RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

what happened to sticking to one post there captain hypocrisy lol. i knew you were a troll from statement one lol


I am literally complaining that Wrath Classic isn’t as accessible as original Wrath was. This isn’t complicated.


lfr too plz naxx to hard

RDF is good for the social experience. You meet so many new people because there is instant Qs.


LFG encourages people to work with their guild.

RDF just makes grouping with guildies an extra effort that isn’t rewarded.

What the heck, how did this thread survive the purge?

I can’t believe devs are not fixing the issues with the game but censoring the forums. Yeah no wonder why blizzard is dying as a company


All my interactions with LFG all this time is “someone come to summon pls” and that’s literally it. Stop lying dude.


Activision Blizzard annual revenue for 2021 was $8.803B, a 8.87% increase from 2020.

Like em or hate em, they’re far from dying.

Yes! I just realized when I read this post that over half of my Battlenet friends were added because of the Random Dungeon Finder when we had some cool conversations and saw we were from other realms. So, if anything the RDF has actually promoted social interactions rather than hindered them for me.

The only reason why I ever got frustrated with the RDF was because of ninja looters. Once I had learned that if you /ignore them that you never see them again in your RDF groups I ignored the ninja looters, and I had already ignored the toxics, and got over it. Another way to deal with ninja looters could be putting a little checkbox that disables cross realm group finding near where you select your role.

The other solution would be a compromise I have suggested earlier where some new realms are introduced that have RDF disabled (one for PvP, one for PvE, maybe one for RP/RP-PvP), and give everybody one free non-expirable transfer to one of those realms if they choose. If there is enough people who don’t like RDF to fill those servers, just add more. I am pretty sure though that most people want RDF so only a couple of RDF disabled servers should be enough. This compromise gives the anti-RDF crowd somewhere to go where they don’t have to see people enjoying the game in a way that’s different from their own, and gives people who like RDF their fun dungeon grouping they remember from WotLK back.

Considering that the cheaper solution would be just adding the RDF back in, and putting a checkbox for enable/disable cross realm, it’s probably the solution that would be implemented. In this case, the anti-RDFers can either disable cross realm group finding or just stick with the group finder.


Developers and forum moderators are different people.

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They probably hang out together in the break room, but like most companies they are siloed. My guess is that the DEVs don’t share much with the mods. The forum moderators are trolls by nature. The same type of people do both. It’s probably best that the mods get kept in the dark.

I still haven’t made a single friend yet, oddly enough now that creating a group seems even harder than it did in TBCC (anyone else feel that way?)… I’m losing even more social interaction simply because people are not trying to put a lot of effort in building a group thats currently required.

Oh and by the way…when I do get a group, it’s funny how most of them are in Heirlooms anyway and are just in there for quest items and get out…not much socializing if you ask me.


Don’t necro threads.

Another low post RDF poster to put on ignore, report for spam and mute the thread.

What are you, my dad? The fact you even put attention to my post is already concerning. Make sure to mute everyone else who has an opinion as well.


Ninja looting became more common with cross server, not RDF. they are two different things


Rdf is the first instance of pve cross server interaction…

They happened at the same time.

And neither of them noticeably changed behavior in dungeons.


Someone either got very lucky eith rdf groups or wasnt paying attention if thats how you feel.

Or the reality is most people just want to get in and get the dungeon done and RDF does not change that simple fact.

And since we’re not pretending everyone we pug with is suddenly our BFF there was no major change in attitude in dungeons.