winkwink I got the hidden code.

Fixed that for you. Now go put a shirt on. The cold air messes with your brain

MMO = Massively-multiplayer Online, correct?

Allowing for players to access MORE of the playerbase would then in turn increase the foundation of that MMO.

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on our server, yes. The move to mega server seems to have been a success.

Because the answer of “transfer or give up your progress” shouldn’t be the solution.

They did this on retail already when they merged servers. People complained about dying servers and “spend money” wasn’t a good solution.

People already pay Blizzard $15 for the game. It’s Blizzard job to ensure players have a playable experience.

Why the heck do you think they added RDF in the first place? Could it be to fix the exact same issue that’s plaguing Benediction Horde and other realms? I have characters on Whitemane that I don’t play anymore. I created them when the server was launched.

If I came back to Classic WoW for WotLK, what am I to do?

You want me to run deadmines with a level 25 hunter and a level 59 DK? Rerolling shouldn’t be the answer, that’s a cop out. There is a tool already built into the game that fixes this problem for dead factions.

Blizzard right now is failing players who are on dead factions. It shouldn’t be the players responsibility to pay additional money on top of their subscription fee or reroll, in order to have a playable game with group content.


See this is what i mean. This is exactly why you’re so lonely and have a desperate need for RDF lol.

Even when someone offers you an opportunity to be friends you stamp your feet like a petulant child.

Cry lonely then lmao

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Because the way it is doing it is damaging the sense of community and the need to interactions between players. For you it’s quantity of interactions, for others it’s quality.

I am lonely. Can we talk? I desperatly need a friend like you. You seem ultra supportive. I feel like I can tell you anything and you’d tell me it’s going to be ok.

I need your amazing shoulder to cry on. I need your friendship.

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I am pro-RDF but right now I have just accepted that it is not in the game. They should definitely implement that using the LFD tool makes it so group loot is locked in and the only loot option. No more hard reserving gear in pure pugs. If you put together your own 5 man outside the tool then you can make the rules.


The term MMO has nothing to do with ‘community.’

The definition refers to players PLAYING the game - it doesn’t refer to communication, community, or any of that nonsense.

Three years, THREE years. There’s no communication in dungeons. It isn’t because we’re terrible people, it’s because we don’t need to.

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I mean you don’t accept it, but re rolling is your only option. I wish blizzard would offer you free transfer, but they don’t offer that permanently.

I guess you and I are looking for different things when playing an mmo. For me the sense of community is important.

I frequently have communication with my dungeon groups, before, during and after the dungeons.

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Well good on them for makin the right choice and still trying after failure. Sounds like a righteous dude and someone that should be emulated.

No one said that? lol.

lol playable by what metric exactly??? Your game is entirely playable. its just not playable the way you want. Again these are things youve been told. Can you stop?

Imagine looking at a problem 20 years ago as if its the same problem today in the same place located entirely within wotlk prepatch.


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I wish they would do what they have for Shadowlands M+.

It’s the same exact tool. You find groups and stuff, still have to walk to the dungeon and summon folks.

Only difference is that it is Cross-Realm. So you can invite folks from other realms.

That would solve the issue with low-pop factions/servers and allow players to filter out players from other realms should they not wish to play with them.

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